Low Down Objects
Presented @ NY/SIGAPL : APLToT98 "APL as a Tool of Thought" #10 .
Stevens Institute , Hoboken, NJ , SAT,980131
Never forgetting Kant`s emphasis on the ' ding an sich ' , what are the most
generic , lowest level objects upon which to found a language from the
silicon up ? Is it possible to construct a system whose only fixed datum in
its address space |(| i N | for some N > 0 |)| is a pointer in
location 0 ?
It`s simplest now days to just clik CoSy.com
to see where I`m coming from and heading . If you don`t have a
computer yourself , every public library should have browsers by now .
See particularly CoSy/Language/Booleans and CoSy/Language/Booleans971222 discussions from
comp.lang.apl and comp.lang.forth . And , of course , This
page ,
cosy.com/language/LowDown.htm .
To quote from CoSy/Language/Ultimate :
Alan Kay , the father of object-oriented SmallTalk , made the comment at a
poorly attended invited address at ( if memory serves ) the APL81 confrence
in Rochester that APL was the first object-oriented language - it is just
that it only had one type of object , the ' array ' , and no vocabulary for
creating others .. . What this misses is that the idea of an array is
pervasive . It is the geometric aspect of the organization of finite
collections .
An address space is a vector , i N , for as large as possible
N , where ' i ' is the index generator , e.g. |(| i 4 |>| 0 1 2 3 |)| .
Like the insights of APL , which have still not been appreciated by the
general computing community , the notion of objects in programming is
decades old . SmallTalk in the `70s was an elegant distillation of this
cluster of concepts relative to which C++ is a distressing regression .
Java finally recognizes that to truly have objects , the system must
automatically manage their mapping to memory address space - which is the
object in which any of these abstractions must be reified .
I summarize Java as having brought the mainstream community up to where
APL was in the mid `70s .
One of Immanual Kant`s big ideas was to not get hung up on the labels
attached to things , but try to see thru to the ' thing in itself '
-- sort of the blindpersons groping an elephant situation .
What is the below :
\BobArmstrong;212.285.1864 X:-732-0244 bob@cosy.com ;Coherent Systems,
Inc/ 42 Peck Slip 4b/ New York NY 10038.1725 ;
Nowdays , We live in HyperTextMarkupLanguage string , and the above String
may be referenced by something like , in my mental ulinga :
|(| String is -1 pik ( '</B>' '<B>' ) WITHIN TEXT ABOVE HERE . |)| .
At this point , we and our machine are talking about the same String .
I also see it as what I call a Notebook_Format_Address_Entry .
I have some verbs to convert whole catinated strings of these to
mailing labels , etc , but have never implemented any input or editing
cover functions .
They are after all , while forming highly parsable heirarchical
data base records , if you will , just TEXT .
I can dive in and edit it as such .
The objects that a verb acts on are its domain . The intersections of
domains of composed functions delimit subclasses .
The ding an sic is glimpsed by the results of the set of verbs which
can be applied to it .
( See : Reality Rules : " Picturing the World in Mathematics : The
Fundamentals " by John L. Casti for a for formal treatment . )
On the machine side , we live in address spaces - strings of memory cells .
On our interface , we live in HTML - strings of characters .
So the generic object is strings of things .
( Feel like a Turing machine ? )
A specially important type ( == class ) of strings is strings of addresses
of strings .
A class that is totally defined by the action applied to it is
ExecutionStrings . If the processor ( == interpreter ) aims its
ExecutionPointer ( == ProgramCounter ) at an address , the contents better
be the start of an executable ( == interpretable ) string .
Forth chips have combined these classes by using the most significant bit
in execution strings to gate whether the remainder of the cell is an
instruction for the processor , xor the address of the head of a string to
execute . If it is a processor instruction , another bit determines whether
, upon completion , to simply increment the ExecutionPointer , or return to
the next cell in the calling string . ( Notice twice the memory is
available for @ ( == fetch ) and ! ( == store ) as for execution . )
This use of the head of a string , in this case the high order bit of the
0th cell of the string , as a symbol of the type of the remainer , strikes
me as a real good idea .
The bits ( = subspaces ) of that head cell are prime real estate .
At this point , we have something beyond the Ding_an_Sic , The Thing has a
label .
It`s type , its class , is |(| Type : Class : { head String } |)| .
An intriguing notion is to to have the Type be the address of the execution
string handling the type .
Seems to me a good idea to put the number of cells of the string in the
next cell , if there is a next cell ( the type of the head may define
itself as a singleton . For instance , the NIL symbol is complete in
itself ) .
On this issue , there is convergence with the m-entry described by
BobBernecky as the traditional APL memory item structure in his
comp.lang.apl posting : Language/APL_Inside
One difference , I want structures that are independent of their location
relative to anything else . Therefore , I don`t want to mix memory
management things like backpointers in the object itself .
Alan Graham in his presentation NY/SigAPL:0
lists as a core idea , that there are only 2 data structures :
Atoms and Collections .
In the context here , that might be said :
Atoms and Strings of addresses of Strings
, i.e. : Strings of pointers , i.e. : vectors of vectors .
This is truly the generic structure whose manipulation ought be optimized .
Note that the APLish vocabulary of , e.g. : take , drop , each , pick ,
etc ; , applies to all conceptual levels of the strings we have discussed .
The answer to the question in the Abstract ?
The Forth chips described above embody the answer . If the leading bit
|(| head bool head AddressSpace |)|
where ` bool ( like #: in J ) converts the view ( = type ) of
its argument to boolean . |)|
is TRUE ( == 1 ) , the rest of the sel is the beginning of an execution
string which must know more about the layout of the space .
See also : Language/APL_Inside comp.lang.apl posting by BobBernecky about the
internal structure of APL .
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|(| DDT |>| MON.JAN,980126,12:45-5 |)|
Pointer vector
Ultimate object : NameSpace .