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/ 20060120 / I have unprotected the member area so if you want to explore K.CoSy , which remains the only interactive development environment for K , be my guest .
K Scripts & Tools
- .CoSy : Verbs and their help and definitions << ESSENTIALLY ALL OF K.CoSy <<
- Arthur's Kriptic Kdoc
Arthur Whitney's console documentation for the 2002 version of K
K.CoSy is written in , perhaps the only APL style workspace IDE ever
written in K itself .
- .CoSy.Fact : dictionary of basic math and physics constants and English to metric conversion factors .
- Basic Search Functions
Arthur Whitney's K is by many measures one of the most powerful programming languages .
K.CoSy turns it into an interactive "NoteComputing" environment .
CoSy "Turn on and Use" Note-Computing Environments
Customized with K.CoSy.Kdb supply Individuals
and Groups who earn their living thru analytical thought
with the most powerful tool for realizing those thoughts on data of any scale .
Already using Kdb ?
You've got to see the immediacy and flexibility of CoSy as your IDE and interface for your most sophisticated End Users . get info |
K.CoSy NoteComputing Newsletter200305
Highest value use :
- Very fast very large scale analytic time series data base development and query .
- Consultant , Analyst , Auditor ,
Venture Capitalist Notebook
- Rapid Quantitative ( particularly Financial ) Modeling
- Project Coordination : Pass folders containing entire notes , financial models , accounts , etc , for projects ,
clients , vendors , etc , as simple ".csd" files to any one else with
a CoSy .
Requisite ablities :
- Remembering function keys .
- Grasping great generalities .
Recent uses :
- Diary / Log with Ledgers
- HTML Preprocessing
- Screen Scraping
, HTML table extraction
- Portfolio Analysis
- Email file pre-examination
If you are in the NYC Metro area , drop me a note
let me give you a demo .
See unmatched power of this lingistic style of computing -- Bob A
" So well done, CoSy has stimulated me into trying to learn K "
Old flat APL CoSy ( blue )
in front of neonatal K.CoSy |
After 17 years living in my CoSy "notecomputing" environment created in
STSC's flat APL+PC , I have since Thanksgiving 2000 created a similar
working and programming environment in Arthur Whitney's K language and
its tightly coupled GUI . ( See )
Already K.CoSy provides an extremely productive workspace like
environment previously impossible in K which is itself one of the most
expressive and perhaps the fastest language yet created .
Among my uses of K.CoSy is the preprocessing of these web
pages with a small vocabulary I have constructed to allow embedding of
arbitrary K expressions in my HTML . ( View the source of this page for a couple of examples of embedded K . )
If you have an interest in exploring K , K.CoSy's open
definitions , interactivity , and memory of every thing you do ,
greatly ease the task .
The only silver lining to the horrendous disk crash I suffered mid June is that reconstructing from scratch , the code is much cleaner and more mature . |
Caution : K and K.CoSy must be considered eXtreme programming environments .
If that appeals to you , prepare to be amazed . If not , K and K.CoSy may be totally inscrutable to you .
( move cursor on pik to see title comment )
| Here is what you see when you click "click to start" opening K.CoSy .
Click .CoSy.text to see the whole contents of the variable `text when you first load the current version K.CoSy .
These should give you a flavor of the open nature of K.CoSy and a glimpse of its broad utility .
Klik to see Help on the defined Keys in `text . |
| |
K.CoSy , being young and developing open code , lends itself to offer by subscription .
SORRY , charter subscriptions have done their job and are a thing of the past . Please contact us directly about integrating CoSy into your business life .
-- Bob A --