Forth is the only Truly Open
code .
CoSy is the only APL in Open to the chip Forth
anything from the
everyday business of life to modeling the planet |
Please let me know by return mail if you
want to be removed from this list
 I am now on a 43" 4k display ( bottom end Walmart ) with a WAVLINK USB
3.0 to HDMI 4K Adapter . ( These all appear to use the
DisplayLink Chipset DL5500 ) . The total cost is under $250 .
The difference is profound .
Happening to pull up Google Earth , I was so struck by the full screen
USA that I replaced my previous wall paper ( of Pikes Peak out my
window ) with the Google image . In the process , I inevitably created
a view of the map on itself . That reminded me of one of the most
powerful , obvious when you think about it , theorems which struck me
as especially neat when I learned it : the Fixed Point Theorem . Essentially it says that if
you have a continuous map onto a subset of itself , there will exist a point which is the same
on the 2 maps .
So , there is some point on the top map here which is exactly on top of
the same point on the larger map . Can you find it ?
In creating this image I inevitably created the third layer . I think it's clear there is no sort of associativity of the fixed point relationship .
Bill Ragsdale hosted another SV-FIG challenge : calculate π . Here's my email afterwards in response to one by Don Golding :
I spent the `70s in visual psychophysics trying to get an inclining
of how brains work . That led me to learn APL when it arrived
because I could express the high dimensional parallel math . CoSy is
motivated by opening that math to the chip as no C based or any
language other Forth can approach . Neural Differential Equations
is one reference I'd start with .
I wasn't interested in doing π because the really
interesting ( to those interested ( to borrow from James Watson's
comment on Pauling's α
helix ) ; I'm not particularly ) algorithms are those that
generate the endless digits .
But the pizza box approach appealed to me because it's
intrinsically throwing darts in parallel . And it tests various
limits of CoSy . I
had , for instance never implemented a floating rand over
the unit interval . ( The basic algorithm I use is in Reva's library
. A person here , when I described the problem , immediately
pointed out it depends on how good , well bad , the dart
thrower is .
Building on the integer fns in I wrote
: randf $7FFFFFFF _i >a> swap rand a> '
i>f on2 %f ;
10000 _i randf >t0> # |>| 10000 | generate 10k
To do a most basic test of their distribution , I multiplied them by
10 and converted to integers then grouped them and counted them .
t0 10. _f *f f>i grpib ' +/ 'm |
randomization test .
So , doing this a few times shows , at least at this level , the
distribution's not too bad . ( Back using random stimuli in
psychophysics experiments , I spent a lot of time doing s on the random generator used on our
PDP-8 because I could not perceptually believe it was random .
Humans are terrible at evaluating randomness . )
In any case , I encountered several problems in these rarely
exercised vocabularies and will discuss them in this Wednesday's CoSy
blogPost .
My final work is in WorkLog.txt last Tue.Oct,20201027 . Here's the gist :
: Pi fpi _f ; | the x86 native Pi
Pi 4. _f %f fmtF18 ,/ |>| 0.785398163397448309
| Throwing 200,000 darts at a 1 x 1 quarter pizza box . how many are w/i 1.0 of f( 0 0 )f
2000000 _i randf dup *f >t0> 1000000 _take t0 1000000 _cut +f >t1> # |>| 1000000
| generate 200k randoms in unit interval , square them , add the first half to the last half
t1 f1. <f +/ |>| 784865
| count how many are less than 1.0 .
20000000 _i randf dup *f >t0> 10000000 _take t0 10000000 _cut +f >t1> # | bombed
| So I found the limit of CoSy for this task
- |
| I follow . They mentioned a
request for comments concerning Colorado ` Green anti-fossil-fuels legislation
. Colorado is currently totally Democrat (un)controlled : . Below is my initial response . I have also signed up to comment on a Zoom
session on the 23rd . I hope I can do screen shares of some of the
essential physics .
Governor Polis,
et al
My name is Mr. Bob Armstrong and I am from Woodland Park, CO.
CO2 in molar equal marriage with H2O is the building block of LIFE
as every Colorado grade school child should learn .
And thus the 4th molecule per 10k of air we have restored to the
atmosphere is ,
as an 8th grader should come to expect , is awesomely GREENing the
planet .
And the equationless spectral GHG AlGoreWarming climate nonscience is
equationless because it tries to omit the tradeoff of gravitational
and kinetic energy , ie: omit Newton . ( See
Any actions deny denying the testable and tested quantitative truths is
of malfeasance and should be removed from office for that alone .
| 20201023.1011 | My 2 minutes :
Fellow Carbon
creatures :
- Despoiling & Industrializing vast landscapes with
Rube Goldberg economically unsustainable
( and as John Christy says : If it's not economically sustainable , it's
not sustainable )
- You are each 1%2 CARBON because every bite of food you eat is ,
all of which comes from CO2
married with H2O by solar energy
- We are at near geological
starvation levels this gas of life . Thus our 4th molecule of CO2 per
10k of air is awesomely greening the planet
- Your physics is FALSE . I will meet with your
chief physicist to make an open executable model , starting at the high
school physics level working thru , and implementing as we go , the
fundamental testable quantitative physics .
