Forth is the Only Truly Open
code . CoSy is the only APL in Open to the chip Forth
anything from the
everyday business of life to modeling the planet |
There are 3 genders
`( Male Female Neuter )`
The emergence of sex
is one of the milestones of evolution . Rather counter
intuitively the complex process of meiosis reduces the
probability of reproduction to recoupling with a member of the opposite
half species containing the complementary half of the genome .
But its acceleration of the rate of evolution massively overwhelmed
the decreased certainty of self-reproduction , and virtually all higher
life is binary recombination of 2 half-species .
As I've noted for years
( more ) :
Any argument that some fundamental inequality exists between our two half species is nonsensical .
The most brilliant statement of this , on a par with Darwin's observations , is Anne Morrow Lindbergh : Each sex is the measure of the other .
Mrs Lindbergh statement is our existential recursion .
Humans are attractively dimorphic . Women have selected males to do the
heavy lifting . Women's attributes are centered around her monopoly of
the path to reproduction . ( I don't think I'll ever understand
the evolution of high heels . )
There is no trans . There is
only self mutilation and neutering . I had a ` trans friend back
in Manhattan days . Not attractive as a man ; ridiculous as a female .
But that was his keep . ` Bobbie was ( is ? ) a programmer . So far as
know nobody cared about anything other than whether he could code
. Same with homosexuals going back to the 1950s . Most people
don't care .
But these sterile life choices are not
to be glorified and privileged by the State . They are
abnormal .
They are dead ends .
There are only 3 genders -- as is the ubiquitous categorization across
languages and across millennia .
As a CoSy word list | `(
Male Female Neuter )` | .
It is important to call it what it is . Any other contention is
an anti-science lie .
Any sex neutering procedures should be strictly prohibited for anyone
under 18 .
The bolshevik Leninist global statists seek their destructively
delusional power thru anti-science .
The godfather of their destructive anti-science remains the
AlGoreWarming demonization of the anabolic half of the respiratory
cycle of life : CO2 .
Overall , their agenda is profoundly anti-life
at all levels .
| BobA | 20210310.1351 |
Midterm goal : Sovereign CoSy
a personal secure directory , including website w
video , programmable by you & the CoSy
community in CoSy
the language
Box , initially Wintel minibox w CoSy preloaded &
configured .
Short term : Other heads into CoSy
, a fresh & most powerful paradigm in personal computer interaction
A task to align those heads .
§ Mon.Jul,20200713
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§ Wed.Oct,20201028
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§ ThanksGiving 2020
§ Christmas 2020
§ Wed.Jan,20210113
§ Wed.Jan,20210127
§ Wed.Feb,20210210
§ Wed.Feb,20210224
#4th.CoSy #Top
Continuing working to understand the structure and
exception handling in Reva Forth .
I think one Saturday afternoon working with someone who knows web
interfacing ( does it boil down to get
and put
thru a socket ? )
would accomplish a lot , I really want to get the interface off
of IUP so I only have to
deal with my own bugs , and am on the fast path to offering CoSy as a web
service .
In a thread begun by Liwei Chou on FORTH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 21st CENTURY :
Bob Armstrong >
Demitri Peynado
I've not finished
watching : Light Years Ahead | The 1969 Apollo
Guidance Computer ,
, but have gotten to the part where stack instructions and vector &
matrix operations are implemented on that extremely minimal computer .
If you are
interested in real world uses , and you are impatient , you
need the APL level .
| --
I finished , and find the lessons remarkably relevant to CoSy
. The first principle addresses why
the APL ala K level
. Robert Wills goes thru a number of reasons , compactness of code
being one , known correctness and robustness being another . Every time
someone in a scalar language writes a loop it is a chance
for error , versus invoking an appropriate adverb , operator , at the array language level .
Arthur Whitney once was asked : could somebody match the speed of K in C . He replied : if they wrote perfect C .
The comments on restart
particularly struck me .
Preventing and catching exceptions , in an environment where it is
trivial write lines that try to divide by 0 -- or store something
there , is a pervasive priority .
