Freeman Dyson in the
talk linked above discusses the notion of pre-cellular pre-Darwinian
evolution where genetic material was passed around like tweets . He
points out that the evolution of knowledge has now returned to that
asexual promiscuous replication .
My number of Titter followers more than doubled when I
I ridiculously optimistically tweeted in response :
One reason why , when a path to my PhD in the psychology department at
Northwestern U closed , I refocused on
was that I felt that for people ,
anyway : me , to
express the concepts
necessary to abstract and grok the brain's information
flows , would require a population fluent in an APL level executable
notation . The defining feature of APLs is that the
or lists of lists , generalized from matrix algebra , is the
fundamental object . The notations are
generally as or more succinct than traditional mathematical notation .
I have lived my adult life in
environments I've created , first around 1984 in original "flat" APL ,
then , around 2000 , in Arthur Whitney's
. Upon moving to Teller County , CO in 2005 , I put in the extended
intense months necessary
for me to
create a reference counting dynamic object
vocabulary and the essential recursive algorithms for operating on
lists of lists and the essential naked lists of chars , integers , and
floats in Ron Aaron's
Reva Forth which was itself undergoing rapid
honing by a number of brilliant programmers scattered around the globe .
Whitney's work has been the template and caliper for much of mine .
However , I came to decide that his 3 list dictionary or namespace
( symbols ; values ;
attributes ) had the difficulty of referencing attributes from
values or vice versa . Motivated by
2011 , I added a cell to the headers of all CoSy dynamic objects to
allow a link to an object's attributes or
metadata . This would itself
generally be a dictionary .
While I use
4th.CoSy every day as my log , my
Shopping/ToDo list and my Reference
( passwords , account #s ,
etc ) list , I've not been able to steal the devoted weeks of
time necessary to convert the overall dictionary structure .
the family accounting is done in K.CoSy and will be for quite
some time .

was hoping to get the transformation done and a new "release" for this
NewsLetter . But that was terribly optimistic . Simply getting back
into the code is daunting . I have done some useful work tho , both
conceptually and in detail . I've started keeping a programming
log separate from my personal log to better organize the chaotic jumble
of experiments and mini-scripts which fill the first 1100 lines of my
log window .
A defining characteristic of
environments since their earliest days around 1980 has been the mixing
of lines intended to be executed by the computer with ones just
intended for human consumption . In current
F6 will execute a
line in Forth displaying any output generated ; tapping
F7 will execute the line expecting
or nothing to be generated , and
displays it as
output . For instance , the last line executed in the screen shot ,
highlighted in blue transposes the result of the previous lines which
catinates a list of indices for the 3191 lines in the
window to the lines of text to produce a crude list so I can scroll
down and see my daily log for 2012 began at line 1127 . That was
executed with
F7 . Some
lines above , you'll see
nil DMP
DMP is a pure
Forth word which outputs the first 8 cells of a definition . That line
was executed with
F6 , then
F5 was used to insert it in the
text .
that the great
Slava Pestov's early project ,
jEdit , fills most of
screen with , it happens , 7 windows open on various of the Reva Forth
code files making up
4th.CoSy . It would be great to
eventually have such an interface to
CoSy , but I really want to
interface it to HTML .
won't really be
until normal definitions are saved within the dynamic root dictionary ,
R .
It's obvious there is a tremendous
amount , ie ,
several dedicated
me-months , left
to do . That's why I posted the current status as a
collection of useful APLish algorithms in Forth .
by itself is an open modern Forth with significant libraries for a
number common tasks . If some youngsters get interested , there's a lot
to be learned and contributed . I only worry that I won't be able to
keep up , that is , some paths will become dominate which I think are
IbM , not
optimal .
I plan to tweet
relevant announcements
with the tag #
. I am adding Disqus threads to new windows I create or revisit
as I have here .
I think
Yahoo could have done a much better job of
upgrading their mail groups into contemporary social networks , but
haven't .
I have also started a Google+ Community which may have its uses . If anybody knows of better options , let me know .