TuesdayZoom 1 _at
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    © Bob Armstrong
    Evolved over decades , Learn about the
    only language which spans from the chip
    in Forth to Array Mathematics , ( eg: accounting , AI , voxel modeling )
      but in an
    Everyday Business oriented ` Daytimer interface

    CoSy Tuesday Zoom 1
    Tue.Aug,20240827.1000-6 ( 10 am , MDT )
    LINK to Vid

    I held CoSy Tuesday Zoom 1 ( 0 origin ) yesterday morning and posted it to  CoSy/y24_0827 .
    It's one of those vids that makes skipping forward useful . I take solace that both Elon Musk & Chuck Moore are speakers who pause to compose . And I've seen a number of teky YTs simply looking over the shoulder of the teky coding . With CoSy the ratio of thought to code is very high . I think it also makes clear that CoSy is an environment , at a deep level , for working out thoughts by succinctly , executably expressing them .

     My path turned into a rather train of conscience thorough demo of key aspects of CoSy and one of its key motivations : leading a documented accountable life . See Bob Armstrong Vita

    Around the 7.5 minute point I get into a discussion of the implementation of nothing . I dives rather deep into even the laying down of a definition in the Forth's dictionary . Continuous openness to this granularity is totally unique to Forth . On the other hand , putting so much thought into the definition of nothing is a very APL thing . Empty Array jokes used to a category in itself .

    Around the 20 minute mark , I start turning to the business of making CoSy the killer paradigm it can
    become : a language simple & succinct enough for ` ordinary people who have neither interest or patience to be professional programmers -- but being built on , and capable of expressing arbitrary finite mathematics -- and refinable & extensible to incorporate useful concepts as they distill themselves .

    Around 45 mins , it turns to the αlpha's business proposition and sketch of initial path .
    But that's for the αlpha user/investor conversation going forward .

    Link to previous vid :

    Check out   Tekydome and subscribe for CoSy language related posts & to reply & post your own
    Gary Hoover in American Business History :
    The  Simple Key to Breakthrough Innovation :
    " Yet history indicates that the vast majority of breakthroughs
     come from one very simple idea:
    combining two things that no one has previously connected. "

    The highest value use is logging one's path & managing one's business

    This month's byte ` o code
    Extreme Simplicity
    Extreme Capability

    your intelligent diary in
     if you can think it , it's done language
    Finally making simple ref counted variables :
    : ->v ( value name -- ) dup van find ?dup 0if 2drop
      Value ;then --b rplc ; 
    | Create name with value if not defined . Replace its value if already defined .  | 20240322 | 20240408
     `i -600 ` LTZ-UTC ->v | Local to Universal Time
     `i  1000  LTZ-UTC -i 2400 _i modi |>| 1600

    αlpha First Adopters Special Deal
    Purchase of αlpha_support is Prerequisite for any joint projects
    Email me directly for more information and to arrange personal Zoom .
    However , Tekys : Much needs to evolve in CoSy , particularly interfacing with the Web . Some of these are probably weekend tasks if you know what you are doing . But they are worth equity in CoSy for useful solutions . Drop me an em if you'd like to be included in teky only Zooms .
    >>> Email me , Bob Armstrong , for Zoom schedule <<<

      | Free & Open
    Code |

    20240906.1322| BobA | | 20240823.0926

    Whole CoSy
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    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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