Merry Chrismas 2021

  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
  • © Bob Armstrong
    Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
    your forever intelligent diary in  if you can think it , it's done  language
    Skip to : #4th.CoSy  #PlanetaryTemperature  #misc | >  #discussion < please comment here |
    email me to be added
    Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from this list

    Solstice Holidays Intro Special
     See Sat.Dec,20211218 SV-FIG  Presentation below

    But First , a bit of seasoned CoSy from 2019 :
    Christmas is commonly abbreviated as Xmas . But it's easier to make a Ymas tree ( which is what you really want ) and then flip it :

    In CoSy APL it's just a flip ( ` transpose for tekys ) to make it a true Xmas tree .

    See more at  FORTH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 21st CENTURY 2019120 and  my video : Y&XmasTrees
    Get Up & Running in CoSy
    From Now til New Year's , for first 8 , special intro session : just $40

    As described in last Sunday's Blog , Sun.Dec,20211212 ,
    And presented to SV-FIG last Saturday , as currently modified :

    To participate in CoSy  whether  mainly on the client   financial or the programmer side , the requisite is  getting up  and running in current  CoSy .

    From now until the end of the year ,  I'm holding  intro  download , get it up and  running  Zoom ,  or other agreed recording  screen sharing  medium sessions at mutually agreed times .  I believe that for this most essential interaction  one-one , peer , interaction and permanent  recording is  best .
    Also included is a copy of the *.csy Job file created for our accounting , etc .

    For the first 8 people between now and New Years , I am offering this intro for just $40 .
    7 spots remain .

    Add CoSy to your talents , and your talents to CoSy , The Fresh Paradigm in programming language and interface .

    Email me : to reserve a spot . Mention special interests , eg: accounting , simple DB , mail lists ; or projects : Forth development , translating to other Forths .

    | 20211223.1117 |

    The Code is the Theory
    CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language
    Ask Me Anything

    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top

    The Heartland ICCC14 conference was great and contains a tremendous amount of
     honest information .
    I , of course followed the Science Track .
      Naomi Seibt was the Star of the Conference
    cf: Greta .
    Heartland Pres James Taylor Intro

    Heartland ICCC14 Notes

    #misc #Top

    As this Blog and its support in CoSy evolves , it is taking on a more significant presence . I have now added it to the CoSy front page . If you are running CoSy, the Job is downloadable at giving you all the tools for searching , extracting , etc that the CoSy vocabulary provides .

    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.   See online

    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by me , Bob Armstrong , using  CoSy

    If you simply appreciate this blog , particularly the very considerable work battling " Climate Change " anti-science , all help would be appreciated . I have no institutional support .
    , the PayPal button is below .

    Please post comments here on the Disqus below so they can be seen and discussed by all
    Please email me if you have problems posting . If there is a problem , I want to deal w it .

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    Whole CoSy
    Locations of visitors to this page
    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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