Forth is the Only Truly Open
code .
CoSy is the only APL in Open to the chip Forth
anything from the
everyday business of life to modeling the planet |
We are at war
with Global Statist Leninism . I am Mad as Hell
 We are about to endure the most corrupt government the USA has ever
suffered . Whatever the magnitude of the corruption of the vote , it's
trivial compared to the ~ half the country being either duped or
complicit with the openly criminal anti-reality Leninist Democrat mafia .
I have a friend in NYC , a public school art teacher , whom I feel has good
intentions . But I find it impossible to understand why a red
light didn't go off for every honest New Yorker as soon as the Statists
started calling Trump a racist . Every New Yorker understands you can't
be a mega-builder in the City and give a damn about anything other than
whether the job gets done . And Trump's long friendship with many winners , whatever there other flaws may be , like Don King and Mike Tyson belies the these Lenininst LIES .
this has been followed by the endless costly perjurious abuse not
only Trump and the administration but every HONEST citizen who calls
them out on their insane calumnies .
While they have cheered on the riotous mobs of race baiters , they
subject their populations to virtual house arrest . The best phrase
I've seen for this is anarcho-tyranny .
All the while openly promising , if one understands economics and math and physics , to make everyone but themselves poorer .
I lost several from this mail list including some luminaries in the
APL pantheon , including one who was instrumental in encouraging me to roll my own APL despite my ignorance of how such dynamic systems are done . ( It's like climbing the Himalayas . )
And I received friendly warnings as to how un-politic is the mixing of
politics and product . But I have never denied my rationality . An
aspect of math and physics and real science is that once you understand
something deeply enough to understand it is true , you can't unknow it
. And if you live your life with the computer , particularly in the
most mathematical of languages , APL , statements are either perfect ,
or they don't work . Honesty and truth are unforgiving .
And one of the most pernicious of the falsehoods where the
Leninists have set the stage for the current subjugation of their
populations is , to use Stanley Goldenberg's great phrase ,
AlGoreWarming , now yclept Climate Change . See below at #PlanetaryTemperature .
But , one of the beautiful aspects of capitalism , ie: free and open
markets , is that you do not have to agree with another's philosophy ,
politics or religion , to engage in mutually beneficial
exchanges .
On the other hand , the market , particularly for APL ( Forth most notably satellites )
has always been corporate board level system , most concentrated in
international financial institutions . It is the direct support , as
equals , of such individuals in everyday business which is the highest
value market for CoSy providing a cash flow for the talent to flesh out and polish CoSy
into a world competitive ` app . Given the directness of that
relationship , I have no interest in dealing with those lacking a very
very deep sense of honor . Because the business of CoSy will be conducted in CoSy , most particularly , the accounting .
More on this next time .
SV-FIG_ForthDay | Zooms now up at Forth Day 2020
Before the conference there was a useful email discussion about Brad's planned talk on Forth in C .
The substance is here .
| ======================== |
Sat.Nov,20201121 | ======================== |
10 | SV Forth Day | | 1038 | dead camera . didn't say anything anyway
| Bill Ragsdale demo of Julian Noble's matrix vocabulary .
0. _f i( 3 4 )i take >t0>
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
t0 # t0 #' ,/ ,L
4 4 4
| --
From Me to Everyone: 10:59 AM
My most embarrassing talk was on a panel at an ACM APL conf in Montreal
including a speaker from MATLAB . Particularly Embarassing because Guy
Steele was in the audience .I strongly recommend anyone interested in
these sorts of things study APL and K which have evolved these concepts
over the last 60+ years . One simplification in CoSy is that everything
is a list , and a matrix is a list of equal length lists and modulo
indexing simplifies many expressions .
| 1104 |
A Slightly Different Forth Compiler Design --- Joseph O'Connor .
ref : Martin Tracy Forth book
| Rise Internet connection very bad . missed some important stuff .
| 1547 |
Exponential notation output , eg : -1.0e-1
To add substance to my seriousness of my proposal to Heartland Institute below , I've decided it important to translate the computation from the K in my ICCC9 talk and in into Forth CoSy .
It's really a simple ratio of dot products ; but the dot products are
between spectra most fundamentally Planck's thermal power spectrum
. In K :
{[ l ; T ] ( ( 2 * h * c ^ 2 ) % l ^ 5 ) % ( _exp ( h * c ) % l * boltz * T ) - 1 }
My everyday math uses of CoSy are more about keeping my own accounts -- which are far from needing exponential notation . The floating vocabulary in the Reva Forth CoSy is in can understand -1.e-1 it doesn't know how to output it . This has been a minor irritation , but that ` h is Planck's Constant and is 6.626069e-034 .
It is notable that exponential formatting floating point numbers
becomes more of a hassle than translating the Planck function for
complete spectra and arbitrary temperatures in a form straightforwardly
applicable to voxel maps of planetary atmosphere .
So , exponential output has popped to the top of my irritation driven development stack , and I've been working on it since Sat.Nov,20201121 . Getting down into and . Learning a lot . Haven't gotten down to this x8X level level in a loong time . Never really gotten into the details of little-endian
storage and formatting . Being able to work at this level
is not even possible in any traditional APL . You'd have to wait for
the central committee .
