
Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from this list

Sat.Aug,20230805.1400 ---
Saturday , August 5 , 2pm til ... whenever

Watching the ` straights on the Pikes Peak 2023 Hillclimb

An afternoon at Altitude
Invite your friends . Bring your kids . 12 interesting acres ( 12. 2.47 2_f %f  |>| 4.86 | hectares ) to wander

Watch the Sugar Addicts up close & personal
Catch some grasshoppers for Sal , the salamander

Visiting CO ?     Camp in the dell by the well

We'll smoke some meat , have a variety of liguids , BYO if you've got something interesting
28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 | Bob Armstrong ; 719-337-2733
Here @ 2500m , if the Sun's out it's warm ; if not , it's not
Note: there's some renovation & upgrading of the property going on .

From Daily Blog Fri.Jul,20230728 

Bob Armstrong
Watching SV-FIG Using Claude AI for CORE I System Verilog code development -- Don Golding -- 2023-07-22 .
Commented there :
As always , very interesting . 
I find the Fast Fourier Transform request extremely interesting . Far simpler than I would have thought . 
 Kevin's comment on avoiding recursion is questionable .  I can understand why it's the ` clean way to express the FFT .   And it's not necessarily return stack consuming .
Reva underlying CoSy has tail recursion conversion to jumps .  Much of the most powerful concepts from APL & K implemented in CoSy are intrinsically recursions on the lists-of-lists objects .
Anybody want to implement complexes in CoSy ?

Jose Morales
I’ve been delving into recursion with a deeper focus, and besides the code’s readability, I’ve discovered that it can offer excellent efficiency at the machine code level. This efficiency primarily arises from tail recursion optimization (TCO) and the alignment of dynamic data structures with recursion.
TCO enables the compiler to create an iterative loop, resulting in fast execution and enhanced CPU performance, as it keeps the data pipeline with no context switching.
In cases involving dynamic data structures like trees, graphs, or linked lists, recursion proves particularly beneficial. The natural recursive nature of these structures complements recursive algorithms, which connects back to the advantages of TCO. Through TCO, we also see improvements in stack usage, reducing the risk of stack overflow and limiting the depth of stack usage for complex data structures.
Apologies for my recursive explanation!

Bob Armstrong Author
Right on !
The ` power of the CoSy vocabulary comes from the data structure being dynamic lists-of-lists and the vocabulary of ` adverbs ( operators in APL ) which do things like apply ` verbs ( functions ) to corresponding leafs of the trees . Here's the code of a couple of the core :

| \/ |  Atomic Apply operators . Apply verb to simple leafs of noun  | \/ |
| see | 20180226 |
:: ( n v -- r )         | : aaplym
   swap 1p
   R@ Type@ 0if  | ." ( BRANCH ) "
      R@ i# cellVecInit >lpstk>        | Res
        i# 0 ?do R@ i i@ L@ ( $.s cr ) aaplym refs+> lpstk@ i i! loop
        1P drop lpstk>        |
    else | ." ( LEAF ) " |
     R@ L@ ( $.s cr ) execute 1P> nip
    then ;
 is aaplym
 :: ( LA RA fn -- r )     | : aaply
   --cab 2p
   R@ Type@ 0if
     L@ Type@ 0if | ." ( BRANCH ) both nested " 
       LR@ longer_ cellVecInit >lpstk>
        i# 0 ?do LR@ i i@i@ 3 SF@ aaply refs+> lpstk@ i i! loop lpstk>
         else | ." ( L LEAF  R NEST ) "
         R@ i# cellVecInit >lpstk>
          i# 0 ?do L@ R@ i i@ 3 SF@ aaply refs+> lpstk@ i i! loop lpstk>
    else ( R LEAF )
        L@ Type@ 0if | ." ( R LEAF L NEST ) "
         L@ i# cellVecInit >lpstk>
          i# 0 ?do L@ i i@ R@ 3 SF@ aaply refs+> lpstk@ i i! loop lpstk>
         else | ." ( both LEAF ) " 
          LR@ 3 SF@ execute
    2P> nip
 is aaply

| 1332 |

Add CoSy to your talents , and your talents to CoSy  , A Fresh Paradigm in programming language and interface .
See αlphas

#PlanetaryPhysics #Top
Most recent activity has been on Facebook & Twitter and linked in  my Daily Blog

