  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
  • © Bob Armstrong
    Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
    your forever intelligent diary in  if you can think it , it's done  language
    | Brad Nelson Leap Year ? | raw Forth
    | executed at hardware level .
    : leap? 4 /mod 25 /mod 4 mod 0 = or $ 0 = and ;

     2000 leap?  |>| -1
     2022 leap?  |>| 0

    Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from this list

    Been a while . Somewhat longer than usual
    What makes CoSy a new paradigm in computing language is the implementing of the abstractions of APL , winnowed thru K , in open Forth . Forth is uniquely minimal and open to the underlying hardware . In fact chips have been designed ( and are in satellites ) whose chip language is Forth .  This week's comments are about this ( open ) underpinning of CoSy .

    Edited from comment on FB Minimalist Computing :

    A difference between my ` goal and most here is that I seek a minimal path from the ` silicon end of the spectrum to the ` conceptual expression end . On the ` hardware end Forth-like and even more minimal languages presented here anchor transparently that physical foundation .

    ( I like the notion of single character names for the essential instruction set . I've adopted ` $ as an alias for ` swap , equivalent to the far more complex ` commute , ? , in APL , following a notion here . )

    But on the other end , I Need a conceptually succinct and ` minimal notation to simply tell my machine(s) how to and what I want them to do from my first timestamp in the morning for all the quotidian tasks must do , eg: accounting , or seek to do , eg: making a voxel model of planetary physics .

    For the latter , one inevitably makes general structures which may be far from optimal for some specific task , algorithm . For instance , all ` objects in CoSy simply have a 3 cell header

        `( Type Count ReferenceCount )`

    which permits the factoring of looping into a handful of ` adverbs , in APL : ` operators , which turn often complex idiosyncratic loops into single words taking the address of 1 or 2 lists and a verb to be applied to their items according to simple rules . A Y applying a verb 2 nouns is generic . A list is the simplest ` object structure upon all more complex can be built . This essentially adds ` plurals to the language , and plurals are generic . At the ` Forth level one defines how to ` do a single instance ; the adverbs , how to apply it to entire collections .

    But the total openness is essential so that time critical cases , or mapping to various architectures or collections of processors can be optimized as needed . No other APL level language has this transparency and malleability .
    So there are these 2 poles to simplicity and minimality .

    For me the challenge is constructing a transparent minimal path between them .
    Incidentally I find stack manipulations can be as confusing as others do . So I fleshed out a ` picture vocabulary of operations such as

    : --abba 2dup swap ;

    to minimize my mental effort : .
    I appreciate the openness of this group to this ` macro perspective on ` minimality in addition to the central focus on such things as gate counts which I wish I had more time and mind to dive into .

    January's Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group presentations were impressive .
    Subject: [svfig] SVFIG January 2022 Videos
    Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 14:16:44 -0800
    From: Brad Nelson <>
    Hi All,

    Brad Nelson's tour de force
    Brad's a brilliant programmer .
    His answer to Bill Ragsdale's challenge impressed the hell out of everybody . His solution to the simple question of determining whether a year is a leap year is listed above . It is dissected word by word a , Sat.Jan,20220122 . Other than the simple RPN syntax , the most Forthian word is
    /mod ( a b -- rem quo ) 'forth
    Context: ~
    Source in: src/reva.f
        Divide "a" by "b", place remainder and quotient on stack

    which Brad uses brilliantly . ( Note a tremendous simplification at the user level of CoSy is that all indexing is modulo . )

    But it really was the second part , the parsing of Roman numerals which caused kudos -- because it demonstrates Forth's unique ` factoring of compilation and integration in to the normal interpretation of code . No other language I know of is even in the same city .

    I'm not going to go word by word ( which I've not entirely worked thru ) , but just describe what

    Define the word ' numeral which creates words with a given name and stores its associated value . Then when on of those created words is evaluated , adds its value to the

    Use '  numeral to define a verb for each Roman numeral character which appends its decimal value to the Roman being converted ..

    This is truly out there . For some reason Brad just renames ' no to ' yr .
    But what 'no does is parse the following word , in his example below ` MMXXII out as a string , then work thru it character by character calling ' digit on each character in turn .
    ' digit looks up each letter , which is now a defined word , in the dictionary and executed it .

    Wow !
    Simply at a conceptual level no mass market language can match . And all the definitions right down at the most minimal hardware level .

    The Code is the Theory
    CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language
    Ask Me Anything
    I greatly appreciate feedback on any topic

    Add CoSy to your talents , and your talents to CoSy , The Fresh Paradigm in programming language and interface .

    To participate in CoSy  whether  mainly on the client , financial , or the programmer side , the requisite is  getting up  and running in current  CoSy
    Because the essence is language .

    I'm holding  intro  download , get it up and  running  Zoom , or other agreed recording  screen sharing  medium sessions at mutually agreed times .  I believe that for this most essential interaction  one-one , peer , interaction and permanent  recording is  best . Also included is a copy of the *.csy Job file created for our accounting , etc .

    Email me : to arrange a time . Mention special interests , eg: accounting , simple DB , mail lists ; or special projects ,
    Forth development ( CoSy, because at the APL level , is an extremely powerful environment for code development ) ,
    or  translating and implementing CoSy in other ( your own ) Forths . $70 .

    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top
    I was invited by Energy Citizens to testify at a Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission hearing on increasing the financial reserves for new wells to cover the remediation of abandoned and orphaned wells . Energy Citizens is quite effective and thorough in vetting and preparing speakers thru a series of Zoom meetings .

    While I'm far from having time to dig into actuarially justified financial reserves , the reality of the problem is relatively minor with around 300 wells being an issue . The problem , of course , is countering the political Climate Change anti-science statist cult's determined useful stupidity .