- Practical CO2 emissionless electric power which does not destroy vast landscapes is trivial :
Immersing myself in that gaggle of well paid State apparatchik plus a few outside true believers
was quite an eye opener . My 2 minutes after ~ 2 hours listening to
their choir was virtually the only push back on this lucrative if
destructive -- of both human and ecological welfare -- scam . It can no
longer be claimed that the science is not settled . It is
. It is inexcusable scientific incompetence and malfeasance to claim
that our restoring a bit of the building block of life to the
atmosphere is detectably heating the planet and denying that it is
awesomely greening the planet and increasing agricultural yields .
I'll see what's involved in getting a link for the Zoom .
| --
stumbled upon this reference, which was written in 2013. It might well
be of interest to the academic theoretically minded members. I cite it,
principally because of the valuable reference list, and the
comprehensive review of the thermal hydrodynamic processes in the
atmosphere that affect global mean temperature.
Hermann Harde, "Radiation and Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere: A Comprehensive Approach on a Molecular Basis", International Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 2013, Article ID 503727, 26 pages, 2013.
Interesting detail : Radiation and Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere . Hermann Harde
may have previously bookmarked it . Lot of detail it would be nice to
have the interest to get thru someday . Does work thru the
Schwarzschild differential , which is central . The
fact that it is actually gravity , not an asymmetric radiant phenomenon
which causes planetary temperature gradients is buried in his
conclusion reference to the " lapse rate " which is the adiabatic
balance of gravitational ` potential energy and pressure ( density *
temperature ) . But he makes the wrong conclusion . The higher
temperature will cause higher radiation which slightly red shifts in
the ` upward direction . "An
asymmetry in the up- and downwelling eigen radiation (only from
atmosphere) will be found with a stronger contribution in downward
direction, which is caused by the lapse rate as well as the density
profile over the atmosphere with higher temperature and pressure at
lower atmospheric layers and therefore a higher net downward radiation." I'm
most of all interested in getting that macro scale understood and the
most consequential misconception is that somehow radiation asymmetry
rather than the gravitational >< kinetic maintaining adiabatic
constant total energy explains why and by how much bottoms of
atmospheres are hotter than their tops .
Any HONEST rational
person seeing these 3 graphs should immediately understand the
global statist demonization of the building block of life is a Leninist
useful idiocy
And this isn't even considering their failure at essentially high
school level physics

I just learned that one of the significant
customers of the original APL+PC CoSy
, Wyatt Tee Walker , passed away in 2018 . The Daily Signal posted The Civil Rights Legend Who Opposed Critical Race
Theory . ( See also Reflections on a Fifty-Year Friendship with Wyatt Tee Walker .. )
Dr Walker was pastor of Canaan Baptist Church on 116 St in Harlem . The
connection was made thru Art Crawford who we had as CEO in those early
days . That first PC generation CoSy
was bundled on a Kaypro 2000 and supporting him and his secretary
, Loraine(?) ( who had very long fingernails ( but that's another
story ( about problems of customer phone support ) ) ) on it , I saw
the business side of the Church which had ~ 1600 congregation and
revenue of ~ $750,000 in one the poorest neighborhoods in the country .
Wyatt Tee had been Martin Luther King's Chief of Staff , and was also
one of the heads of Freedom National Bank .
Walker had written Road to Damascus
about his trip organized by Jesse Jackson to retrieve a captured
American flyer , Robert Goodman , from Syria and gave me a copy . I
believe Walker may have been motivated to get his CoSy
by sitting next to Louis Farrakhan on the flight and apparently being
impressed enough by Farrakhan's Brother word-processor that he wanted a
hi tek device of his own .
A powerful aspects of CoSy
in those days was that you could put the cursor on any phone number in
your notes and tap a function key and it would dial it with the modem .
So , connected to your speaker phone , you could tap the speaker phone
, tap the phone number and wait for it to connect . One of the first
tasks Walker did , some personally , but also have his secretary do was
enter all his phone numbers , I remember particularly one of the first
was Jesse Jackson .
A business lesson I learned from Walker was even in a congregation , you've got to contribute to receive .
Loraine came in one day when I was helping Dr Walker learn CoSy
with a issue with some member of the congregation needing help --
health expenses or the like . He apparently was not regular
contributing member , but just someone who showed up occasionally .
Walker asked some details about how much he participated and
contributed and got rather negative responses . Walker said No . No help .
The Church was his business , and he ran it as such . He had compassion , but no freeloading .
Chris Garvy's Halloween Haiku , 1998
I made these cards and handed them out along the Greenwich Village Halloween
Parade route in 2000 in my quixotic run against Jerrold Nadler as a Libertarian
turns out this must have been 2004 , my last year in Manhattan .
I'll have to dig into my old CoSy notes sometime .
In any case, the openly criminal anti-science Leninist Democrat mafia
we face now is far more frightening than anything I contemplated then
Vote to make the Democrats the 3rd Party
| --
`nuff for now .
Zoom by request
BobA | 20201015.0029
Prefer comments on Disqus here on blog page rather
than emails .
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