
  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
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  • © Bob Armstrong
    Forth is the Only Truly Open code .
    CoSy is the only APL in Open to the chip Forth
    For anything from the everyday business of life to modeling the planet

    Midterm goal :
    Sovereign CoSy Webspaces
        a personal secure directory , including website w video
    programmable by you & the
    CoSy community in CoSy the language

    Kangaroo Court Convenes on the Planet Of The Swamp Apes
    Is it in any way conceivable that everyone in that room has not been tested negative
    and probably vaccinated  for this week's COVID ?

    I got this email from an old highly respected APL friend , and just plain nice guy , who I believe has actually worked on voting systems in various countries .

    | 2021-01-29, 15:28 | Just  catching up on email .

    On 2021-01-28 13:27, Chris Lincoln wrote:
    > Hey Bob!  This time I got two of these.  One is enough.

    Oh !  I checked my list to see I didn't have you under multiple
    I see I redundantly sent my 1st tranche of emails when I thought I hadn't got it right the first time .
    Sorry .

    > On the extremely unlikely chance that by sending these out, you are seeking a critique, I’ll offer one.

    I got to this point and realized I need to do more to emphasize and encourage comments on the
    #discussion widget below . ( The link in emails should also take you there . )  As I say there :

    Please post comments here on the Disqus below so they can be seen and discussed by all
    unless they are of a very private nature .

    And , for decades now , I have had the term :
      I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    at the foot of my web pages , and in my email sig as you can see below to which with more recent experience I have added the line
    Honesty enforced thru Transparency ,

    My faults have always been uncomfortable openness and directness ; not closed communications of any sort .

    The essential purpose of CoSy is to have accurate records of the past , because truth is the ultimate eigenvector thus our reality is that which is true .

    So , please , if you have any questions , comments , corrections or data , please comment on the #discussion on this webpage , or where ever most appropriate

    Now to contents :

    > First, I’ll tell you where I am coming from...
    > I used to think that Democrats were marginally less vile than the Republicans.  Now I think they are considerably less vile, and
    > that’s not because the Democrats improved one bit.  The Republicans have jumped into the abyss. They are winning the race
    > to the bottom.  It’s sad, but I don’t think they will find a way to climb back out. 

    This is a perception I fail to comprehend .  The Democrats are an criminally insane bolshevik Leninits mafia .  They have been since their absurd attack on Trump for Russian collusion .  Four years of utter blatant proven Bull Shit -- perjury .  Adam Schiff is a clinical psychopath .

    And then , in this last year fomenting riots and arson and looting across their cities across the country on the basis of arrogant denials of the brilliant wisdom of Dr King . I could not understand the Left's obsession with race until it metastasized into destruction .

    And now they want to preemptively  bar Trump from running in 2024 for no incitement to  violence comparable to their repeated encouragement and condoning .

    They are a bolshevik Leninist mafia and the total lack of due process and accusations over nothing when their own corruption , including the Biden family and going back to the Clintons , stinks , should scare everyone imagining facing their courts .

    > If I took your screeds seriously, I would be insulted.   But I don’t.  They are full of hyperbole, mischaracterizations, false
    > binaries, and over-generalizations.   You do not appear to be seeking truth, rather you seem to be seeking to support your
    > delusion.  From the view from outside your delusion, it’s a pretty sad picture. 

    My ` screeds are against the destructive so corrupt to the soul global statism and the hive mind which abdicate their individual responsibility to  think to the moral and wiser government employee class .

    This is most deeply a battle between the free individual and the State Collective

    One factor which  made me see the existential depth of this corruption is the anti-science  environmentally destructive ( hard to imagine any more destructive act than abandoning the pipeline ) anti-life on the molecular level demonization of the building block of life , CO2 .  The criminal malfeasance of the PlanetaryTemperature eKoFascists I understand with the certainty of classical quantitative physics .

