CoSy creates the most powerful executive computing environments in the
most advanced Array Processing Languages .
focus nowdays is the creation of a truly commercial CoSy build from
up incorporating all I have learned over the decades about simple
powerful transparent structure and language .
/ Bob A /
One of the great hosts who
contributed to my introduction to the world of evaluating and buying
and selling bits or bites of minimally marketable
companies , John Westergaard , passed away in
2002 .
In `99 John was hailed by Pat Moynahan for being the Wall Street
analyst who brought the Y2K bug to WDC`s attention . (
Search for Y2K here on CoSy to see my emails with John on the subject .
The SEC ruined John's last few years on ridiculous charges that he did
not adequately disclose that the companies presenting at his
conferences or website were footing the bill ( See John`s Fax
) . John , like Bob Flaherty's Equtities Magazine and Ted Feit's NY
Stockbrokers Club , present companies , most moderate , some great ,
and some silly . They provide a market place where the presenter buys
the lunch , or buffet & bar , and the potential investors must
their own evaluations . One of John's conferences is where I first saw
Bob Saxe's Research Frontiers ( REFR ) which after years of investment
is creating the industry of electrically dimmable window glass .
Chet Paulson has continued John's tradition of small cap
conferences and with Chuck Strain his small cap gas and oil conferences
. The internet has changed the nature of these conferences a great deal
with online availability of documentation and simulcasting of the
conferences , but meeting the individuals running these companies mano
a mano cannot be replicated at a distance .
Useful ?
This bird was named for Bin
Life @ 8 hours
Happy MidWinter 2007
One morning , a
neighbor's cows had wandered in
My old view at the Fulton Fish Market
in NYC :
Rainbow ending in the Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower
Liberty Not in government or force, not
in slavery or war but in the creative,
and thereby spiritual, power of freedom, shall our inspiration be
found. Dr F.A. "Baldy" Harper , founder Inst for Humane
Studies , George Mason U , ( quoted by (rR-TX) Ron Paul )
Future - Present Individual Urban
010117| Last fall my Viza MotorBoard was stolen by
a gang of kids , caught on video , outside a new gentryfied apartment
on 7th east of Tomkins Sq . All I have left is my Kryptonite chain , a
nut and a spring . I will flesh out this story as I shop for a
replacement .
Previous :
Around NYC : Investor and Tek meetings , Art etc Openings , Commentary
Public Shadow of my
Current calendar in my personal CoSy : Comments , ?s , Event
announcements , Email me
Colors : Event
announcements , Quote Color , , CoSy Color ( opinions ) Shout
Put Cursor on to see hidden comments .
( In MS IE , under "Tools > Internet Options > Advanced
Accessibility" , be sure "Always expand ALT text for images" is checked
. )
See also
Note : Names & addresses w/o other explanation are generally
NYC Art Gallery Openings .
Abbreviations : (rD-NY) : Rep Dem - NewYork .
See all the graffiti ! That could happen here . I think the Netherlands may have the relaxed attitude they do partly because of their history as gardeners in addition to having some of the largest , and therefore hardest to control , ports in the world . Even Antwerpen makes New Jersey look second tier . -- Bob Armstrong -- -- 719-337-2733 CoSy NewsLetter 2006 Summer : Presenting 4th.CoSy at APL Moot , Surrey Atomium , Brussels : / ================================================================ / Subject: Re: [DrugWar] Flower market in the narco-terrorist capital of the EU Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 23:44:13 -0600 From: Bob Armstrong Organization: Coherent Systems To: CC:, LEW - ZZPOPZZ Jack R. Lebowitz wrote: > On Sep 11, 2006, at 19:04 , Bob Armstrong wrote: > >> Got back from a couple of weeks in Europe last week . >> Much of my time in the narco-terrorist capital of the EU , >> Holland . Since there are no longer any border checks >> anywhere I drove , the whole continent is being affected . > > Wonderful photo. Thanks for sharing. The Blumenmarkt is indeed > lovely this time of year. Or any time of year, for that matter. > > I wonder why they hate our freedoms, though. Riiight ... > And use mayo on french fries instead of catsup. I spent most of my time in Middelburg in Zeeland where some APL friends live . Where they took me for mussels , both mayo & ketchup were offered with the freedom fries and do make a fine mixture . > How was the Homeland Security anal probe and strip search at JFK or > whatever your port of entry was? Went out of Newark , came back thru Chicago . As a 61 year old WASP with a blue passport , customs just waved me thru without any inspection even with a bit of a beard and pony tail . I was more concerned when the Paris police pulled my Citroen C1 over in some random road block . I find French most inscrutable but gathered they wanted to go thru everything in the car until I repeated "Gare du Nord" a couple of times and they gathered I just wanted to catch the EuroStar back to London so let me go . The chunnel train does have its own security search , kinda "airport lite" . You don't have to take off your shoes and you can leave your laptop in its case . Could keep your bottled water too . ( Heading out from Denver , a supervisor almost stopped the woman in front of me from keeping her toddler's bottle of water after the magnetometer and x-ray watchers told her not to worry about it . ) Heathrow seemed more concerned that your carry-on fit in this silly metal form they had than anything really having to do with security . I had to take some newspapers and maps I'd picked up out of my laptop case and put them into my checked luggage to trim it a cm or so so it would squeeze fit . So 767s and 777s designed with enhanced overhead storage are now flying with all that space nearly empty . I can't tell you how much safer I felt . No worries that someone's back pack may have shifted during flight and bonk you on the head when you deplane . The checked baggage was just shoved thru an x-ray machine . Had I known what the routine was , I would have brought back more that a left over roach ( from a commercial Dutch joint - more like a spliff than a typical NYC joint ) and a chip of cheap hash . I was as worried about smuggling a lighter from coffee shop "sixty-two" in Middelburg as them noticing the the herb in with my cigars . Prices in Middelburg ranged from around 4.5 to 6.5 Euros % gram for both herb and hash . Seemed to be about 50% more in Amsterdam . I've uploaded all my images from the trip to .
