Sorry been busy & didn't get back to your question on the previous Brian post . I am surprised that , while several people commented that your question was treated in any elementary heat transfer physics course I believe only Ebel , other than myself , responded with an equation . Mine was the only equation I saw for a sphere as you specified . Your question is exactly the sort that must be quantitatively understood -- as judged by how well they correspond to quantitative experiment , if planetary temperature is to be understood at the 3rd and 4th decimal place range of the data . I've pointed out before the limitations of the internally heated ball analogy . At the Heartland conference a couple of speakers gave a value of about 0.02% ( Wikipedia , 0.03% ) of our external heating from the Sun . And external heating imposes the constraint that divergence = 0 over shells within . I wish someone would do a "SteveGodard" on the experimental support for the mathematical abstractions , the crucial portions of which are 19th century . I'd really like to work with some others putting together an experimentally based , but with the theoretical understanding expressed in executable algorithms implementable , and therefore experimentally testable by the students , at the level of the PSSC course I had a half century ago . This return to the discipline of the classic experiment><algorithmatise physics with the ability of succinct array programming languages as an aid to the process is the thrust of my Heartland presentation : http://cosy.com/Science/HeartlandBasicBasics.html . These Gedankenexperiment undoubtedly were approximated by the realeExperimente upon which the equations were abstracted . My standard reply in any assertion of qualitative effects is : " show me the equations " . In discussions like this , I want to ask " show me the experiments " . You thought experiment raises several interesting points .