  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
    © Bob Armstrong
    Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
    your intelligent diary in
     if you can think it , it's done
     ` *  i( 1 3 5 7 3 7 11 15 5 11 17 23 3 3 )i ' take 'R `i 70 ' center 'L

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    Merry Christmas
    & related Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice
    May your days be ever longer
    Some Christmas challenges on the FB Minimalist Computing
    Ken Boak  Admin
     Over on the Retrocomputing forum - a Vintage Computing programming challenge to create a Christmas star using the asterix character.

     Too tempting . Had to do it . Here's the CoSy code .  First , as worked thru line by line in ( CoSy workspace file . Requires CoSy . )

    | 8 POINT * STAR | 20221209.1628
    ` * 4 _iota 1+i { take "bl cL 4 _fill } 'R >t0>
    t0 "bl ' cL 'L t0 ' reverse 'm ' cL 'd >t1>
    t1 flip ' ,/ 'm >t2>
    t2 ` * t2 # 2 _take take ' cL 'd t2 ' reverse 'm ' cL 'd >t3>
    t1 "bl 4 _take enc ' braket 'L >t1>
    t1 t3 cL t1 reverse cL >t4>

          *         *    
          **       **    
          ***     ***    
          ****   ****    
          ***** *****    
          ***** *****    
          ****   ****    
          ***     ***    
          **       **    
          *         *    

    And for an encore  :

    t4 enc 6 _take ' cL ./ flip ' ,/ 'm enc 4 _take ' cL ./

         *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *    
         **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **    
         ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***    
         ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****    
         ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****    
     *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************
      *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    ***************** 
       ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************  
        *************        *************        *************        *************        *************        *************   
         ***********          ***********          ***********          ***********          ***********          ***********    
        *************        *************        *************        *************        *************        *************   
       ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************  
      *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    ***************** 
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         ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****    
         ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***    
         **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **    
         *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *    
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         ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***    
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         ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****    
     *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************
      *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    ***************** 
       ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************  
        *************        *************        *************        *************        *************        *************   
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      *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    ***************** 
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         *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *    
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         **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **    
         *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *    
         *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *    
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         ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***    
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         ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****    
     *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************
      *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    ***************** 
       ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************      ***************  
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      *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    *****************    ***************** 
     *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************  *******************
         ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****          ***** *****    
         ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****          ****   ****    
         ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***          ***     ***    
         **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **          **       **    
         *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *    

    I  also made a 1 min vid executing each line :

    It took me a LOT more time than it should have to convert sequence of interactively executed lines above into a parameterized verb in CoSy , But here it is :
    : 8star ( chr size -- star ) 2p> iota 1+i ' take 'R "bl ' cL 'L R@ ' fill 'L
    .. "bl ' cL 'L $ ' reverse 'm ' cL 'd >a> flip ' ,/ 'm o
    .. .. L@ $ # 2 _take take ' cL 'd $ ' reverse 'm ' cL 'd
    a> "bl R@ take enc ' braket 'L >a> $ cL a> reverse cL 2P> ;

    If you count it in terms of words as thoughts , it's 60 something .
    Here is the result of
      ` *!@#$ 6 _iota 1+i ' 8star 'd >t0
      t0  bl?pad  pad flip ' ,/ 'm   | To flip them horizontally

     * *   !   !     @     @       #       #         $         $           *           *     
    *****  !! !!     @@   @@       ##     ##         $$       $$           **         **     
     *** !!!!!!!!!   @@@ @@@       ###   ###         $$$     $$$           ***       ***     
    ***** !!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@    #### ####         $$$$   $$$$           ****     ****     
     * *   !!!!!   @@@@@@@@@@@ #################     $$$$$ $$$$$           *****   *****     
          !!!!!!!   @@@@@@@@@   ############### $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$      ****** ******     
         !!!!!!!!!   @@@@@@@     #############   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *************************
           !! !!    @@@@@@@@@     ###########     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   ***********************
           !   !   @@@@@@@@@@@     #########       $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$     ********************* 
                  @@@@@@@@@@@@@   ###########       $$$$$$$$$$$$$       *******************  
                     @@@ @@@     #############       $$$$$$$$$$$         *****************   
                     @@   @@    ###############     $$$$$$$$$$$$$         ***************    
                     @     @   #################   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$         *************     
                                   #### ####      $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$       ***************    
                                   ###   ###     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$     *****************   
                                   ##     ##    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   *******************  
                                   #       #         $$$$$ $$$$$       ********************* 
                                                     $$$$   $$$$      ***********************
                                                     $$$     $$$     *************************
                                                     $$       $$           ****** ******     
                                                     $         $           *****   *****     
                                                                           ****     ****     
                                                                           ***       ***     
                                                                           **         **     
                                                                           *           *     
    Finally , here's the result of
      ` *!@#$ 5 _i 8star
          *         *    
          *!       !*    
          *!@     @!*    
          *!@#   #@!*    
          *!@#$ $#@!*    
          *!@#$ $#@!*    
          *!@#   #@!*    
          *!@     @!*    
          *!       !*    
          *         *    

    I just made a script file , for ` 8star and any future frivolities .

