CoSy is the only APL in Open to the chip Forth
anything from the
everyday business of life to modeling the planet |
One of Joe & Kamala's global counter-parties

We have gone from perhaps the most competent recent Presidency to the least competent on the world stage
It's a bizarre twist of history how the USA will get its first female president .
| BobA | 20210324.1454 |
Midterm goal : Sovereign CoSy
Webspaces A personal secure directory , programmable by you ( with the CoSy
community available to trade code & insights ) in CoSy
the language . Including a Website , including email , capable of
video , with CoSy available like eg: PHP as a resource .
Recent interactions have made me realize the potential for a CoSy
Box , initially Wintel minibox w
CoSy preloaded & configured , and a wireless keyboard . It's assumed one has a WiFi connected screen .
This harkens back to the original APL
in the mid `80s which were generally sold bundled on a KayPro 2000
laptop . There are lots of advantages to having a known platform .
Short term : Other heads into CoSy
, a fresh & most powerful paradigm in personal computer interaction
A task to align those heads .
§ Mon.Jul,20200713
§ Wed.Aug,20200812
§ Wed.Sep,20200902
§ Wed.Sep,20200916
§ Wed.Sep,20200930
§ Wed.Oct,20201014
§ Wed.Oct,20201028
§ Wed.Nov,20201111
§ ThanksGiving 2020
§ Christmas 2020
§ Wed.Jan,20210113
§ Wed.Jan,20210127
§ Wed.Feb,20210210
§ Wed.Feb,20210224
§ Wed.Mar,20210310
#4th.CoSy #Top
Continuing working to understand the structure and
exception handling in Reva Forth .
I think one Saturday afternoon working with someone who knows web
interfacing ( does it boil down to get
and put
thru a socket ? )
would accomplish a lot , I really want to get the interface off
of IUP so I only have to
deal with my own bugs , and am on the fast path to offering CoSy as a web
service .
Last post , Wed.Mar,20210310 , I cited Robert Wills's talk on the Apollo moon landing computer . And , i particular their Design principle 3 : Restart on failure .
I posted a small change in the CoSy@.bat file used to start an instance of CoSy on a particular .csy Job file to make it restart on failure all the way out at the DOS level . Fixing one nuance ( see WorkLog , Wed.Mar,20210317 ) jobs now restart automatically about where you were working . There is just kind of a hick-up in what your are doing .
This is a great example of how just a line or two can make significant
changes in usability . So much so , that I will be updating files in , and particularly the whole
file , which has not been updated for more than 6 months , by this
weekend . Email me if you run into problems or have some questions .
This doesn't change my digging into the innards of the Reva Forth CoSy
is built on more deeply than ever before . There are many aspects of
its structure I am only now getting a handle on . I consider it
inevitable that eventually the simple correlated lists structure which enables the APL level of CoSy will pervade the total chip-up structures of the language .
A new FaceBook group , APL Dinosaurs , has been created and I'm an early member .
I had an interesting thread with Morten Kromberg who runs Dyalog APL . The gist gets down to comparing the simple algorithm for determining leap years in their APL :
(0≠.=400 100 4∘.|⊢) year
with CoSy :
i( 400 100 4 )i ' modi 'R { i0 =i ' <>i ./ } 'm
There is some discussion whether the APL is an executable notation and CoSy just a programming language . While there are complexities in the CoSy
for a couple of reasons discussed , I would contend the 2 expressions
are quite comparable -- almost permutable into each other .
But I also strongly contend that the CoSy is overall far simpler to understand because of Forth's simple whitespace delimiting of ` words and RPN syntax -- and because of CoSy's completely open stack plus lists vocabulary far more flexible .
#PlanetaryTemperature #Top
CO2 , What Plants are Made of
Bob Armstrong @ FB : Destroying the CAGW Hypothesis  Global
mean temperature is a matter of boundary conditions . The chaos inside
is continually driven by those boundary conditions . And for either the
whole planet , or in an individual voxel in a finite element map , the
equations are not that complex . There are 2 components : the
electromagnetic and the gravitational . The electromagnetic includes
the radiative and kinetic , ie: the radiative equilibrium . The
adiabatic gravitational >< kinetic gradient explains increased
temperature at the bottoms of atmospheres ( extending on into the solid
planets ) above the radiative balance . Solve , ie: implement the
quantitative equations for , simple static experimentally testable
cases first , before being diverted by complexities . The book is ElectroDynamics but the first 280 pages are statics . Let's see the first 28 pages of a textbook on heat transfer on radiantly heated massive spheres . | 20210316.2301 |
Attended the Comsol
webnar on
" Modeling Moisture Transport, Evaporation and Condensation by Nicolas
Huc mentioned last time . Very impressive . What competent physical
modeling is like . You can even turn on and off gravity depending on
your needs .
I have taken the liberty of uploading the slides . Obviously contact Comsol if you have use for such systems and expertise .
Here's an example slide :
It is an indictment of the anti-science retardation of the AlGoreWarming ,
aka: Climate Change , fundamental equationless , experimental
demonstrationless GreenHouseGas paradigm that no such public open
analytical model exists even for the most simple case : an
asymmetrically irradiated colored ball in a vacuum .
See additional accreted comments in
Any HONEST rational
person seeing these 3 graphs should immediately understand the
global statist demonization of the building block of life is a Leninist
useful idiocy
And this isn't even considering their failure at essentially high
school level physics
#misc #Top
Bob Armstrong | in response to an FB Andrea Michel post
I also got to a small gathering w Vonnegut who is my favorite modern
theologian . Cat's Cradle is the most brilliant modern religious
parable and tale not yet made into a movie -- only now possible w 21st
century CGI .
Sirens of Titan is his other great religious work .
In his presentation to a surprisingly small group at Lake Forest
College in the '60s , he graphed various story lines on a black board .
With Kafka's Metamorphosis , he started with a line near the bottom of the board representing how much the guy's life sucked .
Then the chalk broke in pieces as it crashed off the bottom of the board when the guy turns into a cockroach .
Bob Armstrong > Charlie Aligaen " who happens to be " Filipino American re: the Atlanta message parlor murders :
There was a while I got my hair cut by barber shops on Doyers near Pell in NYC Chinatown . ( Google Street view it . )
Until one day I went up there and found my shop , and several others ,
closed w notices posted saying they had been closed by Giuliani for
services I had no idea they offered .
| --
Scroll thru
if up in CoSy , or just the text
or , now , the HTML ,
quite a bit more. Note , the HTML copy of the Blog is a
continuing experiment in minimal HTML . Look at the source and you will
see it doesn't even have a header . I currently have 6 lines in the ` state script to insert the anchors on the day lines . Next thing I'm thinking of adding a line to wake up all the http: links .
`nuff for now
Zoom by request
BobA | 20210325.0037 |
I offer CoSy
as a personal
service , with a retainer/subscription . But , of course any serious
potential client/partner must find CoSy
understandable and usable as is . Thus a free intro Zoom to work thru
any issues of getting CoSy
up on your machine and assist you working thru some of the basics and
discuss future priorities .
On the other hand , If you just appreciate this blog , the PayPal
button is below .
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the Disqus below so they can be seen and discussed by all
unless they are of a very private
nature .
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