BlogPost née NewsLetter Wed.Oct,20211013
  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
  • © Bob Armstrong
    CoSyBOX Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
    your forever intelligent diary in  if you can think it , it's done  language
    Skip to : #4th.CoSy  #PlanetaryTemperature  #misc | >  #discussion < please comment here |
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    CoSy Becomes usable by Ordinary People

    With KK & Mark Baisley of SlipGlass & our CO Dist 39 Rep exploring the
    future & depth of CoSy , language & enterprise ,
    over a bit of Biryani and Wine


    SV-FIG 20210925 Presentation
    See ~ 11:54 for a description of ultimate target market
    EuroForth 2021 Presentation
    Currently Down
       will repost link when back up
    He who defines the interface defines the market

    Describing the apparent primitiveness of the design of CoSy to an extremely bright guy , I noted that its goal is to be intelligent note paper .

    The only APL , evolved thru K , in open to the chip Forth .

    SV-FIG requested I give a short presentation the next Zoom , Sat.Oct,20211023 answering first 5 points on getting into CoSy . So , let me invite youall here to

    CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language
    Ask Me Anything
    What are your 0th & 1st and 2nd questions

    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top

    Heartland Institute  14th  International Conference on Climate Change next week  | Fri.Oct,20211015 - 17 |
    Caesars Palace

    I'll be giving a short ` Zoom to some of KK's UCCS students Sun.Oct,20211017 afternoon
    on essential temperature physics and economic sustainability

    #misc #Top
    ... with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,
    we mutually pledge to each other
    our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
    This is a time when the anti-reality Bolsevik Leninist Global State is testing our resolve to sacrifice
    even our livelihoods to stand up for our individual freedom to make our own decisions for the welfare
    of ourselves and our families

    As this Blog and its support in CoSy evolves , it is taking on a more significant presence . I have now added it to the CoSy front page . If you are running CoSy, the Job is downloadable at giving you all the tools for searching , extracting , etc that the CoSy vocabulary provides .

    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.  

    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by just me , Bob Armstrong , using  CoSy

    | BobA | 20211014.1103 |

    If you appreciate this blog , particularly the very considerable work battling the " Climate Change " anti-science
    , the PayPal button is below .

    Join the development discussion Inclusion or simply to support this most powerful language
    Access to Member simple open email list , cc not bcc . + Members archive directory

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    Please let me know if you have problems posting

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    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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