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I've decide it just doesn't make business sense in either time or
cash for me to get out there for Forth Day . I'm sure a worthy
replacement for my half hour will not be a problem . While there are conversations I will regret missing , the use of time is too dilute to warrant the cost . Better to use the time in particular towards mastering global hangouts to support an active community . And to continue to enhance CoSy for the everyday business of life I must deal with everyday . Recent chat : are you the only user of COSY, or other people also use it BobOf 4th.CoSy . I think so . There are a number of people waiting for it to get usable and supported .
Interestingly , and importantly ,
the people who are learning it most are the tenants in the out
buildings here and the couple who are acting a propertyManager . If you've looked at my
nubgrp YouTube that's an actual piece of accounting with one of the
tenants . And they can understand those entries . And understand that
it's executable CoSy . The rest is just learning more words or having a
sentence to use as a template .I've tried to get across that a great deal of the CoSy vocabulary is about the partitioning of and operating on strings , lists , most particularly its own code . Translated into some other Forth on some other chip the verbs are limited essentially by the address space . CoSy's vocabulary adds application of verbs to plurals to the language . One of the first uses right now is applying ' venn to Reva's vocabulary underlying CoSy and ForthWin's to what vocabulary may be in common . : venn 2p (' R@ L@ ~membv LR@ membv LR@ ~membv ') 2P> ;One conversation I will most miss is following up on a comment by Chuck at dinner the last time I was there . He commented that he makes lots of little loops and it doesn't bother him . The essence of an APL like CoSy is turning those repetitive forms of loops into single words . In APL they are called operators . Iverson ended up calling them adverbs which I think is a good natural language term . verbs ( functions ) take nouns ( data ) as arguments . adverbs take verbs among their arguments .The most fundamental adverb , as Dr Ting recently emphasized , and as I expressed Forth in CoSy , is ' eval . The next most basic adverbs iterate over their arguments . I guess in other languages they'd be called ` maps . Following Arthur Whitney , there are 4 :
noun ( noun ) verb adverb phrase . And , at this level the adverbs contain no implication of sequence . Thus may in fact be executed in some parallel fashion . In any case , Sorry I won't make it out there . ` Guess this is my submission for the Poster Session . But maybe I'll start planning on holding a MidSummer CoSy Forth & the RoW Friday+Saturday pre-party ` conference here in Woodland Park next August :-\;-) Bob A
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