In the Begining
Is the Dictionary
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  • © Bob Armstrong

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    Status 20101231
    including comments on
    Slava Pestov's Factor
    Background Older
    Observations on
    Programming Languages
      NewsLetter 0709 : Presenting at APL2007 , Montreal  

    APL2007/OOPSLA conference followup

    Abstract for APL2007 Tutorial , Montreal , Oct 21-23

    Melding Moore and Iverson : An Open Abstracted APL built in Forth for Intel processors .

    The philosophical goal of Charles Moore's FORTH is to define the minimal vocabulary capable of extending itself; Ken Iverson's goal was to define the maximally meaningful notation . The goal of 4th.CoSy is to abstract the structures and syntax of Iverson's APL in modern Forth, free and open down to the Intel ( or future ) primitives, to create a powerful personal computing environment for the everyday business of life.

    Those interested in this tutorial should download the current version of 4th.CoSy and have it with them on a laptop. The tutorial will, thru example,

    Show Forth's very simple :
    • structure : ( dictionary ; dataStack , returnStack ; interpreter )
    • syntax : ( read a word ( delimited by whitespace ) , look it up , interpret it )
    Show the APL and K informed CoSy structures and vocabulary :
    • Everything is either a list ( of pointers ) or something else
    • All objects are allocated and reference counted
    • A dictionary ( including the root R ) is a list of 2 correlated lists :
      • a list of symbols
      • a list of their values
    • Dictionaries also have a third item : a list of attribute dictionaries for the symbols .
    • Indexing is modulo
    • Generally verbs work on on lists . Like K , nested lists are reached thru each and flip
    • Particular interesting APLish verbs and adverbs
    • All objects have a default display , ala K
    • Total environment saved in dictionary , ala APL workspace

    has created perhaps the most powerful executive computing environments in the most advanced Array Programming Languages . Generally I have been the sole user of these environments .

    My focus nowdays is the creation of a truly commercial CoSy build from the FORTH up incorporating all I have learned over the decades about simple powerful transparent structure and language . Browse the evolution and history of CoSy to get a sense of my goal .

    I've gotten enough code working now in Ron Aaron's Reva to present to FORTH programmers for use as a system of dynamic lists with much of the power of a 0th generation APL . See the Reva Forum for discussion of ongoing work and issues and for documentation and downloads of Reva . I often post uploads of CoSy code there , but a current copy is available at the link below . Here are links to current comentary and documentation of :  

    Structural Overview Comments in E o 2005 NewsLetter
    First bit of User Manual
    ( FORTH level)
    CoSy NewsLetter 2006 Summer
    Presenting 4th.CoSy at APL Moot , Surrey
    Reva Vocabulary  
    Other documents and commentary over last couple of years


    Past Tense :
    Quantitative Analytics

    turn your thoughts into computations

    APL Consulting For the most extreme computational tasks , K.CoSy , created in open code in Arthur Whitney`s language K , provides an uniquely productive environment . By its nature , CoSy provides an APL-like workspace environment previously impossible in K which is itself perhaps the fastest and one of the most expressive languages yet created .

    Click K.CoSy for details .

    / Bob A /

    Whole CoSy
    Locations of visitors to this page
     I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711
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