
  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
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  • © Bob Armstrong
    Forth is the Only Truly Open code . CoSy is the only APL in Open to the chip Forth
    For anything from the everyday business of life to modeling the planet
    Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from this list
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    There are 3 genders
     `( Male Female Neuter )`

    The emergence of sex is one of the milestones of evolution . Rather counter intuitively  the complex  process of meiosis reduces the probability of reproduction to recoupling with a member of the opposite half species containing the complementary half of the genome .  But its acceleration of the rate of evolution massively overwhelmed the decreased certainty of self-reproduction , and virtually all higher life is binary recombination of 2 half-species .

    As I've noted for years ( more ) :
     Any argument that some fundamental inequality exists between
    our two half species is nonsensical .

    The most brilliant statement of this , on a par with Darwin's
    observations , is Anne Morrow Lindbergh :

    Each sex is the measure of the other .
    Mrs Lindbergh statement is our existential recursion .

    Humans are attractively dimorphic . Women have selected males to do the heavy lifting . Women's attributes are centered around her monopoly of the path to reproduction . ( I don't think I'll ever understand the evolution of high heels . )

    There is no trans . There is only self mutilation and neutering .  I had a ` trans friend back in Manhattan days . Not attractive as a man ; ridiculous as a female . But that was his keep . ` Bobbie was ( is ? ) a programmer . So far as I know nobody cared about anything other than whether he could code .  Same with homosexuals going back to the 1950s . Most people don't care .

    But these sterile life choices are not to be glorified and privileged by the State . They are abnormal .
    They are dead ends .

    There are only 3 genders -- as is the ubiquitous categorization across languages and across millennia .
    As a CoSy word list | `( Male Female Neuter )` | .

    It is important to call it what it is  . Any other contention is an anti-science lie .
    Any sex neutering procedures should be strictly prohibited for anyone under 18 .

    The bolshevik Leninist global statists seek their destructively delusional power thru anti-science .
    The godfather of their destructive anti-science remains the AlGoreWarming demonization of the anabolic half of the respiratory cycle of life : CO2 .

    Overall , their agenda is profoundly anti-life at all levels .

    | BobA | 20210310.1351 |

    Midterm goal :  Sovereign CoSy Webspaces
    a personal secure directory , including website w video , programmable by you & the CoSy community in CoSy the language

    CoSy Box , initially Wintel minibox w CoSy preloaded & configured . 

    Short term : Other heads into CoSy , a fresh & most powerful paradigm in personal computer interaction .
    A task to align those heads .

    #4th.CoSy #Top
    Continuing working to understand the structure and exception handling in Reva Forth .
    I think one Saturday afternoon working with someone who knows web interfacing ( does it boil down to get and put
    thru a socket ? ) would accomplish a lot ,  I really want to get the interface off of IUP so I only have to deal with my own bugs , and am on the fast path to offering 
    CoSy as a web service .

    In a  thread begun by Liwei Chou on FORTH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 21st CENTURY :

    Bob Armstrong > Demitri Peynado
    I've not finished watching : Light Years Ahead | The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer , , but have gotten to the part where stack instructions and vector & matrix operations are implemented on that extremely minimal computer .
    If you are interested in real world uses , and you are impatient , you need the APL level .
    | --

    I finished , and find the lessons remarkably relevant to  CoSy . The first principle addresses why the APL ala K level . Robert Wills goes thru a number of reasons , compactness of code being one , known correctness and robustness being another . Every time someone in a scalar language writes a loop it is a chance for error , versus  invoking an appropriate adverb , operator , at the array language level .

    Arthur Whitney once was asked : could somebody match the speed of K in C . He replied : if they wrote perfect C .

    The comments on restart particularly struck me .

    Preventing and catching exceptions , in an environment where it is trivial  write lines that try to divide by 0 -- or store something there , is a pervasive priority .

    The ultimate level of cold restart made me consider implementing at least that level - particularly now that I have the caret returning to the same line in text where left off - of restart at the DOS level while continuing to work on more nuanced prevention and catching .