    CoSy is the simplest most productive programming environment
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    Contact me , Bob Armstrong for a Zoom discussion seeing if CoSy is a fit for you .
    Dive in over the holidays . Deep , but powerful .

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    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top

    I happened to watch Climate Brawl Debate: Tony Heller vs Gerald Kutneyh . I think it's clear Heller presented more substance .  He does need to start naming names and giving the purported reasons by NASA & NOAA for the altering of historic temperature data .

    There are 2 projects I think would be quite worthwhile , perhaps as student projects , likely worthy of presentation at , say , a Heartland conference . Both are at a basic classical macroscopic quantitative physics level .
    • The gray body equilibrium equilibrium around our orbit is ~ 278.6 +- 2.3 from perihelion ~ January 4 to aphelion ~ July 4 . That 4.6 variation is several times larger than the ~ 1.1 degree change claimed since the steam engine .
      Given that both its phase & magnitude are a couple of the most accurately known parameters in this whole arena , they should be very easily detected in the historical data at the undergrad stats level . I've only seen one paper which touches on this at all , and that was about multiple year sub-harmonics , not the simple annual signal .

    • An analysis of the basic classical temperature physics of a radiantly heated semitransparent ball , building up from the simplest case in the tradition of classical quantitative analytical physics . That's pretty much the theme of my work at , tho not well organized . That's the level of my Heartland presentation showing the impossibility of explaining Venus as a spectral filtering effect . Almost all discussion of planetary temperature , even such papers as   Happer & van Wijngaarden start off at a level I'd describe as in the clouds .

      Most fundamentally , the accounting for gravitational ` potential energy is absent from the analysis violating Conservation of Energy .  This trade-off of gravitational and kinetic energy is the cause of the adiabatic ` lapse rate ,  ~ 33c for the Earth , ~400c for Venus , is a function of the mass of the atmosphere independent

      This is still within the advanced undergrad physics/engineering level .
    Anyone interested in either working on , or funding either of these projects , let me know . I would intend to work with students from UCCS . CoSy , being an APL , is capable of expressing a finite element model such as the second item as succinctly as the physics can be expressed .

    " What we will be leaving our grandchildren is not a planet damaged by industrial progress, but a record of unfathomable silliness as well as a landscape degraded by rusting wind farms and decaying solar panel arrays. "
    Richard Lindzen
    The hundred ton concrete & rebar plugs embedded in lands across the land will last those thousands of years .

    Check the Daily Blog for more , and links on these and other topics .

    Coming : premium daily Blog updates : winnowed links to news , commentary & tek
    If you are running CoSy, the Job is downloadable at giving you all the tools for searching , extracting , etc that the CoSy vocabulary provides .

    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.   See online
    § Mon.Jul,20200713 § Wed.Aug,20200812 § Wed.Sep,20200902 § Wed.Sep,20200916 § Wed.Sep,20200930
    § Wed.Oct,20201014 § Wed.Oct,20201028 § Wed.Nov,20201111 § ThanksGiving 2020 § Christmas 2020
    § Wed.Jan,20210113 § Wed.Jan,20210127 § Wed.Feb,20210210 § Wed.Feb,20210224 § Wed.Mar,20210310
    § Wed.Mar,20210324 § Wed.Apr,20210407 § Wed.Apr,20210421 § Wed.May,20210505 § Wed.May,20210519
    § Wed.Jun,20210602 § Wed.Jun,20210616 § Wed.Jun,20210630 § Wed.Jul,20210714 § Wed.Jul,20210728
    § Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special        § Wed.Aug,20210818 § Wed.Sep,20210901 § Wed.Sep,20210915
    § Wed.Sep,20210929 § Wed.Oct,20211013 § Thu.Oct,20211021 § Sun.Oct,20211031 § Sun.Nov,20211114
    § Sun.Nov,20211128 § Sun.Dec,20211212 § Special Wed.Dec,20211222 § Special Wed.Dec,20211229
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    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by me ,
     Bob Armstrong , using 
    CoSy and a wysiwyg editor .

    | BobA | 20221214.1218 |

    Whole CoSy
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    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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