To a CoSy 2025

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Out of intense complexities intense simplicities emerge.
Broadly speaking, the short words are the best,and the old words
when short are best of all.

Winston Churchill

This week's byte ` o code
Extreme Simplicity
Extreme Capability

A timestamped notebook/diary ,
intelligent paper commanded in the
 if you can think it , it's done language
it is written in , rather than
cascades of menus

If you can't simply write down a line when the thought occurs , in your computer's language and tap a key to evaluate it , you are in a slower world .

CoSy's  highest value use is logging one's path & managing one's business
Elaborated from a LinkedIn comment .
Let's see this in your favorite language :
 12 _iota .+ reverse cL { s" *+" $ take } 'm bl,pad ' reverse 'm flip ' ,/ 'm

Cf: Merry Chrismas 2021 X- & Y- mas trees & Wed.Dec,20221214

See Tekydome for Examples & Comments from recent online discussions .
Subscribe for CoSy language related posts & to reply & post your own
| Free & Open Code & Download instructions |
See also SV-FIG email discussing CoSy bundled w computer &
Brad Nelson's implementation on ESP32

Gary Hoover in American Business History :
The  Simple Key to Breakthrough Innovation :
" Yet history indicates that the vast majority of breakthroughs
 come from one very simple idea:
combining two things that no one has previously connected. "

CoSy uniquely openly bridges from the language of the chip via Forth to mathematically rooted array language evolved and greatly simplified from APL via K .

SV-FIG Forth Day 2024 @ Standford : CoSy
An Everyday Human-level system based in Forth , not C

Unlike other computer languages and interfaces , CoSy is motivated not to build other systems , but for personal use as a diary/log , but also capable of executably expressing finite mathematics from necessary accounting to voxel modeling of planetary physics to succinct expression of the algorithms of AI -- as a vocabulary evolved from APL , open to the core(s) in Forth .

αlpha First Adopters Special Deal
Charter Subscription includes a Bit of CoSy
Purchase of αlpha_support is Prerequisite for any joint projects
Email me directly for more information & to arrange personal Zoom .

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Me: Climate changes mainly with orbital parameters .
the bottom of the atmosphere at sea level is ~ 288 Kelvin , about 10 centigrade warmer than the ~ 278.6 +- 2.3 of a gray , flat spectrum , body around our orbit . The difference is due to the adiabatic tradeoff of gravitational , potential , and kinetic , thermal , energy demanded by Conservation of Energy .
CO2 , which absorbs and emits in the IR , is optically saturated , ie: opaque w/i less than 100m at sea level , even at only our ~ 4 molecules % 10k of air , and only finally radiates to space at high altitude where it is colder so radiates less causing a notch in our ` color spectrum which determines the difference from that radiative equilibrium 278 for a gray ball . A 5th or even 6th molecule % 10k makes little additional difference to our spectrum -- which is its Only effect on equilibrium temperature .
However , since half your ` mummy weight is C from CO2 because every bite of food you eat is , as all LIFE has been for > 2,000,000,000 years since before photosynthesis CO2 was ~ 3000 molecules % 10k of air , plants are loving it , spectacularly GREENING the planet and increasing agricultural yields .
| 1038 |
WaterWorld Co2+H2O=LIFE Tee Shirt
$50 . other styles available Email me

Links to Previous NewsLetters :
§ NL2024_0924 § NL2024_0917 § NL2024_09_06 § NL2024_08_23
§ NL2024_07_MMM § NL2024 06 § NL2024_05 § NL2024_04 § NL2024_02

| 20241209.1821 | BobA |

Whole CoSy
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Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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