    > I really don’t expect to have any effect on your belief system, nor on any others of the millions who seem to have jumped off
    > your or similar cliffs.  It’s selfish, but I am  just glad not to be confined to your reality.  May you find a way to be happy.
    > Regards,
    > Chris

    I do hope to break thru your , I will call it urban feedlot reality . It is dangerously anti- physical and biological reality .

    | BobA | 20210211.0845 |

    #4th.CoSy #Top

    Continuing working to understand the structure and exception handling in Reva Forth .
    I think one Saturday afternoon working with someone who knows web interfacing , does it boil down to get and put
    thru a socket ?  ,  I really want to get the interface off of IUP so I only have to deal with my own bugs , and am on the fast path to offering CoSy as a web service .

    I've now gotten my accounting vocabuary and structures to the point I can convert the .csv export file from my clearing bank into a CoSy list of column lists  and  our balances match .

    I've also been working on analysis and editing of HTML , particularly these blogs .  The KompoZer wysiwyg editor I've used for a long time tends to accumulate extraneous tags , eg: <font> ... </font> with no parameters  .  A simple search shows there are 48 such empty ` <font> tags in this script .
    So looking at ways to parse these -- which is clearly on the way to all XML . I worked thru the equivalent of my legacy K.CoSy  nestlevel verb :
    |  nestlevel | K def |   level of nestng given list of start and close interval endpoints
    nestlevel : { +\ ( ,/ ( ^ x ) # 1 -1 ) @ < ,/ x }
    with actually a simpler method , but it's still just a sequence of lines in my notes at Tue.Feb,20210209 in . I have yet to consolidate into a word .

    s" asdf <font> more stuff <font> yet more </font> and finally </font> yea " >t1>

     t1 ` <font ` </font> ,L ' ss 'R >t2>
     i0 t1 # take >t3>
     i1  t3 t2 dsc at!  t3
     i-1 t3 t2 1 _at at! t3
     t3  +\ >t3>
    0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    But that's just a piece of what I need to figure out . However , it's an example of the APL way of thinking .

    Recent email :

    Subject: Re: [svfig] Future meetings...
    Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 12:24:32 -0700
    From: Bob Armstrong <>
    Reply-To: Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group <>
    To: Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group <>, Don Golding <>

    As a challenge , altho I've got my CoSy level one-liner word wrap verb :
    : wrapidxs ( dlimidxs len -- wraps ) 2p> --aab modi ' - _delta 0<i & at 2P> ;
    | Given list of delimiter locations , eg: | str "bl ss | and desired wrap length .
    I'd sill be interested in seeing a Forth looping word-wrap solution .

    | --

    More consequentially , I strongly recommend anyone interested in AI to learn an APL , of which K ( < link to ref manual ) is the most minimal and transparent -- other than CoSy which is simply a vocabulary in Forth .

    For me , there is no competition . The sort of math of AI is why I learned APL > 4 decades ago . Tho my goal was understanding brains , not mimicking them .  Still the ability to express transformations on the patterns on a quarter million optic fibers as simply as one becomes truly a tool of thought .

    Ironically , this mathy stuff is some of the least well fleshed out and exercised in CoSy because quotidian tasks consume my time .  But when a dot product , the most essential of all computations in these fields , and I would argue all of mathematics , is just
    : dot *f +/ ;         | : doti *i +/ ;    | in case you need integer
    It is hard to contemplate a more effective vocabulary -- which has been winnowed over more than half a century and evolved from a profound understanding of traditional matrix and tensor notation .  And being in Forth , is open to continual further evolution as specific tasks and hardware suggest .

    I don't have time for anything this month . And I would far prefer doing even something terribly minimal with someone else on a problem of interest to them .

    But I think a most basic demo would showing Nass & Cooper's 1973 correlational associative memory as simple matrix operations .

    | --

    It would also be interesting to hear someone talk about Julia which seems to be touted for such big data tasks .
    Or , for someone to give an overview and some detail on the various ` tensor chips and other architectures which are coming out ` tuned for these sorts of tasks .

