BlogPost née NewsLetter

  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
  • © Bob Armstrong
    CoSyBOX Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
    your forever intelligent diary in  if you can think it , it's done  language
    Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from this list

    was a trending term in the `90s when I got the CoSy URL in 1996 . I definitely felt it . No longer did one need an external publisher to post one's contents to the world . I became undoubtedly the first to publish notes , taken with my CoSy notebook of the times , from Wall Street analyst meetings on the web ( see CoSy/home along left column ) .
    Then " social media " came along as general aggregators . But having one's own webspace continues to provide that sovereign ability to publish .

    Normally reports such as below would be perhaps covered in a local paper , or eventually included as an instance in an autobiography . So in a sense this is a real-time autobio .  For many decades Readers Digest was one of the most widely read magazines in the world . One of those autobio instances was riding down the several minute descent on the massive escalator diving into the  Pionerskaya metro to explore Leningrad in 1992 , noticing someone reading the Russian edition heading up . RD had a column Life in these united states . For those on my mailing list around the world , consider this a current slice . For those here in Colorado and Teller County , consider it a slice and concern .

    I am posting   Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special

    The creed of the criminals I am working to evict
    Poland creed

     | ======================== | Wed.Aug,20210818 | ======================== |
    | 0640 |,20210818.html | 0710 | nap | 0857 |
     ResSvcs | misc | Colin here | 1100 | turned off power to garage | 1245 | nap
     HB refill | 1430 | blog | 1718 | nap | 1845 | msg < Sabrina to photo locks .
     they broke & entered . teller county sheriff dispatch . Destroyed one leg of
     glass table . destroyed Picture in garage . don't know whether managed to get in .
    | sheriff deputies here | 2043 | This really is a story from Hell .
     I violated protection order by locking up anything ! | 2101 |

    This is a true hell .  They burned down legacy structures on the property . I let them run up thousands of dollars on my credit card to get back on their feet . I loaned them the use of my car , and then sold it to them leaving me with none because I seldom used it because I was so intent on developing CoSy , and have and I have never received payment for it .

    When he goes into a rage when requesting to clean out area in the garage to make space for friend Karthik Krishna to crash in , he files suit totally unsupported by documents for work he was never authorized to do around the property .

    He , or his family cut wires to another tenant's cabin and then absurdly claim it was bad wiring . See Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special . Tony Poland is not a licensed electrician .

    When I go into my garage to retrieve a weed whacker owned by another tenant , he goes into a rage when I try to take video and knocks my phone out of my hand and assaults me blooding my nose and lip and causing a floater in my right eye . Tho against a 52 year old I , tho once athletic , as a 76 year old spending all my waking hours sitting at the computer are totally defenseless . He easily grabs my walking stick from me when I try to defend myself  .

    The Sheriff's deputies , despite my bloodied condition and his without , and the one image I managed to take before having my phone knocked from me say either both of us must be charged with assault or neither .

    I still don't recognize the level of evil I am dealing with , I decline . But he goes and files a protection order against me , excluding me from the use of my own property and allowing him , I found out last night , to tear out any security I try to install to protect my property or that of the other tenants  . I spend 853.41 on locks to secure the property in the morning . He tears them out in the evening and when I call the Sheriff's deputies I am threatened with jail .

    Note broken lock and destroyed 1/2 inch thick glass table leg I made in the early '80s

    I had not read the details of the protection order he got imposed on the basis of his LIES by a judge who never questioned any of his claims , nor met me to actually judge the situation . I had assumed the order just meant I must stay away from Tony and his satanic nuclear family . And I had no interest in being in a position to get beaten up by him again . And I apparently have no recourse until September 30 by which time the destruction these avowed satanists may do is unlimited .

    I did not understand the consequence of his using the courts as a cudgel against me with my failure to counter attack . I focus on productive work , bringing CoSy to the point of identifying the best programmers I know both in Silicon Valley and Colorado Springs with interest in its new paradigm of human computer linguistic interface , and can put together initial business funding needs .
     Two orders , particularly the second I was terribly naive to not read

    | BobA | 20210819.0946 |

    #4th.CoSy #Top
    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by just me , Bob Armstrong , using  CoSy

    He who defines the interface defines the market

    Describing the apparent primitiveness of the design of CoSy to an extremely bright guy , I noted that its goal is to be intelligent paper . What you get , most fundamentally , is windows of note paper . With a few function keys defined :

     F1    Help

     F5    Insert  res  at cursor
     F6    CoSy evaluate | requires result to be CoSy object ( list ) or empty stack . save everything first .
    sF6    Eval line under cursor in raw Forth

    cF9    { textwdo @ selected-text? www } | open URL in ` BROWSER

     F11    Insert timestamp ( |hm| ) at cursor .
    save everything first .
    sF11    Insert timestamp ( yyyymmdd.hhmm ) at cursor
     F12    Insert date line ( dayln ) at cursor

    cS    saveText     

    |/\| KeyHelp |/\ |

    There is no separate calendar . But , a couple of keys allow you to make calendar lines and insert timestamps in any work you are doing . And since everything is text , it is all simply searchable for any fragment you may remember .

    & CoSy is my SlideRule . But , of course , incommensurably more capable .

    It is only possible to have such an immediate environment in a language which is focused on the creation of words which work together in simple sentences -- rather than ` programs . That pretty much narrows the field down to APLs and Forth , and their melding , CoSy .

    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top

    Heartland Institute  14th  International Conference on Climate Change  | Fri.Oct,20211015 - 17 |
    Caesars Palace

    50% of your ` mummy weight is carbon
    from CO2 married to H2O by all the Green around you .

    #misc #Top

    Below are the scrollable timestamped  text from my Job .
    They have been have been enhanced by waking up the URLs so they click directly to their link .
    All the ` dayline dates have also been ` anchored so any particular date can be referenced directly , eg: .

    The couple of paragraphs of CoSy to add the HTML to text are below .  They are just sitting in the ` state window in the blog.csy Job as I worked the process out , and I just  F6 , execute , thru them watching that each step is working as expected . I often do this with such things as transforming bank .csv files to CoSy ledger lists ( columnar DB structures ) .

    If I pulled these together into a couple of words , they would be among the longest of any in all of CoSy .
    I challenge anyone to show these transformations in any other language . I expect only APLs , including J and K to be competitive .

    This working thru of problems is a deep motivation for CoSy .

    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.  

    BobA | 20210819.0718 |

    If you just appreciate this blog , particularly the very considerable work battling the " Climate Change " anti-science
    , the PayPal button is below .

    Join the development discussion Inclusion or simply to support this most powerful language
    Access to Member simple open email list , cc not bcc . + Members archive directory

      CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language 
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    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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