CoSy Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
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button , and you are in your forever intelligent diary |
The Horror of the Climate Catastrophe in the Colorado Front Range Today  The actual horror , of course , is the criminal malfeasance of the anti-science Global Statists despoiling vast landscapes with thousands of economically unmaintainable unsustainable Rube Goldberg monstrosities on the existential fraud that the very molecule LIFE is built on is Evil . --- No . They Are
MIT Professor Richard Lindzen : " What we will be leaving our
grandchildren is not a planet damaged by industrial progress, but a
record of unfathomable silliness as well as a landscape degraded by
rusting wind farms and decaying solar panel arrays. "
Box : Wintel minibox w CoSy preloaded &
configured , plus wireless keyboard . It's assumed one has a WiFi or
HDMI connected screen .
MidTerm goal : Sovereign CoSy Webspaces
A personal secure directory , including video capable Website w email programmable by
you ( with the CoSy
community available to trade code & insights ) in CoSy the language .
§ Mon.Jul,20200713
§ Wed.Aug,20200812
§ Wed.Sep,20200902
§ Wed.Sep,20200916
§ Wed.Sep,20200930
§ Wed.Oct,20201014
§ Wed.Oct,20201028
§ Wed.Nov,20201111
§ ThanksGiving 2020
§ Christmas 2020
§ Wed.Jan,20210113
§ Wed.Jan,20210127
§ Wed.Feb,20210210
§ Wed.Feb,20210224
§ Wed.Mar,20210310
§ Wed.Mar,20210324
§ Wed.Apr,20210407
§ Wed.Apr,20210421
§ Wed.May,20210505
§ Wed.May,20210519
#4th.CoSy #Top
The great insight and band-aid from Apollo 11
has made CoSy
far more everyday
usable and reduced the continuing work to understand the structure and
exception handling in Reva Forth into a lessor irritation .
I think one Saturday afternoon working with someone who knows web interfacing ( does it boil down to
get and put thru a socket ?
would accomplish a lot , I really want to get the interface off of IUP
so I only have to deal with my own bugs , and am on the fast
path to offering CoSy
as a web service .
Relevant FB groups I
participate in :
CO2 ,
What Plants are Made of
So so are You
Triggered and steered by starting to read Paul Clark's Why John Tyndall’s Experiment Did NOT prove the Greenhouse Gas Effect I've been reading John Tyndall , 1861 :
The Bakerian Lecture: On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapours,
and on the Physical Connexion of Radiation, Absorption, and Conduction
Author(s): John Tyndall
Source: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 151 (1861), pp. 1-36Published by: The Royal Society
Stable URL:
His working out of potential biases and inaccuracies in his apparatus
are impressive . for instance there was an evacuated chamber before the
4 foot long brass gas sample tube , and after issues with nulling
galvanometers for maximum precision , went to using a 2 ended pair of
thermopiles nulled against a fixed temperature source .
Experiment is the ultimate arbitrator , trumping any politician . It's why I keep pushing the notion of a Ritchie Prize ` YouTube demo of relevant quantitative physics . And a PSSC
quality highschool level experimental physics curriculum . Thus
making militia for rationality out of quantitatively
capable youngsters .
I haven't gotten to his measurments of CO2 yet . But his point of astonishment was with " olefiant gas " .
The tube was now taken away, and both sources of heat allowed to act from some distance on the thermo-electric pile. When the needle was at zero, olefiant gas was allowed to issue from a common argand burner into the air between one of the sources of heat and the pile. The gas was invisible, nothing was seen in the air, but the needle immediately declared its presence, being driven through an arc of 41º . In the four experiments last described, the source of heat was a cube of oil heated to 250º Centi- grade, the compensation cube being filled with boiling water*
Those who like myself have been taught to regard transparent gases as almost perfectly diathermanous, will probably share the astonishiment with which I witnessed the foregoing effects. I was indeed slow to believe it possible that a body so constituted, and so transparent to light as olefiant gas, could be so densely opake to any kind of calorific rays; and to secure myself against error, I made several hundred experiments with this single substance. By citing them at greater length, however, I do not think I could add to the conclusiveness of the proofs just furnished, that the case is one of true calorific absorption t.
olefiant gas turns out to be ethylene , H₂C=CH₂ , which has a hell of a lot more degrees of freedom than CO2 , so I assume has more absorption=emission lines .
In any case , that's Tyndall's essential discovery . But he and
everybody already knew apparently transparent solids like glass
strongly resonated with invisible heat rays . That's why he went to
significant difficulty in using rock salt as the caps on the ends of
his tube .
The overall computation for arbitrary spectra in Arthur Whitney's K is at ,
Translating to CoSy would be a useful exercise for someone needing a motivation to learn CoSy . There's a lot of vocabulary which needs to be fleshed out and scrubbed down in those mathy forms I rarely visit .
#misc #Top
I've for the first time spit out all my real time blog links and comments since the last NL in
This is the timestamped ` text from my CoSy task with some HTML enhancements Note , the HTML copy of the Blog is a
continuing experiment in minimal HTML . I currently have a half dozen lines in
` state to insert the anchors on the day
lines . Next things I'm thinking of doing is constraining the width & word wrapping , and adding a line to wake up all
the http: links .
`nuff for now
BobA | 20210603.0002 |
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service , with a retainer/subscription . But , of course any serious
potential client/partner must find CoSy
understandable and usable as is . Thus a free intro Zoom to work thru
any issues of getting CoSy
up on your machine and assist you working thru some of the basics and
discuss future priorities .
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