BlogPost née NewsLetter

  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
  • © Bob Armstrong
    CoSy,BOX Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
    Turn on , tap the CoSy button , and you are in your forever intelligent diary 
    Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from this list

    Beaming   World Carbon Mafia

    Guilty of criminal scientific malfeasance

    | BobA | 20210616.1654 |

    #4th.CoSy #Top

    Sandy Steier of 1010data described K.CoSy , the predecessor of 4th.CoSy , as my ` cockpit . It remains a most apt description . It is my interface to my machine . It is my OS . It is my mental aid . It is my Captain Picard's Log .

    Now , bundling a small but capable WinTel box completes a circle back to the original APL+PC.CoSys which bundled a KayPro 2000 and sold to some extraordinary ordinary people .

    It is turn-on-and-use like a SmartPhone , but linguistic rather than labyrinths of icons and menus . No need to figure out issues of making virus false-alarm  exemptions and downloading files . Just simple or complex sentences in the language the environment itself is written in from the chip to the combinatoric application of verbs ( functions ) to combinatoric sets of nouns ( data ) capable of succinctly modeling a planet . See Hello World comparison for the contrast with traditional programming .

    The Brilliantly obvious Apollo 11 band-aid turns bombs , whether ` ours or yours ( it is trivial to write a line that bombs ) , into blips .

    So  here's the proto product :
    •  a capable WinTel computing box with CoSy ready to go . ( Essentially an x86 Forth is the VM , so transporting to other x86 OSs is a rather short path . )
    • A subdomain ( directory ) on
    I've thought about what the price should be :

     ` $ `( 1000 2000 1500 )` ' cL 'R   s"  ?  " ' cL 'L ,/ 
    $1000 ?  $2000 ?  $1500 ? 

    An old tree topper ( he's felled redwoods ) , Squirrel , suggested $20,000 to each of the 5 smartest people I know .

    I'm going with Squirrel's advice .  It reflects the disruptive nature of CoSy and the provides the cash to support ( fund an apprentice ) a client/partner appropriately with their individual priorities .

    This last weekend , with my friend Karthik Krishna I tested the procedures and issues for Zooms sharing 4K screens . ( The minimal CoSy box supports 2 . ) Of particular interest is the fact that the locally recorded Zoom streams fine from the CoSy WebHost . No need for YouTube .

    I will be setting up ` office-hours next week for anybody who wants to get a better understanding of CoSy and why being a charter client/partner may be one of the most significant decisions for their futures .


    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top

    CO2 , The Source of the Carbon
    making up a full half of your ` mummy

    #misc #Top

    Truly a classic
    We are here to help you
    Ron Paul Classic

    Below is the timestamped ` text from my CoSy task with some HTML enhancements Note , the HTML copy of the Blog is a continuing experiment in minimal HTML . I currently have a half dozen lines in ` state to insert the anchors on the day lines .

    Starting with this NL , I've learned how to embed other HTML files in a script . Thus the scrolling window below --
    which does not work in the email so links to online blog ,
    Next things I'm thinking of doing is constraining the width & word wrapping , and adding a line to wake up all the  http: links .

    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.  

    `nuff for now . 

    BobA | 20210617.1136 |

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      CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language 
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    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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