0th Blog post
Mon.Jul,20200713 (+)

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  • © Bob Armstrong

    Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from this list

    The only APL via K in Open to the Chip Forth ( as opposed to C )
    For the everyday business of life

    I had some comments I thought to post on FaceBook , but then decided it's time to just Blog directly to my mailing list now that my tools are sufficient .  So , this is the first , following on Saturday's 0th Zoom .

    So please , as it says above , let me know if you want to be removed . On the other hand , don't be shy about giving it a 👍 or contributing some much needed $$ .

    While 1 on 1 , the Zoom interaction is perhaps the best yet at showing the everyday simplicity of CoSy while also showing its unmatched openness right down to the chip ( x86 ) code .

    While decades in conception , CoSy is a new generation of computing language and environment .
    Perhaps the best demo yet.
    I plan to start holding Zooms each Saturday . RSVP for the sign-on details for Sat.Jul,20200718.1000-6 .

    Annual CoSy MidSummer Mountain Mela
    is in a few weeks :
    Sat.Aug,20200808.1500 til ...

    If you are in the vicinity of Woodland Park , Teller County Colorado ,
    or want to make it here for an afternoon in the mountains , stop on by
    28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863

    | looked up summer solstice & autumn equinox and did a little calculation :
     20200620 20200922 2_i Daysdif |>| 94

     94 2 / _i |>| 47
     i( 20200620 20200922 )i i( 47 -47 )i Days+ ,/ |>| 20200806
    | So Saturday , the 8th is the closest Saturday |

    | 20200714.1126 |
    Now to what prompted this 0th Blog :

    On 2020-07-12 23:27, David L Jaffe wrote  ( on the SV-FIG ml :
    To which I replied :
    All of us , particularly in the APL world , knew the 68K with its 24 bit address space was the choice at the time . It was the first chip capable of migrating mainframe time-sharing IPSA APL systems down to departmental computers . I downloaded Rochester Gas & Electric's corporate rate case ( model ) to Philip Van Cleave's APL68000 on a Wicat in ~ `82 `83 . These were cabinet sized .  It was on a trip down to Manhattan to check out the machines , that I happened to show the Hello World demo which I still use to Vidal Sassoon who also was there checking them out .

    Shortly there after I got my first ` desktop , the Sage 68K with a half meg of RAM . Still using the HDS APL terminal which had 8 screens of internal memory and was my connection to the Xerox and other mainframes and time sharing ( cloud ) thru a 2400 baud modem .

    There were a score of competing 68K startups . And when InferiorButMarketable came out with their 8088 PC we generally dismissed it -- failing to recognize the importance of the direct screen-processor mapping IBM had copied from the Apples , as opposed to the RS-232 serial link .

    But all of us wiser 68Kers , were just waiting for the Apple Macintosh to storm in and reclaim the market with a sensible processor . The Lisa , of which I only ever saw one in use by a guy down by Wall St , was priced out of the market .

    But then Jobs came out with his disaster of a Mac abandoning the brilliance of the Apple II . He had no conception of the memory requirements of bigger business problems and soldered in  I think a max of 256k . He had a processor capable of linearly addressing |  2. 24. 2_f ^f |>| 16777216. |  bytes , and crippled it . And provided no means for expansion .

    And thus Apple lost that battle , and Jobs eventually his job -- for quite a while .
    And all of us had to learn to live with the 8088 PC -- which Phelps Gates remarkably managed to make a usable APL on for STSC , nee , ScientificTimeSharingCorporation .

    Reading the article in more detail , there is a discussion of Big-Endian versus Little-Endian byte layout .
    It happens I had been thinking about that while trying to get Helmar Wodke's sort vocabulary tamed for CoSy and extended to various types , in particular , lists of strings .  I very rarely get down to the x86 level , but a little searching I found Intel had a byte swap instructionspecifically to switch between the two formats .
    So I implemented it .

    Looking for where I mentioned ` endi in my text log as demoed in Saturday's Zoom , found when I worked on it .  In the augmented notes below you can see what it does . The thought is that swapping the ends , character  cells ( words , 32 bit ) are in numerical order and thus can be sorted at the cell level rather than the character by character byte level .

     | ======================== | Sun.Jun,20200607 | ======================== |
      `( asdf asdg )` >t0> ' c>i 'm
    : bswap asm{ bswap eax } ; | convert x86 little-endian to big so char strings
     ` bswap See  | ??

     ` asdf vbody @ _i ` asdg vbody @ _i  cL fmtI$
     ` asdf vbody @ bswap _i ` asdg vbody @ bswap _i  cL fmtI$
    | can be factored to :
     ` asdf ` asdg { vbody @ bswap _i } on2  cL fmtI$
    | the above could perhaps speed ` strCmpr
      ` asdf ` asdg swap strCmpr

    `nuff for now .  Comment below .

    Bob A

      CoSy is arguably the simplest and hardest programming language 
    Ask Me Anything

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    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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