For MLP SerfCity.US/print
Tongued Criminals
We must be ready to employ trickery,
withholding and concealing truth. We can and must write in a language
which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn, and the like,
towards those who disagree with us. |
Ilyich Lenin
Eastman : Reflections on the Failure of Socialism |
Whatever color you might label his lips ,
Obama's tongue is pure silver . And he displays the chin-up
of his predecessor super-statist orators like Lenin , and FDR and his
contemporaries , Stalin & Hitler . ( His HOPE
poster could be right out of 1984
. ) He was elected to get rid of Bush and the Neocon Rinos ;
to replace the Right's excuses to increase the Domain of Force in our
lives with the Left's . Lenin's quote , which I seem to keep repeating
, certainly applies
to the recent goals and tactics of Obama and his cadre .
While the WDC termites never stop munching , two recent high beam
attacks illuminate concepts discussed in
my Logic of
Liberty columns .
We seem to have the criminal statists
besieged in their provably
fraudulent WAR
on Carbon , the very element of life . But they are already hiring 10s
of thousands of bureaucrats to demand the accounting of each of our
related transactions and collect fines for daring to use our own
judgment .
The would-be neoTyrants have only been contained in their lust to
create a literal dark age of permanent Global State rationed
deprivation based upon anti-life anti-science .
thru starvation at every level - from killing millions by intentionally
increasing the minimal cost of 21st century life , to ( and for the
purpose of ) literally strangling the biosphere they claim to worship
of the gas which is the anabolic half of the respiratory cycle of life .
- Anti-science by the absolutely pathetic understanding
the 100 year old physics on both sides of the debate . Gaining an
understanding of that classic physics at a level which should be
required by anyone having an academic degree in "climate
science" has consumed a painfully expensive amount of my time
over the last several years . My progress is archived in a couple of my
articles .
To me , to understand something is to be able to
compute it
. That has driven me to spend the last 30 years in the most expressive Array Programming Languages
so I can implement that classical physics , with
true spherical geometry , in a handful of sentences . Those few
leave only about 9c of the difference between our temperature and that
of a gray ( flat spectrum ) ball in our orbit unexplained .
Perhaps some ambitious student will add the couple more lines
to handle full spectra , and reduce that "unexplained" to a
couple of degrees at most .
These equations don't permit "runaways" or "tipping
points" of any consequence . Gavin Schmidt at NASA who has a PhD in
applied math assured me that the extreme surface temperature of Venus
being due to "heat trapping" by GreenHouseGases does not violate the
basic fact that heat flows from hot to cold , yet hasn't found time to
send me , or point me to , the at most couple of pages of equations
quantifying the phenomenon .
Humanity cannot allow itself to be ruled by anti-science . The EPA has
now become a criminal organization acting against the very environment
it was created to protect . Failure to quash this cultish fraud is to
face a future of bleak subservience to Illogic backed by Force
. And we have too much of that already .
As Harry Browne
was fond
of quoting : war is the health of the State . When the
State cannot make
enough external enemies to sate its thirst for omnipotence ,
it turns to criminalizing
the normal behavior of its own citizens. Now with ObamaCare ,
the State has criminalized choosing NOT
to buy
State approved medical insurance no matter how rational that decision
might be in some particular situation . They forcibly conflate
charity with insurance because you are not charitable like them .
One would hope that voters could generalize from the provable
criminality of the statists with respect to carbon , and realize these
are not people to cede control any aspect of their personal decisions ,
particularly when it comes to one's own , and one's family's physical
survival . With the fascistification of health care , there
isn't the objective science to incontrovertibly expose the
anti-prosperity fraudulence . One just has lessons of economics and
history . But those alone are overwhelming .
The Federal interference in medical market decisions , and consequent
increases in costs - or outright prohibitions - goes back at least to
the creation of the FDA . Mary Ruwart has written
brilliantly on the subject from the perspective of an insider
. But of more direct consequence for the issue of market distortion in
medical insurance is the corporate tax
benefit for employer sponsored coverage versus individual
family purchased policies . The entire issue of portability of coverage
or whether children can stay on their parents' policy until
age 26 stems from this distortion which dates back to WW2 wage and
price controls .