I spent a good bit of the week on digging down into bit and byte level
and developed a fair amount of understanding of methods and vocabulary
to both examine what I was dealing with , eg:
f( 0.0 1.0 -1.0 0.1 1.1 1.0e8 -1.0e-1 3.1415928 )f >t0>
t0 { van _str c>i } 'm >t1> |
t1 { fmtI$ 2 _i ' take 'L blMV } 'm | t1 { fmtI$ ,/ } aaplym
t0 fmtF blpad pad t1 { fmtI$ 2 _i ' take 'L blMV } 'm ' cL 'd
0.0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
1.0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF 3F
-1.0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 FF BF
1.0999 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 8C FF 3F
100000000.0000 00 00 00 00 00 20 BC BE 19 40
3.1415 AA 24 57 56 3F DB FF C9 00 40
While the Reva Forth CoSy
is built in contains short_word 16bit ,
and double 64 bit , fetches and stores as well as the
character byte and word ( cell ) 32b vocabulary , I've never used them
. And a float is essentially a double followed by a short . I
even posted on FB : FORTH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 21st CENTURYa question if anybody knew and had code for Floating exponential output . Bunch of ` likes and even some code which led to some I didn't know I had ( I think I need to revisit it now that I understand more ) . I even went back and forth between using vocabulary which works directly from the x87 floating stack or working with the saved 10 byte representation . I'm going with the latter .
In any case , I haven't totally parsed the thing yet . My lack of clarity on little-endianness
is definitely a factor . But it is also clear that boolean , short and double are at the top of the list of needed types to be added to CoSy -- a fairly straightforward process .
All that I've managed to get solid is
: fsgn_ vbody 9 + c@ %10000000 and 0 >I ; | returns 1 for negative float
t0 { fmtF ,/ } 'm blpad pad t0 { fsgn_ _i fmtI ,/ } 'm ' cL 'd | works
0.0000 0
1.0000 0
-1.0000 1
0.0999 0
1.0999 0
100000000.0000 0
-0.0999 1
3.1415 0
The ongoing work is uploaded at .
FB : FORTH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 21st CENTURY comment : Essence of Forth
Something I instantly saw in
Forth was a unique clarity of understanding of the distinction between
laying down definitions in a dictionary , or
even , unless the processor itself is Forth , laying down core
vocabulary defined in another , eg: chip , language .
: ; & { }
evaluating a sentence written in those
[ ]
ie: run time versus compile time .
I came later to appreciate the to me at first
wasteful use of ( )
to distinguish , from the machine's PoV :
" you talking to me ?
" you just talking to each other "
More FB : Anonymous verbs
Joel , How do you have a ` named anything on the stack ? One thing about working at the CoSy
level is that generally items on the stack are CoSy
lists so a word can ` look-at what is being passed .
, Hmm , Reva Forth doesn't have ' :NONAME , but { } is clearly similar . It is essential to the operations of CoSy
. For instance , I'm still working on implemented exponential output , eg: -1.0e-1 , and yesterday wrote
16 _iota binary fmtI decimal ` 0 swap { cL -4 _fill } 'd
to make a list of all the hex booleans where that { ... } is applied to append a ` 0 to and left fill each of the bools .
A serious limitation at this point is that { ... } are not nestable . I
believe some variants of RetroForth do have nestable ` quotations .
More FB : Reference Counting
One of the reasons I
followed Arthur Whitney into K rather than Iverson & Hui into J
when there was a fork in APL was the the simplicity and transparency of
Arthur's structure . Verbs are simply defined by
{ ... } and associated with a name , eg: plus : { x + y } in
the current dictionary , a pair of associated lists of names and values
. CoSy follows that , but not at the level of Forth definitions . Had
enough to bushwhack figuring out how to implement dynamic lists and APL
, K , vocabulary .
When out at ForthDay 2015 , hanging out at the Bean Scene in Sunnyvale
I happened to be introduced to Ken Thompson and we chatted about an
hour .
He said reference counting was a dated tek compared to heap . I had wished Arthur was there to defend his reference counting .
My course following his was set in a conversation waiting for an
elevator after a small presentation he made at Union Bank of
Switzerland in Manhattan who were funding his creation of K .
Arthur had commented that he never moved anything . By the elevator he
elaborated that he kept an inventory list of empty 2^n byte slots , n
> perhaps 4 , of , well , I think best thought of as addresses
spaces . and when a ref count returned to 0 , freed the slot . I think
, in fact , that simplicity is part of the world class speed of K .
Given the ` crystalline nature of CoSy's lists of lists , anything
other than reference accounting offends my sense of . well , accounting
Sam Falvo got right to the recursive core in his CoSy internals intro , SV-FIG presentation .
