
MMM 2024
  • 4th.CoSy
  • Planetary Temperature
  • Daily Blog
  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
    © Bob Armstrong

    CoSy MidSummer Mountain Mela  2024

    Sat.Aug,20240803 > 1500
    An annual tradition going back to 1982

    Enjoy an afternoon & evening at altitude 
    We'll smoke some meat , have a variety of liquids , BYO if you've got something interesting
    28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 | Bob Armstrong ; 719-337-2733
    Here @ 2500m , if the Sun's out it's warm ; if not , it's not
    Note: there's some renovation & upgrading of the property going on .

    Previous Party Invite

    Email me to be added to this CoSy list
    Email to be removed  
    Discussion Page Click the title above to read online
    Previous Newsletters  : NL2024 06  NL2024_05  NL2024_04  NL2024_02

    Gary Hoover in American Business History :
    The  Simple Key to Breakthrough Innovation :

    " Yet history indicates that the vast majority of breakthroughs
     come from one very simple idea:
    combining two things that no one has previously connected. "

      Evolving from APL , Simplified & Generalized via K , in open to the chip Forth
    CoSy provides the Shortest path from the chip >< math
    All in a uniquely simple notekeeping&computing environment written in the language itself
    While capable of expressing AI or trading algorithms or finite element models of a planet
    in a few lines ,
    The highest value use is logging one's path & managing one's business

    This month's byte ` o code
    Extreme Simplicity
    Extreme Capability

    your intelligent diary in
     if you can think it , it's done language
    Something I just did in CoSy not possible in APL or K .
     (' ' -f ' +f ')  >t0
    /\ Make list of addresses of float - and + /\
    \/ Apply each across a list of floats \/
     f( 278.6 2.3 )f  t0  ' ./ 'R ,/  |>| 276.30 280.90
    Kelvin gray body temperature around our orbit
    \/ Convert to Celsius \/
     R0  `f 273.15 -f  |>| 3.15 7.75

    αlpha First Adopters Special Deal
    Purchase of αlpha_support is Prerequisite for any joint projects
    Email me directly for more information and to arrange personal Zoom .

    However , Tekys : Much needs to evolve in CoSy , particularly interfacing with the Web . Some of these are probably weekend tasks if you know what you are doing . But they are worth equity in CoSy for useful solutions . Drop me an em if you'd like to be included in teky only Zooms .
    >>> Email me , Bob Armstrong , for Zoom schedule <<<

      | Free & Open
    Code |

    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by me ,
     Bob Armstrong , using 
    CoSy and a wysiwyg editor .

    | BobA | 20240717.2126 |

    Whole CoSy
    Locations of visitors to this page
    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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