  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
    © Bob Armstrong
    Extreme Simplicity , Extreme Capability
    your forever intelligent diary in
     if you can think it ,it's done
    | Last and next gas bill ledger entries in CoSy daily log :
     text>  lfVM ` BH con  -2 _take
      (' 20220512.0000 _f ` PSBT ` BH 273.57 _f s" auto " ')
      (' 20220613.0000 _f ` PSBT ` BH 135.67 _f s" auto " ')

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    CoSy is the simplest most productive programming environment
    for ` ordinary people

    Presentations at the recent global Functional Language Conference and SV-FIG comparison with Factor convincingly show the simplicity of use and power of CoSy's enhanced evolved APL ( evolved from array algebra  ) vocabulary for everyday use .

    Central to this simplicity is that the core purpose of CoSy is to be a ` day-planner / log for the everyday business of life , but with any line executable in the language the environment itself is written rather than hierarchies of menus cast by the a programmer elite . ` Programming is simply writing a line which defines a new word . And the language , an open vocabulary in Forth , is profoundly simple . 

    Forth is the minimal language to get from the chip to a dictionary capable of extending itself , and is one of the few , like APL , in which programming is at the level of creating new words which work with each other rather than isolated ` programs .

    I will be holding a CoSy Zoom for tekys & interested potential users
    Sat.May,20220528 @ 1430 MDT , after the SV-FIG Zoom 0930 PDT

    RSVP right away with mention of your particular interest

     See #PlanetaryTemperature below
    Weather is always extreme somewhere
    Robin on Snow on Cactus on 2022_05_21 at CoSy  ` ashram

    8 years ago

    • Updated Code directory including .

      Have completely removed the ` symbol type , a legacy from Whitney's K . While the support for arbitrary types is simple with CoSy 's 3 cell header : `( Type Count RefCount )` , following Morten Kromberg's comment at the MinnowBrook 2011 APL Conference : " What is a symbol other than a string ? " ( my answer was : " a ` blankless string " )the type turned out to be lots of irritating useless complication . A ` symbol is just a ` name , a non-blank character string . And the " left tick " , which I'm toying with calling ` qua , which simple returns the word following as a string is proving extremely simplifying . So much I use it in ordinary writing .

      In the process I did some additional code clean up and put in some checks on the stack being empty along the way in the loading of scripts . Such things are simple in Forth .

    • Cleaning up code and actually reducing its size represents a certain threshold in the development of a system . I think now , following the instructions in DownLoad&start , people should be able to get up and running in the introductory CoSy ` Job .
      ( Let me know if you have problems )

    • CoSy now has a sufficient talented community of interest to take on projects working with individuals on projects , including porting to other Forths , where it's order of magnitude more immediate directness of expression is of value . Contact me with your ideas .

      Bob Armstrong | 20220526.0928 |

    The Code is the Theory
    CoSy is arguably the Simplest and Hardest programming language
    Send me Comments or Ask Me Anything
    I greatly appreciate feedback on any topic

    Add CoSy to your talents , and your talents to CoSy , The Fresh Paradigm in programming language and interface . Details

    #PlanetaryTemperature #Top
    AlGoreWarming , CO Front Range 2022 05 21

    Got down to Denver with Karthik Krishna to an Energy Citizens event with Mike Sommers , President & CEO of the American Petroleum Institute . Karthik asked the crucial question of why such an institution would countenance a Carbon Tax  . Sommers' answer was an admission of defeat -- trying to get a ` best deal within the Swamp's parameters , conceding the the anti-science existential falsehood that the building block of life , CO2 , married to H2O molecule for molecule by photosynthesis , is in some way anything but a boon to the life it enables .

    Right now , the anti-science eKo-fascists are winning . Organic fuel companies , petroleum and coal , make excuses for themselves and engage in boondoggles like the absurd notion of capture -- as if it were feasible  , just locally , to  ` sequester the continuous streams of kilometer long  trains of coal powering the Colorado Front Range , with an O2 molecule attached to each C molecule in those trains .  Bonkers .

    Particularly given the positive externality of the awesome greening of the planet by this bit of additional CO2 when we are bouncing along so close to the minimum required for life .

    This concession to the anti-reality Left has to end . We need leaders with the cojones of a Trump . There can be no concession . We see where that has gotten us .

    " What we will be leaving our grandchildren is not a planet damaged by industrial progress, but a record of unfathomable silliness as well as a landscape degraded by rusting wind farms and decaying solar panel arrays. "
    Richard Lindzen

    The hundred ton concrete & rebar plugs embedded in lands across the land will last those thousands of years .

    The Heartland ICCC14 conference was great and contains a tremendous amount of  honest information 

    Naomi Seibt , the anti- Greta was the Star of the Conference
    Heartland Pres James Taylor Intro  Heartland ICCC14 Notes

    Check the Daily Blog for more , and links on these and other topics .

    Coming : premium daily Blog updates : winnowed links to news , commentary & tek
    As this Blog and its support in CoSy evolves , it is taking on a more significant presence . I have now added it to the CoSy front page . If you are running CoSy, the Job is downloadable at giving you all the tools for searching , extracting , etc that the CoSy vocabulary provides .

    Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.   See online
    § Mon.Jul,20200713 § Wed.Aug,20200812 § Wed.Sep,20200902 § Wed.Sep,20200916 § Wed.Sep,20200930
    § Wed.Oct,20201014 § Wed.Oct,20201028 § Wed.Nov,20201111 § ThanksGiving 2020 § Christmas 2020
    § Wed.Jan,20210113 § Wed.Jan,20210127 § Wed.Feb,20210210 § Wed.Feb,20210224 § Wed.Mar,20210310
    § Wed.Mar,20210324 § Wed.Apr,20210407 § Wed.Apr,20210421 § Wed.May,20210505 § Wed.May,20210519
    § Wed.Jun,20210602 § Wed.Jun,20210616 § Wed.Jun,20210630 § Wed.Jul,20210714 § Wed.Jul,20210728
    § Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special        § Wed.Aug,20210818 § Wed.Sep,20210901 § Wed.Sep,20210915
    § Wed.Sep,20210929 § Wed.Oct,20211013 § Thu.Oct,20211021 § Sun.Oct,20211031 § Sun.Nov,20211114
    § Sun.Nov,20211128 § Sun.Dec,20211212 § Special Wed.Dec,20211222 § SpecialWed.Dec,20211229
    § Wed.Jan,20220112 § Sun.Jan,20220130 § Sun.Feb,20220213 § Sun.Feb,20220227 § Sun.Mar,20220320
    § Wed.Apr,20220420

    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by me ,
     Bob Armstrong , using 
    CoSy and a wysiwyg editor .

    | BobA | 20220526.0929 |

    Whole CoSy
    Locations of visitors to

this page
    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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