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Seeking Alphas
Document your life in open Forth APL
I've used this demo with various phrases , for instance : 'Eigen'Invite , MidWinter 96
, going back at least to the early '80s . My earliest distinct memory
of showing it was when Paul
Ellarby and I went down to Manhattan to test Philip
Van Cleave's APL68000
on a WiCat departmental computer to wean RochesterGas&Electric's
corporate model off IP Sharp time sharing ( cloud
for any millennials ) . These were among the first desktop and cabinet
sized computers capable of previously mainframe APL applications . In
any event , Vidal Sassoon was also looking at the machines and I
happened to show him this example as the sort of tek we were looking to
use on one . He thought it was neat that so much could be done with so few fairly
understandable words ( well , APL symbols denoting those words
) .
4th.CoSy is unique in being a First Person system As I comment in the Forth Day demo , I created CoSy for my own use to give me the personal tool of thought APL provides in a notebook environment always at my finger tips .
Since its earliest forms CoSy has been about having programming , indeed programming of CoSy itself , be just a part of life . CoSy is for writing down thoughts when you have them . The thoughts may be about your human stuff , or it may be a thought about an algorithm or the definition of a key that bugs you or might be useful . In CoSy the difference is just a keystroke .
But if there is anything on the planet as individually programmable from the chip to the APL level , please let me know . See CoSy/4th.CoSy for more teky details and to download . Post any problems , questions , comments , suggestions or code on the ![]() #Are You an Alpha ? 4th.CoSy is far from done . But the foundations of 4th.CoSy are now solid and complete enough to both be everyday useful and brought into the realm of "ordinary" programming . The fundamental algorithms for transforming from the fixed , machine level address space of Forth to reference counted dynamic lists of lists structure , simplified even from K , is solid over a large domain , as is the bijective transformation from the recursive lists to a flat byte string , ie , file . APLers will see enormous gaps in the vocabulary -- and lots of code which needs to be updated and simplified from the bushwhacking past . That vocabulary which was not on the path to completing and making rock solid the note keeping TUI and the most fundamental vocabulary for creating and operating on the recursive lists was of lower priority . But APLers can look at the vocabulary and the code and fill in the gaps that are important to themselves , enhancing the language for the rest of us in the process . The interface itself is a dated version of the open source Brazilian IUP . Many rather simple but important enhancements have not been made because it is far from clear whether it is the best choice going forward . Altho its well supported , it may be more complex than others around now . But right now that takes heads more interested in interfaces and with fresh time to evaluate or interface alternatives . FORTHers can look at the x86 Reva Forth by Ron Aaron in which 4th.CoSy is constructed and see lots of simplifications and enhancements . Reva by itself is a capable , practically oriented Forth . It is enhanced by some important libraries contributed by the global cluster of world class programmers including such things as sockets , regular expressions , and big nums . Danny Reinhold of Bremen interfaced the IUP .
vocabulary to the CoSy
level to enable communication between multiple instances of 4th.CoSy , and so I can slave my legacy
accounting system to my 4th.CoSy working environment . I couldn't have stolen the time to create 4th.CoSy if it were not for K.CoSy's very flexible and powerful accounting functionality with typical CoSy
logs hyperlinked to associated ledgers . But the limitations of the K environment , for instance its lack of cut%paste with the outside world , and Kx's very different obsessions ( K.CoSy may well be the only interactive workspace like environment ever created in K ) drove me to finally figure out how to roll my own APL from a chip language up in FORTH .Now the foundation of 4th.CoSy is mature and stable enough that it can evolve exponentially faster with , in the spirit of my most esteemed mentor , Donald T Campbell's fish scale model of omniscience , 4th.CoSy , the language and the environment needs more minds , who like mine are attracted by extreme simplicity . The first thing is to get the conversation going . Download it and post your experience or ask a question either here or there or by email . If you have a task which the unique open span of 4th.CoSy from the chip all the way to APL level thought is important , let us see if we can work together to create something new and competitive on the planet . #Ideas ![]()