  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
  • © Bob Armstrong
    Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
    your forever intelligent diary in  if you can think it , it's done  language
     s" Hello World " >t0>
    Hello World

     t0 reverse
     dlroW olleH

    Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from this list

    Powerfully Minimal

    My ` goal is a minimal path from the ` silicon end of the programming spectrum to the ` conceptual expression end . On the ` hardware end Forth-like and even more minimal languages presented here anchor transparently that physical foundation .
    ( I like the notion of single character names for the essential instruction set . I've adopted ` $ as an alias for ` swap , equivalent to the far more complex ` commute , ? , in APL , following a notion here . )

    But on the other end , I Need a conceptually succinct and ` minimal notation to simply tell my machine(s) how to and what to do from my first timestamp in the morning for all the quotidian tasks must do , eg: accounting , or seek to do , eg: making a voxel model of planetary physics .

    For the latter , one inevitably makes general structures which may be far from optimal for some specific task , algorithm . For instance , all ` objects in CoSy simply have a 3 cell header :
        `( Type Count ReferenceCount )` .

    That permits the factoring of looping into a handful of ` adverbs , in APL : ` operators , which turn often complex idiosyncratic loops into single words taking the address of 1 or 2 lists and a verb to be applied to their items according to simple rules . A Y applying a verb to 2 nouns is generic .

    A list is the simplest ` object structure upon all more complex can be built . This essentially adds ` plurals to the language , and plurals are generic .
    At the ` Forth level one defines how to ` do a single instance ; the adverbs , how to apply it to entire collections .

    But the total openness is essential so that time critical cases , or mapping to various architectures or collections of processors can be optimized as needed . No other APL level language has this transparency and malleability .
    So there are these 2 poles to simplicity and minimality .

    For me the challenge is constructing a transparent minimal path between them .
    Incidentally I find stack manipulations can be as confusing as others do . So I fleshed out a ` picture vocabulary of operations such as
     : --abba 2dup swap ;
    to minimize my mental effort :

    I appreciate the openness of this ( Minimalist Computing ) group to this ` macro perspective on ` minimality in addition to the central focus on such things as gate counts and single bit adders which I wish I had more time and mind to dive into .

    NB: The CoSy word , non-blank string , left tick , ` , returns the word after it as a string . I find it useful in ordinary text like this to single out the next word to be taken per se .

    Following up the simple factoring of the year numbers 2021 and 2022 example at the top of Wed.Dec,20211229 , I added the computing of the complementary factors in a New Year's note to SV-FIG : Factoring_in_a_CoSy_NewYear
      i( 2021 2022 )i >a> ' factors 'm .. a> $ ' /i 'd ' ,L 'd
    1 43
    2021 47
    1 2 3 6
    2022 1011 674 337

    I made what I intended to be a couple of minute video working thru the line word by word -- something I want to do on more simple examples to get across fundamentals of CoSyIt ended up going on about 16 unedited rather train of thought minutes , not the succinct quick explanation of a singe line I planned .
    But the other purpose was to test direct streaming from my  PowWeb hosted site . It's not to bad if given time to buffer to start : .  ( It was just an experiment . I welcome feedback on whether the slow pace may actually help .)
    YouTube , et al , are becoming obsolescent will become obsolescent  as hosting by sovereign webspaces as are planed for CoSy mature .

    The Code is the Theory
    CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language
    Ask Me Anything
    I greatly appreciate feedback on any topic

    To participate in CoSy  whether  mainly on the client , financial , or the programmer side , the requisite is  getting up  and running in current  CoSy .  Because the essence is language .

    I'm holding  intro  download , get it up and  running  Zoom , or other agreed recording  screen sharing  medium sessions at mutually agreed times .  I believe that for this most essential interaction  one-one , peer , interaction and permanent  recording is  best . Also included is a copy of the *.csy Job file created for our accounting , etc .

    Add CoSy to your talents , and your talents to CoSy , The Fresh Paradigm in programming language and interface .

    Email me : to arrange a time . Mention special interests , eg: accounting , simple DB , mail lists ; or special projects , Forth development ( CoSy, because at the APL level , is an extremely powerful environment for code development ) , or  translating and implementing CoSy in other ( your own ) Forths . All for just $70 at this time .

    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top

    The Heartland Institute will distribute 100,000 Climate At A Glance (CAAG) booklets to professors and schoolteachers throughout the country.
    #misc #Top
    As this Blog and its support in CoSy evolves , it is taking on a more significant presence . I have now added it to the CoSy front page . If you are running CoSy, the Job is downloadable at giving you all the tools for searching , extracting , etc that the CoSy vocabulary provides .

    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.   See online
    § Mon.Jul,20200713 § Wed.Aug,20200812 § Wed.Sep,20200902 § Wed.Sep,20200916 § Wed.Sep,20200930
    § Wed.Oct,20201014 § Wed.Oct,20201028 § Wed.Nov,20201111 § ThanksGiving 2020 § Christmas 2020
    § Wed.Jan,20210113 § Wed.Jan,20210127 § Wed.Feb,20210210 § Wed.Feb,20210224 § Wed.Mar,20210310
    § Wed.Mar,20210324 § Wed.Apr,20210407 § Wed.Apr,20210421 § Wed.May,20210505 § Wed.May,20210519
    § Wed.Jun,20210602 § Wed.Jun,20210616 § Wed.Jun,20210630 § Wed.Jul,20210714 § Wed.Jul,20210728
    § Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special        § Wed.Aug,20210818 § Wed.Sep,20210901 § Wed.Sep,20210915
    § Wed.Sep,20210929 § Wed.Oct,20211013 § Thu.Oct,20211021 § Sun.Oct,20211031 § Sun.Nov,20211114
    § Sun.Nov,20211128 § Sun.Dec,20211212 § Special Wed.Dec,20211222 § SpecialWed.Dec,20211229

    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by me ,
     Bob Armstrong , using 
    CoSy and a wysiwyg editor .

    | BobA | 20220113.0816 |

    Whole CoSy
    Locations of visitors to
this page
    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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