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  • © Bob Armstrong

    Please let me know by return mail if you want to be removed from my contact list .

    Creativity is rarely the product of a single moment
    Perhaps more often it is the result of a lifetime

    Chem nanotek Nobel winner Sir Fraser Stoddart , NU Weinberg Alumni Magazine , 2016v4#2
    CoSy is the product of a unique lifetime with the computer . vita

    • I know , either directly or thru the web many of the world's most brilliant programmers . Many reading this .
      A shared attribute is our need for very concise expressions to be able to wrap our heads around the biggest concepts . Cf : .

    • But I know that need for no-boilerplate succinctity  is common in high achievers  who couldn't stand the life of a professional programmer . They've got lots of balls in the air -- and have to keep them there .
      For them it's CoSy's function as Cptn Picard's log which is the highest value . A keystroke to insert a time stamp . Every thing simple text so it is searchable with Tweetable  phrases in the language of CoSy .
    I've uploaded a Happy PeriHelion 2017  set of updated source scripts for CoSy . In  particular  Tui.f was modified adding a ` state window to the ( call it IDE because it's ugly monofont ) ` result and ` text window structure I have found a convenient structure for a Job over the years in K.CoSy .  ( screen shot at right ) . This structure with a ` text log of actions and events past , present and planned and ` state list of common action phrases , both more or less with the same rules . Most importantly , tapping F6 on a line will evaluate that line and place any result in the ` res window . So lines in the ` state window are like items in a menu , but they are simply lines in the language of CoSy open all the way to the x86 . [ Sun.Apr,20170402 | See the Coherent Systems YouTube demos ]

    Implementing Accounting
     Also , more on the usage side than adding or fixing any vocabulary , I've gotten fundamental accounting facilities within the ball park of the very flexible system in K.CoSy I have maintained family accounts in for years . I started casually noting future payments due , like for tomorrow I see

    | ======================== | Thu.Jan,20170105 | ======================== |
     ` BH 173.83 _f cL

    Black Hills is owed 173.83 tomorrow . I would perhaps optimally note this as ( BH ; 173.83 ) . But the expression above executes creating a list with the name BH and the floating point number 173.83 .

      ` BH 173.83 _f cL    | result below \/ |
     ` BH
    | which is now as always today . 20170105.1051 |
    Essentially ' cL , catenateLists , glues them together . Interestingly in a divergence from APL there is a second concatenation function which encloses simple lists rather than catinating them into a single homogeneous list . see their documentation with this line . Try it with ' ,L and see the difference .

       s" : ,L " ?? s" : cL " ?? cL

    It's rather straight forward to go from there to what I always called DictionaryTables in K.CoSy . And from there to .csv import and export .

    The more interesting issue is the names of the correlated lists in an account dictionary . Skipping ahead a few  thoughts ,

      `( ts from to amount whatFor )` >t0>
     ` ts
     ` from
     ` to
     ` amount
     ` whatFor
    these are the most fundamental columns I see for a ledger entry .

      20170105.1450 _f ` PSBT cL ` BH cL 173.83 _f cL ` WP ` gas cL enc cL >t1>
     ` PSBT
     ` BH
      ` WP
      ` gas
     ) )
    So here's a complete entry for the payment of the gas bill for our Woodland Park property . and can catinate these into a ledger and save it in the R Root dictionary . I've made the ` whatFor item a list itself .

      t0 t1 ,L ` Ledger Dv!

    from which we retrieve any particular "column"
     ` Ledger Dv@ ` whatFor v@
     ` WP
     ` gas

    A Life Truth
    If you are really good at number crunching
    numbers with currency symbols attached
    have the greatest return on effort

    Doesn't matter your druthers .

    That's why APLs find their markets in money center cities and complex financial applications . And the highest value potential market for CoSy is as a tool for high net worth teky individuals dealing with the unique challenges  in the business of their lives . Accounting is central . That's why investment bankers are at the top of the food chain .

    Which brings us to the
    Kick Start Deal
    To align the interests of early adopters with the growth of CoSy and its community each of the  first 100 purchasers of a CoSyStick will also receive 1 share of CoSy the enterprise as outlined below .
    This is why crossing the threshold into CoSy being capable of its own accounting is consequential

    on a
     CoSy  on a WinTel

    For the first 100 αs Each Stick comes with 1 share of CoSy 

    The handful of earliest possessors of  CoSy USB Sticks are grandfathered in .
    Abstracting from my years hanging around Wall Street , I am formally defining 1 share of as 1.e-6 portion of the cashflows and assets of CoSy which at this time is a sole proprietorship . But given the very substantial financial expertise among the recipients of this note , the proper formalization and registration should be intelligently resolvable .

    Will 1.e-6 portion is pretty standard , and may seem like very little , I recently watched a YouTube with Peter Thiel where he mentioned buying into Facebook at a valuation of $5.e6 .

    What value do you put on a paradigm shift in programming language and the nature of one's interaction with one's computing resources ? What's the value of a single open language from the chip to the math ?

    Finally , membership in the CoSy-Alphas Mailgroup is also included for announcements , feedback and discussion .

    Given I learned APL in the first place to understand how brains work , implementing AI algorithms like this which are making news , Google’s Multilingual Neural Machine Translation System: Enabling Zero-Shot Translation , is a motivation for constructing CoSy . It should be noted some of the useful , Ken Iverson would call them adverbs , in APLs and K are  each eachleft eachright and generally  "atomic" leaf operations are intrinsically parallel operations . Being open to the chip in Forth , parallelism can be incorporated in any definitions fitting whatever suits the available architecture .

    Christmas  Sun.Dec,20161225.0810
    Christmass 20161225.0810


    Whole CoSy
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     I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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