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  • © Bob Armstrong
    Forth is the Only Truly Open code .
    CoSy is the only APL in Open to the chip Forth
    For anything from the everyday business of life to modeling the planet
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    >>  Get a complementary intro Zoom up to  ` HelloWorld & beyond <<

    Mon.Jul,20200713 § Wed.Aug,20200812 § Wed.Sep,20200902 § Wed.Sep,20200916
    Wed.Sep,20200930 § Wed.Oct,20201014 § Wed.Oct,20201028

    I've heard the advice to not mix your politics w your business . But I care to only do business with honorable people , and I find it inconceivable that anyone with the intelligence and honesty to find CoSy worth the investment , it's deepest purpose being a timestamped log , can have voted for the openly criminal Leninist anarcho-tyrannical Democrat & Global Statist Mafia

    I'll happily cater to the other half of the country and of the planet who seek to honestly deal with reality .

    CoSy is uniquely first person code . It is what I have created as my computional assistant in the  everyday business of life , not bending to somebody else's vision . I , and at some level everybody , have to be a teky to our personal systems , an accountant to the State, a lawyer pro se , and blow our own horns -- or as an equal with professional intermediaries in those specialties .

    This creates a conundrum in that a , perhaps the , core market for CoSy is individual venture capitalists for their own everyday business of life . That can be seen among the customers of the original APL+PCCoSy ,  And that's the market I'm perhaps most interested in because those quodidian tasks are my own inescapable priorities . The vast number of more ` teky tasks for which CoSy is uniquely capable are branches of those tasks .

    So , I plan to offer CoSy as a personal service , with a retainer/subsciption . But , of course any serious potential client/partner must find CoSy understandable and usable as is . Thus a free intro Zoom to work thru any issues of getting CoSy up on your machine and assist you working thru some of the basics .

    On the other hand , If you just appreciate this blog , the PayPal button is below . 

     | BobA 20201112.0852 |

    | ======================== | Mon.Nov,20201102 | ======================== |
    1 Problem, 8 Programming Languages (C++ vs Rust vs Clojure vs Haskell...)
    code_report |
    | ======================== | Mon.Nov,20201109 | ======================== |
    | 0832 | On the 4k screen having tasks startiny up in the i( 0 0 )i corner was irritating
    d1 @ getPos `( sys Tui posXY )` Dv! | Stores current upper left corner for restart

    | 0842 | FB : To create a CoSy webservice , this looks like a fairly short path .
    D05: Ron Murray : Time Travel Debugging and Statistical Distributions
    Interesting to learn Ron's biography & of the Beta family of probability distributions .
    | 1221 |

    FB | Bob Armstrong > James Norris | 20201112.0817 |
    I use a couple of extra stacks : an ` aux stack for general temporaries and a ` lpstack for variables used in the generic loop operators to keep their names out of the way .
    On the ` aux stack vocabulary are some ` a words , eg: >a a> a- , which increment and decrement reference counts on objects -- lists , too . This make it easy to use a 0 reffed variable multiple times in an expression and then release it when normally it would be released by it's first use .


    Comment on NoTricksZone :
     New Study Effectively Eliminates Confidence In Human Attribution For Modern Global Warming
    I find
    "Dr. Gebbie asserts that approximately 15% of modern global warming (ocean) can be attributed to geothermal heat fluxes through the sea floor that “persistently heat the ocean.” "

    interesting because , unlike the atmosphere and the solid Earth the oceans are not at all in the balance between gravitational and heat energy .  The temperature gradient that one sees in both atmosphere and solid planet due to the adiabatic tradeoff of gravitational " potential " and kinetic " thermal " energy is absent on any local scale .

    I think this has to be due to polar-equitorial convection .

    Thus the flow from the sea floor to the bottoms of oceans .

     | ###################################################################### |
     | ======================== | Sat.Oct,20201031 | ======================== |
    Exchange with Roy Spencer & Willis Eschenbach on FB WattsUpWithThat
    I think your comment
    " The "adiabatic" effect ... describes how a parcel of air moving up or down in the atmosphere will CHANGE  in temperature " itself states the fact that it is the exchange of gravitational ` potential and thermal energy that forms the equilibrium gradient . Gravity is what defines ` up and ` down . And what happens to a parcel of air too hot or cold for its position versus the gradient is an obvious illustration of the tradeoff .
    And the same quantitative Law of Gravity applies to every upward or downward oscillation of a molecule even in still air . It is gravity which forms the gradient . And it is only gravitation energy , which computes as a negative wrt kinetic or radiant ( google it if you are not familiar with the fact ) which allows the equations to balance ,
     ie: be adiabatic .
    Oh , and there is NO claim that there is no " greenhouse effect " .  CO2 etc , as a component determining our spectrum as seen from outside does thereby effect our radiative equilibrium .
    But I think it an open question as to in which direction .

    I have yet to see a rebuttal .

    Any HONEST rational person seeing these 3 graphs should immediately understand the
    global statist demonization of the building block of life is a Leninist useful idiocy

    And this isn't even considering their failure at essentially high school level physics

     Ron Arron (  nucleator & main author of Reva Forth CoSy is built in ) :
    The USA held elections on Tuesday. We were told in the run-up to them that there would be a “Biden landslide”; or, by partisans of the other team, a “Trump landslide”. What we got instead is more akin to a thousand-mile backup on the freeway, in the middle of August, with no water and no restrooms in sight, while the gas-gauge hovers on “E”.

    Here ya go . Fashion for the COVID woke .

    | --

    `nuff for now . 
    Zoom by request

    BobA | 20201112.0852 |
    Prefer comments on Disqus here on blog page rather than emails .

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     I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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