From Daily Blog
| Fri.Jul,20230714 |
Exxon Wants In On The Carbon Capture Subsidies
The entire anti-science global statist attack on the molecule Life is built on is political and fragile . Carbon Capture is the most absurd of all the scams . Here in the Front Range it's not possible to drive from Colorado Springs to Denver w/o pass a > km long coal train supplying energy to the Range . Add a molecule of O2 to each atom of C in those trains , & bury it all ? Ridiculous .When all else fails , Reality prevails -- and along with all the other debris , ie: km^2 of W&S contraptions , this will add to the archaeological middens of our age .
Support this work
Get a CO2+H2O=LIFE tee shirt $45
FB Climate Change Debate
Dave Chambers
Actually, that is a good question for Bob Armstrong. Do your equations take into account particle-wave duality?
Not sure the difference in what was taught in the 60s/70s vs. what I might have been taught in the 80s.

Bob Armstrong > Dave Chambers
What the ` hell does that have to do with the issue ? It's macroscopic .

An engineering Heat Transfer course is what's relevant . Sorry I react like that , but it is too typical of going off on irrelevancies rather than the relevant computable testable engineering level ` science .

There are 3 macroscopic forces , and their integrals , energy : electromagnetic , kinetic & gravity .
The radiative equilibrium of a radiantly heated body is , as Kirchhoff , Steward probably others realized by ~ 1850 depended on the ` color , ie: spectrum , of the source and the object . And that crucially absorptivity=emissivity at any wavelength . It was the the effort to understand spectra which led to the quantum physics . See https://cosy.com/y23/Sat.Feb,20230204.html for some essentials .

Spectral phenomena can't ` trap heat . Once absorbed it becomes chaotic thermal , ie: kinetic .

What creates the temperature gradient on massive bodies is the ` adiabatic , ie: no net energy flow , tradeoff of gravitational ` potential and kinetic ` thermal energy manifest in the pressure gradient . That's what causes the perhaps ~ 30K gradient on Earth , ~ 400K on Venus , between our spectrally determined radiative equilibrium and bottom of atmosphere temperature .

The variance due to spectra is very small in comparison , and CO2 based life has thrived thru much greater swings due to changes in solar output and our distance from it .

When all else fails REALITY prevails .

Check the Daily Blog for more , and links on these and other topics .
Coming : premium daily Blog updates : winnowed links to news , commentary & tek
If you are running CoSy, the ` Job is downloadable at https://cosy.com/y23/blog.csy giving you all the tools for searching , extracting , etc that the CoSy vocabulary provides .

Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.   See online

§ Mon.Jul,20200713 § Wed.Aug,20200812 § Wed.Sep,20200902 § Wed.Sep,20200916 § Wed.Sep,20200930
§ Wed.Oct,20201014 § Wed.Oct,20201028 § Wed.Nov,20201111 § ThanksGiving 2020 § Christmas 2020
§ Wed.Jan,20210113 § Wed.Jan,20210127 § Wed.Feb,20210210 § Wed.Feb,20210224 § Wed.Mar,20210310
§ Wed.Mar,20210324 § Wed.Apr,20210407 § Wed.Apr,20210421 § Wed.May,20210505 § Wed.May,20210519
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§ Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special        § Wed.Aug,20210818 § Wed.Sep,20210901 § Wed.Sep,20210915
§ Wed.Sep,20210929 § Wed.Oct,20211013 § Thu.Oct,20211021 § Sun.Oct,20211031 § Sun.Nov,20211114
§ Sun.Nov,20211128 § Sun.Dec,20211212 § Special Wed.Dec,20211222 § Special Wed.Dec,20211229
§ Wed.Jan,20220112 § Sun.Jan,20220130 § Sun.Feb,20220213 § Sun.Feb,20220227 § Sun.Mar,20220320
§ Wed.Apr,20220420 § Wed.May,20220525 § Mon.Jul,20220704 § Sun.Jul,20220731 § Thu.Sep,20220901
§ Wed.Dec,20221214 § Wed.Dec,20221224 § Sat.Feb,20230204 § Mon.May,20230501 § MidSummer_2023

| Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by me ,
 Bob Armstrong , using 
CoSy and a wysiwyg editor .

| BobA | 20230730.1228  |

Whole CoSy
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I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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