Prosperity might well be defined as { Product % Person } ,
approximated by measures like GNP
per capita altho what counts , of course , is actual product , not its
value expressed in some currency . Despite politicians' fixation on
"jobs" , it's not jobs which produce prosperity , it's how much
desirable product is produced per job . It would be great if all of us
could work half as much yet still produce all the goods we currently
enjoy . But that's impossible unless we stop the State from forcing on
us products we don't enjoy , and all the costs associated with those
products .
Not all "product" is desirable . For instance military expenditures
create jobs but at best , at a net cost to the nation as a whole . Military
accounts for more than half our deficit . 1984
contemplated perpetual war , but not as just a line item in
the State's budget siphoning just fraction , tho substantial , below
the level of causing outright privation .
So what is it that the Socialists have made Law over more overt
opposition to any Government action since W executed his personal jihad
on the basis of lies ? What is Government's cash cow other than , as
Browne put it "the greatest National Offense in
history" ?
At the bottom of the
endless pile of paper work which characterizes all regulation lies a
gun .
Greenspan : The Assault on Integrity , 1963 .
in Ayn Rand : Capitalism : the Unknown Ideal
PaperWork . The futility of the Left's arrogant attempt to
codify all medical decisions is witnessed by the kilo-page magnitude of
their voted upon outline of detailed regulations to come . The
immediate announcement of the need to hire an additional dozen billion
dollars worth of IRS agents was as inevitable as any law of physics .
And it will have to be matched , by regulation and in self defense by
an equal phalanx of lawyers and accountants on the market side .
The parasites thrive on paperwork . I'm taking the time to write this
polemic from time I need to spend in slave work filling out the
hundreds of byzantine blanks the IRS demands be filled in a couple of
days . Giovanni Coratolo of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce quotes a
figure of a trillion dollars ( $1,000,000,000,000 ) regulatory cost in
the US . That's close to a third of our total product , and therefore ,
time .
But all their imposition of their codified decisions in place of
each of ours dealing with life as it arises is doomed to failure . The
Austrian economists libertarians revere , Ludwig von Mises and his student F. A. Hayek more than a half century ago explained the
Knowledge Problem
, why it is impossible for a central bureaucracy to be as functionally
intelligent and productive as a free market following price signals .
And that is not even considering personal knowledge of counter-parties
and other factors . Local ( not moneyCenter ) banks , like the ones
here in Teller County , CO , complain that frequently federal
regulators won't , in fact , let them loan , or have forced them to
foreclose on loans they know to be solid in the long term .
Why are so many so willing to cede their , and our , freedoms of
choice , particularly to make medical and charitable decisions , to
bureaucratic force based corporatist monopoly ? Well , I've got to
admit it's easier being treated like a child , relieved of the work of
evaluation and planning and the stress of responsibility . But , as the
USSR and numerous other socialist experiments have shown , it is fatal
for a nation's welfare to hobble its adults' freedom to apply their
maximal intelligence to their individual and family decisions .
As I pointed out in Ron
Paul and the End of the Broadcast Age
, the hierarchical center knows best structure imposed by the Statists
is so 20th century "been there , enough of that" in this peer to peer
internet age . The would-be emperors and their sycophant media face
immediate rebuttal from many of us , just as smart , outside their
chains of power and influence .
The free collective
mind of the internet has brought the Global Warming scam to its
Waterloo . Let all who understand the importance of freedom of choice
to the welfare of their posterity amplify their efforts to convey that
understanding to an undeniable majority of our fellow citizens so we
can enjoy our own Moskow Spring casting off the burden of our own
burgeoning apparatchik .
References :
Max Eastman : Reflections
on the Failure of Socialism |
href="" |
Logic of Liberty |
href="" |
provably fraudulent |
href="" |
LoL |
href="" |
Array Programming Language |
href="" |
few lines |
href="" |
Harry Browne |
href="" |
written brilliantly on the subject from the
perspective of an insider | title="The Law
Most Likely to Kill You"
href="" |
corporate tax benefit for employer sponsored
coverage | title="Employer-Sponsored Health
Insurance and the Promise of Health Insurance Reform"
href="" |
href="" |
Ludwig von Mises |
href="" |
F. A. Hayek |
href="" |
the Knowledge Problem |
Ron Paul and the End of the Broadcast Age |
href="" |