I apologize for lacking the time to polish this page .
Post some feedback to motivate my attention . BA | 20170607.1119 | Re : Planetary temperature
Seeking an executable understanding of the differential in a voxel because mapping it over a sphere is rather trivial in an APL like CoSy Gravity not "Green House Gas" spectrum is why the bottoms of atmospheres are hotter than their tops . But it is not in the energy balance equations .
It is only a matter of working out the equations for all other matter including atmospheres For those who
truly grok
classical physics , it should
become clear upon reflection that of the 2 macroscopic forces only
asymmetric centripetal GRAVITY
can "trap" heat , ie : energy , and in fact must
do so to make the equations balance .
In fact simple computations match atmospheric temperature profiles with undeniable accuracy for all measured planets . See recently my comments on , eg : Watts Up With That : On #COP21 and the Madness of Crowds . ElectroMagnetic spectral effects, constrained by the Divergence Theorem , cannot . Al Gore & James Hansen "Green House Gas" demonization of CO2 , the source of carbon to carbon based life , gets an F in physics at a very fundamental level .
![]() It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong. Richard P. Feynman I split this discussion from CoSy's venerable Global Temperature page to start a ![]() Physics is the mathematical abstraction of ,
as an old Hindu buddy would say : ? What is happening ? The discussion will be highly prejudiced for the presentation of equations , preferably executable algorithms in some freely available array capable language . This blog is a continuation of the educational effort started at http://climatewiki.org/wiki/Category:Essential_Physics ( archived ) , which works out the geometry of the portion of the celestial sphere subtended by the Sun and the Stefan-Boltzmann T = sb * E ^ % 4
temperature of a gray body . Just this gray body temperature in our
orbit , about 278.6 +- 2.3 degrees Kelvin from peri- to ap- helion ,
explains all but 3% of our estimated mean surface temperature . ![]() Quantitatively reducing this 3% unexplained variance is the goal . The analysis begun in :Essential_Physics was continued with my Heartland presentation , The Basic Basics or How to Calculate the Equilibrium Temperature of a Radiantly Heated Uniformly colored ball , which boils down to
The next parameter which needs to be added to the computations
Simple 1D model the GHG paradigm must quantitatively explain :
The filtering of the atmosphere can be collapsed by a product across matricies . What filter can cause | avg[ b , c ] >
ObjTemp[ ae ; a ; d ] ![]()
to CO2isNoEvil on WUWT :
I'm sorry I don't have more time for this discussion because there is a lot which would be I think generally useful to get clearly communicated . I resonate to such details as "each pixel is 8 bits for most of the satellite channels" . I assume that is for each of some number of spectrally filtered channels ? Your second paragraph reflects any of the problems Roy Spencer describes at http://www.drroyspencer.com/2015/04/version-6-0-of-the-uah-temperature-dataset-released-new-lt-trend-0-11-cdecade/ . I would be quite interested in what your "tools" are built in . APLs can express algorithms over data often orders of magnitude more succinctly and therefore more understandably to the math capable mind than traditional languages . Since in APLs A + B or in 4th.CoSy A B + because it is still at the Forth close to the chip level RPN , A and B
Willful fools and liars will quickly banned