Multiple entry points
Bob Armstrong > Greg Jenkins |
A feature I like in Reva is being able to lay down multiple named entry
points to a definition . I use it not just to make things simpler than
using alias , but to create simple variations . Eg:
: _cut _i : cut ( v i -- v ) dup i# >r cut\ r> 1 =if dsc then ;
| cuts string at Idxs , Arthur Whitney's def
| Generally , partitions a list into sublists beginning at indices . discloses if singleton index
Generally CoSy verbs expect CoSy lists as arguments . But words prefixed with ` _ use ' _i to take raw numbers off the stack and convert them to 1 item CoSy
lists . Eg:
s" Freedom is not free " 11 _cut |>| not free
as opposed to
s" Freedom is not free " i( 0 11 )i cut
Freedom is
not free

Certainly the most pervasive deep corruption which has set the
stage for our current battle with seductive statist evil is the AlGoreWarming
anti-science anti-life at the
molecular level criminal malfeasance that the building block of
LIFE is evil .
In the decades in which other branches of applied physics have gone
from landline phones to Zoom on flat HD screen there has been ZERO
convergence on the calculation of the mean temperature of the planet .
Because the effect of CO2 is to green not
warm the planet . The physics fails at a classical highschool level .
Thus there have never been been fundamental quantitative testable
enabling equations presented , nor experimental demonstration of a
trapping of a temperature gradient by spectral filtering -- because the
uniquely equationless paradigm is FALSE
Heartland Institute is holding its 14th International Conference on Climate Change next April .
My theme since I was honored to give a talk at ICCC9 is that ` AlGoreWarming
fails physics an undergraduate if not highschool level . Since that
talk which shows the quantitative absurdity that any spectral filtering
phenomenon can explain Venus's extreme bottom of atmosphere
temperature ~ 400K greater than can be explained by the energy its
orbit receives from the Sun , much less what , being the most
reflective planet , it absorbs .
Since then it has undeniable that the adiabatic pressure ( P = M * T ) gradient seen on all planets and continuing to their cores is the adiabatic , ie: constant total energy , tradeoff of gravitational , potential , energy ( which computes as a negative
) and kinetic , ie: heat . The spectral GHG paradigm denies this basic
Newtonian physics , and thus even Conservation of Energy , and thus has
never presented fundamental enabling equations or experimental
demonstration of the spectral trapping of a temperature gradient .
I aced highshool physics being fortunate to have experienced the excellent PSSC
curriculum . Then I decided trying to figure out how brains work was
more personally interesting and had less competition than trying to
sort out the menagerie into which atoms split . But I ended up needing
the math , and its implementable notation , APL , which is common to
both what has now become the field of AI as well as quantum physics . (
So now my bathroom reading is John Macken : Only SpaceTime . )
The equations are now well enough understood , that while some 19th
century derivations like the Stefan-Boltzman and Planck functions are
upper level undergraduate , the application of the functions -- and
Newton -- are distinctly no higher level than the stuff we learned ,
and experimentally demonstrated to ourselves , in the PSSC course 6
decades ago .
Highschool physics students should be able to calculate the equilibrium
temperature of a billiard ball under a sun lamp -- which is beyond the
ken of all but a few journeyman climate scientists .
Because the field is conducted like a branch of social science rather than the applied physics it fundamentally is .
I want to propose that Heartland , because it will have together at its
conference , at least a dais full of true credentialed physicists ,
work on establishing an indisputable non-optional core of
experimentally testable relevant physics and a curriculum to teach it
at the talented highschool level . Quantitative Experiment trumps
any politician .
FB : Climate Change Battle Royale coment
John Swallow > Joanne Farrell
Why should the future of the people who live in Kaktovik, AK be
dictated by someone who has probably never even set foot in Alaska,
Joanne Farrell, and lives in Rensselaer, New York?
Bob Armstrong > John Swallow
Absolutely ! One of Ron Paul's important notion is ` localism . If I
were to propose a constitutional amendment it would be that people
living in cities with over half a million pop couldn't have a damn
thing to say about how rural people care for the environment which is
their life to them .
The urban feedlot herds , living on concrete , are incredibly ignorant
about how their feed & water troughs stay filled and their stalls
heat & cooled and lighted .
Colorado Springs office park
Anybody who considers that scar of high maintainance , ergo:
, solar panel garden a good tradeoff with the bit of natural park
between all the necessary asphalt violates my sense of ecological
aesthetics .
Any HONEST rational
person seeing these 3 graphs should immediately understand the
global statist demonization of the building block of life is a Leninist
useful idiocy
And this isn't even considering their failure at essentially high
school level physics
- When I was first studying psychology , BF Skinner and conditioning versus Freud was the zeitgeist . I read his books , including Walden Two , and in fact , because his daughter was a student at Western
College for Women when I was at neighboring Miami University in Oxford
Ohio , I got to a fireside chat with him with his daughter at his knee
One of the ` laws he proved with pigeons was the asymmetry between positive and negative conditioning .
This Nanny State mask and lockdown tyranny ( in direct violation of or 1st amendment )
is an example of the power of aversive conditioning . They may , they
do , no better, in fact worse , than a free population each making
their own best judgments for their own and their loved ones ,
unlike positive conditioning where you go back for more , you avoid the
perceived negative and never learn that the stiumlus may not be or no
longer is
real .
| --
`nuff for now .
Zoom by request
BobA | 20201112.0852 |
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