    Bob A

    | --

    On 2021-02-08 04:59, Don Golding wrote:
      I would like to see the group develop words to create AIForth instead of just solving problems which any language could do.

    I found the challenges interesting, however, my mindset today is the "future of Forth."

    Also, I could use a hand in the class I started in the Forth2020 group.

    I want to develop a powerful embedded system Forth system with extension words on top of basic Forth in order to control motors, sensors, etc. for the Maker community our "Target Market."

    As you all know, I believe AI is Forth's future.

    My thoughts,


    Bob A

    Peace thru Freedom
    Honesty enforced thru Transparency ,
    CoSy  The Shortest Path from the Chip to the Math
    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection

    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top

    I believe this is a significant book
     Patrice Poyet |
    | The Rational Climate e-Book | |

    I've just scaned and seen that section
    2.3   4)Temperature results from the Gravitational Lapse Rate .........40
    Recognizes and works thru the equations for adiabatic gravitational >< thermal gradient .

    Working with somebody to express each equation in CoSy would be an extremely useful project .
    Implementing and playing with things is how I learn .

    I will be so bold at to suggest Dr Poyet as a speaker at ICCC14 .

    See a number of additional comments in .

    Any HONEST rational person seeing these 3 graphs should immediately understand the
    global statist demonization of the building block of life is a Leninist useful idiocy

    And this isn't even considering their failure at essentially high school level physics

    #misc #Top
    Travis Pahl
    The rest of the world uses Celsius scale to tell us how hot/cold it is outside.  I have long wished we switched from the antiquated Fahrenheit, but now I realize that was a short sided wish.  Why stop at C when you can go K?  Kelvin baby!!!  Yeah!!!
    Thanks google.

    Me :
    I like Metric . And of all the scales I like centigrade best . And I keep all thermometers here on centigrade . I like 0 being freezing and 100 being boiling ( at sea level -- about 92 here at 2500m ) . And I like the name ` centigrade because it says what the scale is .
    I keep my thermometers here , and websites like,-105.06 on metric .
    And my clocks on 24 hours . And have for years .

    While it is crucial to think in terms of Kelvin for any physical calculation , adding 273.15 to everyday temps just adds noise .
    However , in battling the AlGoreWarming anti-science , it is important to realize that our estimated sea level mean temp of ~ 288K is only ~ 3% warmer than the ~ 278.6 +- 2.3 graybody temperature around our orbit . And the entire variation since the steam engine , about 0.3% . One of my earliest crudest graphs in this battle for rationality accurately puts this most destructive anti-science cult/scam in proper perspective .
    The molecule we are all made of , because every bite of food we eat is , is doing nothing but awesomely Greening the planet .
    | --
    Any votes for Rankine ?
    | --
     See I had a note to mention Short Sale re: Robinhood >< Reddit . The issue of naked shorts was a continual concern back when I was a Wall St bum having learned that if you want to get money from Wall Street you have to hold at least an open bar & buffet .  Looks like the market has found a counter to the corruption which leads to more claimed shares sold than have ever been issued .  The short squeeze has always been around , but the communication to allow coordinated action by small traders ( these are trades , not investments ) is fresh .

    Scroll thru if up in CoSy , or just the text : or , now ,  the HTML , for quite a bit more.

    | --
    `nuff for now . 
    Zoom by request

    BobA | 20210211.0845 |

      I offer CoSy as a personal service , with a retainer/subscription . But , of course any serious potential client/partner must find CoSy understandable and usable as is . Thus a free intro Zoom to work thru any issues of getting CoSy up on your machine and assist you working thru some of the basics and discuss future priorities .

    On the other hand , If you just appreciate this blog , the PayPal button is below .

    Join the development discussion Inclusion or simply to support this most powerful language
    Access to Member simple open email list , cc not bcc . + Members archive directory

      CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language 
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    unless they are of a very private nature .

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    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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