    So , I'm experimenting simply having the CoSy@.bat DOS script restart automatically :

    .\bin\reva .\CoSy\CoSy.f %COSYSTARTFILE%
    goto restart

    It's a small step , but another bit of saved time & thought .

    Click  Images to see full size

    SV-FIG Zoom  Sat.Feb,20210227 | Videos :

    I like the distinction between hard Forth , essentially built up from a hardware language , and soft Forth , built on top of a higher level language -- particularly one that has ` solved the problem of dynamic objects . For instance , it is trivial to write a Forth in CoSy .  While I have deep respect for Dr Ting's work , and hope to find time to study his vocabulary in JavaScript , I would be much more interested in seeing JavaScript written in Forth .
    | --

    After the recorded meeting , Kevin Appert introduced a Forth challenge : design a USB thermometer .
    This is the domain of Forth which exemplifies why I have bridged the divide from APL . See

    A little search leads to the Steinhart–Hart equation for the transform from measured resistance and temperature . That's the level where CoSy becomes interested .  I started to implement it .
     steinhart-hart ||
    | T  is the reciprocal of a cubic equation in { R ln }

    I've continued now because it illustrates the current state of CoSy . Given 
     ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/math.f  F>  Eval
      ` dot See
    0063A73C  E8 A7 55 FF FF              call *f
    0063A741  E9 0E 6E FF FF              jmp +/

    I believe
    R coefs   swap lnf f( 0 1 3 )f ^f dot 1%f
    is correct , altho I have no idea what realistic values of R or the coefficients are .
    However , currently f( float float ... )f and the similar i( int int ... )i and `( word word ,,, )` constructions don't work in definitions , ie:
    { swap lnf f( 0 1 3 )f ^f dot 1%f }
    will bomb . And the problem is making embedded reference-counted objects with infinite lives . I've thought of perhaps resorting to the complication of having negatives be infinite and not ` decremented .

    | decided to try  embedding in a width constrained table .
    Did this
    reversal of tags because I'm an odd sort of lazy .
      `( <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> )` >t0>
      t0 { dup dsc ` / cL swap 1 _cut cL  } 'm reverse blMV
    </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

    | Notion doesn't work so far . But I'm working up thru the minimal HTML needed .

    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top

    On FB Destroying the CAGW Hypothesis
    Bob Armstrong
    Global mean temperature is at the level of gas laws in gravitational fields . All the chaos going on within our sphere is at the level of eddies w/i the constraints of the universal parameters and a planet's particular boundary values .

    Going to attend a Comsol webnar on modeling water phases . Thursday . Comsol provides serious physical models , the sort of maths APLs like CoSy evolve from , but Comsol has a vast collection of actual computational models and expertise .  At this point  , CoSy is most suited for someone wanting to implement totally off-the-wall computations .

    See additional accreted comments in .

    Any HONEST rational person seeing these 3 graphs should immediately understand the
    global statist demonization of the building block of life is a Leninist useful idiocy

    And this isn't even considering their failure at essentially high school level physics

    #misc #Top

    Brad Schooley , who was our regimental commander back in Class of `63 at Culver Military Academy maintains a mailing list with many of us .  He recently sent :

    Grave consequences for all if HR-1 becomes law and passes Constitutional muster.

    to which I can add , if there has been any question of the openly criminal mafia intent of today's Democrats -- with scarcely a break in the ranks , it should be dispelled now . It saddens  me that some people I know of good will but shallow thought still back in NYC don't yet see thru the collectivists'  falsehoods .

    | --
     Scroll thru if up in CoSy , or just the text : or , now ,  the HTML , for quite a bit more.

    `nuff for now . 
    Zoom by request

    BobA | 20210311.0803 |

      I offer CoSy as a personal service , with a retainer/subscription . But , of course any serious potential client/partner must find CoSy understandable and usable as is . Thus a free intro Zoom to work thru any issues of getting CoSy up on your machine and assist you working thru some of the basics and discuss future priorities .

    On the other hand , If you just appreciate this blog , the PayPal button is below .

    Join the development discussion Inclusion or simply to support this most powerful language
    Access to Member simple open email list , cc not bcc . + Members archive directory

      CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language 
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    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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