The ultimate level of cold restart
made me consider implementing at least that level - particularly now
that I have the caret returning to the same line in text
where left off - of restart at the DOS level while continuing to work on more nuanced
prevention and catching .
So , I'm experimenting simply having the CoSy@.bat DOS
script restart automatically :
.\bin\reva .\CoSy\CoSy.f %COSYSTARTFILE%
goto restart
It's a small step , but another bit of saved time & thought .

Click Images to see
full size
SV-FIG Zoom Sat.Feb,20210227 |
Videos :
I like the distinction between hard
Forth , essentially built up from a hardware language , and soft
Forth , built on top of a higher level language -- particularly one
that has ` solved the problem of dynamic objects . For instance , it is
trivial to write a Forth in CoSy
. While I have deep respect for Dr Ting's work , and hope to find
time to study his vocabulary in JavaScript , I would be much more
interested in seeing JavaScript written in Forth .
| --
After the recorded meeting , Kevin Appert introduced a Forth challenge
: design a USB thermometer .
This is the domain of Forth which exemplifies why I have bridged the
divide from APL . See
A little search leads to the Steinhart–Hart equation for the transform from
measured resistance and temperature . That's the level where CoSy becomes
interested . I started to implement it .
| T is the reciprocal of a cubic equation in { R ln }
I've continued now because it illustrates the current state of CoSy .
C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/math.f F> Eval
` dot See
0063A73C E8 A7 55 FF
call *f
0063A741 E9 0E 6E FF
jmp +/
I believe
R coefs swap
lnf f( 0 1 3 )f ^f dot 1%f
is correct , altho I have no idea what realistic values of R or the
coefficients are .
However , currently f( float float ... )f and the similar
i( int int ... )i and `( word word ,,,
)` constructions don't work in definitions , ie:
{ swap lnf f( 0 1 3
)f ^f dot 1%f }
will bomb . And the problem is making embedded reference-counted
objects with infinite lives . I've thought of perhaps resorting
to the complication of having negatives be infinite and not `
decremented .
| decided to
try embedding in a width constrained
table .
Did this reversal
of tags because I'm an odd sort of lazy .
`( <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> )`
t0 { dup dsc ` / cL swap 1 _cut cL } 'm reverse blMV
</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
| Notion doesn't work so far . But I'm working up thru the minimal HTML
needed .
#PlanetaryTemperature #Top
On FB Destroying the CAGW Hypothesis
Bob Armstrong
Global mean temperature is at the level of gas laws in gravitational
fields . All the chaos going on within our sphere is at the level of
eddies w/i the constraints of the universal parameters and a planet's
particular boundary values .
Going to attend a Comsol webnar on
modeling water phases . Thursday . Comsol provides serious physical
models , the sort of maths APLs like CoSy
evolve from , but Comsol has a vast collection of actual computational
models and expertise . At this point , CoSy is most suited for
someone wanting to implement totally off-the-wall computations .
See additional accreted comments in
Any HONEST rational
person seeing these 3 graphs should immediately understand the
global statist demonization of the building block of life is a Leninist
useful idiocy
And this isn't even considering their failure at essentially high
school level physics
#misc #Top
Brad Schooley , who was our regimental commander back in Class of `63
at Culver Military
Academy maintains a mailing list with many of us . He
recently sent :
to which I can add , if there has been any question of the openly
criminal mafia intent of today's Democrats -- with scarcely a break in
the ranks , it should be dispelled now . It saddens me that some
people I know of good will but shallow thought still back in NYC don't
yet see thru the collectivists' falsehoods .
| --
Scroll thru
if up in CoSy , or just the text
or , now , the HTML ,
for quite a bit more.
`nuff for now
Zoom by request
BobA | 20210311.0803 |
I offer CoSy
as a personal
service , with a retainer/subscription . But , of course any serious
potential client/partner must find CoSy
understandable and usable as is . Thus a free intro Zoom to work thru
any issues of getting CoSy
up on your machine and assist you working thru some of the basics and
discuss future priorities .
On the other hand , If you just appreciate this blog , the PayPal
button is below .
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the Disqus below so they can be seen and discussed by all
unless they are of a very private
nature .
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