    Here's my 3 minutes Fri.Jan,20220121.0934 :

    I'm Bob Armstrong

    In 2005 I moved from Lower Manhattan to Teller County exchanging the industrial marvel of Roebling's Brooklyn Bridge filling my window for the natural marvel of Pikes Peak .

    It is appropriate that the sources of the energy which power our lives have as small a footprint as possible while productive -- and remediate their environment when no longer economic .

    The concern is , because of the anti-scientific demonization  of  CO2 ,  the molecule all life is built on ,  economically sustainable  high energy density  , organic  ` earth fuels will be subject to excessive politically motivated fees and restrictions . The claim that organic CO2 and CH4 detectably effect global temperature fails physics at an undergrad or even high school AP level . Any politician acting on the basis this falsehood is guilty of scientific malfeasance .

    The problem of orphaned wells appears to be rather minor and generally well reserved . On the other hand , low energy density wind and solar industrialize vast landscapes  virtually by design .
    As John Christy , head of the UAH Earth  Temperature Sensing satellite system says :
    " If it's not economically sustainable , it's not sustainable " .

    Because of vast land requirements , massive reinforced concrete bases which will be in our ground forever , extreme maintenance costs  and short life times ,
    experience around the world is showing that  Wind and Solar are not sustainable .

    As MIT Professor emeritus  Richard Lindzen says :
    " What we will be leaving our grandchildren is not a planet damaged by industrial progress, but a record of unfathomable silliness as well as a landscape degraded by rusting wind farms and decaying solar panel arrays. "

    When setting rules for bonding the efficient earth energies our civilization relies on  for their end of life remediation , there is a far greater need for appropriately reserving the far greater remediation required for the already failing politically driven wind and solar installations despoiling our landscapes from horizon to horizon even when contributing their minor bits to our energy needs .
     ~ 349 words .

    For those with CoSy , my Energy Citizens ` Job ( including notes )  is at

    The Heartland Institute is distributing 100,000 Climate At A Glance (CAAG) booklets to professors and schoolteachers throughout the country.
    Ukraine >< Russia
    Reading and watching a lot about this latest scare , I've wondered what the core issues are . I heard about ` substantive talks but they tended to be all about troop and matériel movements , not the substantive issues between those historically , culturally , genetically and economically entwined regimes .

    So I FaceBook chatted with my APL92 Leningrad , buddy  ( we shared an unforgettable last night of the conference )  Oleg Luksha in Obninsk Russia ,

    I found Oleg's immediate answer : " It's a mystery to me too " most interesting .
    It is like his when I asked him what Russians thought about the whole Trump ` RussiaGate fabrication when that reared itself .
    That was a mystery to him too .

    Mon 10:30 AM
    You sent
    What's the whole thing w Ukraine about ?
    Our News reports `" substantive talks " ,
    but they contain no substance about what what the conflict and demands are .
    How about letting the people living in the region choose whose fist they'd rather live under .

    January 24 at 10:59 AM
    Oleg Luksha
    Oleg Luksha
    It's a mystery to me too. What have Biden and Putin already agreed on

    Mon 1:42 PM
    You sent
    Is anybody in charge in the Ukraine . I have heard nothing from them . All just about them .

    Not sure I understand the question. The president Zelensky is charge I think. Or you mean US side?

    You sent
    It's just all the talk here is about the alignment of troops & EU & NATO deployment . That's the first time I've even heard the name Zelensky .
    I can't imagine they will jeopardize the pipeline .
    Is it about access to Crimea ?

    I will try to find something in english that covers more or less  the picture around current situation to send you. Now the time to sleep here. Sorry Bob

    You sent
    нет проблем

    Tue 1:24 AM
    Why are tensions escalating on the Ukraine border? - BBC News

    Tue 1:04 PM
    You sent
    Interesting you link BBC .
    82% low rating of Putin important data . I wonder how regional that is .

       Simple Truth
      from the Statist Left .

    From Fee .


    As this Blog and its support in CoSy evolves , it is taking on a more significant presence . I have now added it to the CoSy front page . If you are running CoSy, the Job is downloadable at giving you all the tools for searching , extracting , etc that the CoSy vocabulary provides .

    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.   See online
    § Mon.Jul,20200713 § Wed.Aug,20200812 § Wed.Sep,20200902 § Wed.Sep,20200916 § Wed.Sep,20200930
    § Wed.Oct,20201014 § Wed.Oct,20201028 § Wed.Nov,20201111 § ThanksGiving 2020 § Christmas 2020
    § Wed.Jan,20210113 § Wed.Jan,20210127 § Wed.Feb,20210210 § Wed.Feb,20210224 § Wed.Mar,20210310
    § Wed.Mar,20210324 § Wed.Apr,20210407 § Wed.Apr,20210421 § Wed.May,20210505 § Wed.May,20210519
    § Wed.Jun,20210602 § Wed.Jun,20210616 § Wed.Jun,20210630 § Wed.Jul,20210714 § Wed.Jul,20210728
    § Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special        § Wed.Aug,20210818 § Wed.Sep,20210901 § Wed.Sep,20210915
    § Wed.Sep,20210929 § Wed.Oct,20211013 § Thu.Oct,20211021 § Sun.Oct,20211031 § Sun.Nov,20211114
    § Sun.Nov,20211128 § Sun.Dec,20211212 § Special Wed.Dec,20211222 § SpecialWed.Dec,20211229
    § Wed.Jan,20220112

    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by me ,
     Bob Armstrong , using 
    CoSy and a wysiwyg editor .

    | BobA | 20220113.0816 |

    Whole CoSy
    Locations of visitors to
this page
    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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