Bob Armstrong
  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
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  • © Bob Armstrong ; 719-337-2733
    Seeking Alphas
    Looking for the Minds to Flesh Out CoSy in All the Directions of Their Interests & Expertise .
    Interested in finding a Free Country in/from which to Teach & Learn and Build Business .

    Bob Armstrong on MotorBoard by Peck Slip : LIBERTARIAN Scoots for Congress
    Born : Evanston IL , 1944 11 08 . Left Handed .
     Father was one of the early hires of McKinsey & Kearny before they split .
    Took AT Kearney international opening up Dusseldorf office in the 1960s .
    K-8 : Elm Place School , Highland Park IL
    8-12 CulverMilitaryAcademy : Culver IN
    SAT scores : ~ 720 each , Verbal and Math .
    Achievement , ( thanks to PSSC ) Physics : 800 .

    '63-'64 : Miami University , Oxford Ohio .
    `64-`65 : Bakers & Confection Worker`s Local 101 ,
    SaraLee , Deerfield IL . Prolific Sheet Metal .
    `65-`66 : Miami University , Oxford Ohio .
    '66-`69 : Northwestern University , Evanston IL . BA ,
    Honors in Psychology , GRE , Psychology : 900 .
    `69-`79 : Northwestern University Graduate School
    `76 : MS, Mathematical Psychophysics, Northwestern University.
    ( A Small Sample statistic more powerful than Fisher`s Exact Test )
    Taught classes on The mathematics of associative memory
    Taught Introductory psychology statistics in both Northwestern's
     night school and summer school . The summer school course might have
    been better titled
    "The geometry of statistics using APL" . I have rather
    extensive handout notes which I wrote for the course .
    The approach
     laid the foundation for understanding
    analysis of variance , ANOVA .

    '79 : Unpublished Dissertation : What Psychophysical Thresholds Tell Us
    See : CoSy/Views/PsychoPhysics Psychophysical experiments can only
    define brain structure down to similarity classes . Ratios of external to
    internal noise determine multi-dimensional Gaussians almost everywhere .

    : Solved Algorithms for minimal paths around N-dimensional Simplices
    and Cubes , in APL . See : CoSy Logo
    1980 : Consultant , Xerox , Rochester , NY .
    Rewrote Xerox's Worldwide, Long-Range Market Forecasting System.
    ( Fast multidimensional numeric relational data base language created in APL )
    : Founded Coherent Systems , Inc . First used CoSy as mailbox
    name on I.P.Sharp APL network .
    `81-`83 : Consulting , Including :
    Rewrote Rochester Gas and Electric's Corporate Modeling System
    used to support rate requests to New York State.
    `84 : Came to New York City to work with Marvin Markowitz on " executive secretary APL app ".
    Created CoSy, an APL Hypertext Notebook for personal information management.
    Customers of 1985 APL+PC.CoSy bundled on a Kaypro 2000 laptop included
    • A Senior Vice President of CitiBank , head of mergers & acquisitions for Latin America .
    • Wyatt Tee Walker , Pastor of Canaan Baptist Church , founder of Freedom National Bank , served as
      Chief of Staff to Martin Luther King and to Jessie Jackson.
    • A Senior Partner at Spicer & Oppenheim, a major international accounting firm.
    • An Emmy winning owner of a TV advertising agency .
    • The head of Fila Sportsware Brazil.
    • Gary Venter , One of foremost actuaries in North America.
    Oil by Linda Motteler for APL conference booths Also : Rick Trice , Art Crawford , Linwood Bailey , Wilfred Thomas and Linda Motteler who created this 4' square oil with APL symbols I remember particularly using for the booth we had at APL'87 in Dallas .

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    In 2000-2001 , I moved from my circa 1984 APL+PC based CoSy into a new environment , K.CoSy , constructed in Arthur Whitney's K language which I consider the evolute of APL which has best implemented my own notions of structural transparency ( see Language/LowDownObjects ) plus many features I never imagined .

    However , immutable syntax and interests very divergent from the Whitneys led me in 2005 to start constructing my own APL informed system from the Forth up .

    The APL family languages are mathematically based notations whose major market is high level financial systems . The Forth family languages are minimal extensible kernel dictionaries below which is only the language of the silicon . See Open Language from the Chip to the Math .

    Now , a decade later 4th.CoSy is actively  Seeking Alphas ( was ) with the abilities and responsibilities to find  4th.CoSy useful .  I have given a series of presentations and progress reports to the Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group both at their Annual Forth Days at Stanford , and remotely from Woodland Park , CO . See . See also my presentation at EuroForth 2017 in Vienna .

    In August 2002 , motivated by the experience of 20010911 , I had a vision for an extremely strong , symmetric structure appropriate for creating the tallest and strongest of life spaces . I computed the "part list" to create a Conic All Connect in K.CoSy .

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    Around 2000 , I became a Bleeding Heart Libertarian and ran for congress against Jerrold Nadler learning the barriers to entry the duopoly parties' have created for any but their own voices . I was the Manhattan Libertarian Party drug affairs director and , in 2005 , their treasurer and webmaster , remaining webmaster even after moving to Colorado . I contributed the "Logic of Liberty" column to the MLP's SerfCity.US tabloid . I began blogging recent activity , editorials , and articles at in 1997 . That activity has , of course , inevitably shifted to various social media .  See for links .

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    The notion of catastrophic  planetary warming due to the  bit of CO2 we are restoring to the atmosphere has always offended the sense of physics I gained even as a grade school nerd during the Eisenhower decade . Since moving to Colorado around 2005 , I first experimentally tested whether my basic understanding was totally off base with a Mr Wizard style Ping Pong Ball experiment .

    A major point of CoSy environments over the years has been to always have APL computational facilities at my fingertips .  That is particularly true in K.CoSy . So eventually I started implementing the classical physical calculations of to understand our planet's about 288 Kelvin surface temperature . The ability to actually implement the physics as succinctly as in any text book , and play with the relationships has led to having as thorough quantitative , executable , experimentally testable presentations of those non-optional basics I know of on the Web . See my presentation of that physics at the Heartland Institute's 2014 Las Vegas conference .

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    Bob was Trustee of the Mary E.J. Armstrong Trust , for discretionary benefit of his retarded brother Jack for several decades .  Family affairs consumed a large fraction of his time and energy over those years . K.CoSy was the powerful tool used to manage the multiple accounts involved . 4th.CoSy evolves from that .

    Bob lived at 42 Peck Slip , built in 1873 at the Fulton Fish Market , from Fall 1984 til Summer 2005  occupying most of the front and corner of the the 4th floor in the Google view . He now lives on the family property just north of Woodland Park , Colorado .
    42 Peck Slip , 4B&C , where I lived for 2 decades
    My windows for 2 decades
    View Larger Map

    My view now

    See rest of CoSy for current activities and links .
    CoSy : Ultimate Executive NoteComputer

    Note : I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711
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