Check the progress Towards 4th.CoSy Executive
Computing Environment The User/Developer Forum is now open
, and I have left K.CoSy for Proto 4th.CoSy for my simple diary uses .
The event which
prompts my getting out my first newsletter since
shortly before Ray Cannon's APL Moot in Surrey England last summer , NL0607 , is
again announcing the presentation of the evolving free and open 4th.CoSy
"notecomputing" environment . I'll be presenting an hour and a half
interactive tutorial introduction at the ACM APL2007
conference being held in conjunction with OOPSLA
the week of October 21st . I'll leave most of the details to the
abstract and other documentation available at my CoSy/CoSy
page , in the CoSy/Forum
, and in the interactive help which you start in when you download
and boot up the software itself . While still an embryo , I have now
been using 4th.CoSy as my main
daily diary since , well , I see October 7 last year , and have tapered
off the use of old K.CoSy to the not inconsiderable
task of family accounting .
I have also been invited
to participate in a panel comparing
and contrasting the various available array oriented languages . To the
question of the strongest aspect of 4th.CoSy
, my answer is that it's free and open and if a handful of talented
individuals get interested , we'd represent a larger development team
than any commercial vendor .
It's somewhat short
notice , but I hope a few of you language
addicts can make it to Montreal . As I say in the introduction to the
interactive documentation , at this point in its development , I offer 4th.CoSy
as a mental jungle-gym upon which to exercise your anabolic
talents .
I've said in
posts on the Manhattan Libertarian Serf
City blog and on their Yahoo
that Ron Paul's presidential candidacy is the most historic in my life
time . The march towards a global nanny police state by the US
government led me to become an activist Libertarian nearly a decade ago
. Now a groundswell is erupting among the broadband connected which is
shocking and awing the NeoCon war-mongers . In the quarter just closed
, Paul raised $1.2 million mostly in the last week . Essentially the
race is between Ron Paul and everyone else . The truth that he is the
only candidate who has a chance of beating Hillary in 2008 is starting
to sink in to republicans . Just how many of us are changing our
registration to flood the republican party primaries will be
interesting to see , but it's clear there are millions of us who are
mad ( and scared ) as hell and are doing everything we can about it .
Unless this country radically changes course , I seriously am looking
for freer country to move to . But if the US is not gotten back under
control , no place will be safe .
Without the internet it
would have been very difficult to leave NYC for Colorado ; with it , I
continue to be webmaster of
, and , following some unfortunate cock-ups last spring , have taken
over as moderator of the ManhattanLibertarians
Yahoo group . I also post on the NYC
Junto and Preston Peet's
mail groups .
The NeoCon philosophy has
much more to do with
defending zionism than anything to do with traditional conservatism .
It is clear why the mind set controlling the country protested so
loudly against giving a microphone to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad . While a
religious nut like all the rest of them , he blows away the
characterizations of him and Iran that are continually drummed on us by
the state/media .
In this day of
instantaneous transcripts and videos , the MSM
censor more than inform . Thank the flow of existence for CSPAN . Here
the videos of the
The NPC asks the better
questions , but the 2 events tend to be
complementary .
Here's a bit of what he
really said :
He is
less a dictator and more representatively elected than most other
leaders in the mid-east arguably including Israel .
does not deny the "holocaust" ( one of many in the 20th century )
rather he asks why among all topics of study are half a dozen or more
researchers and academics of various credentials in prison in Europe
for questioning various aspects of it .
asks why should the indigenous Palestinians have been paying for
sixty years living in the most god-awful mess on the planet for what
was a European event . He points out that before zionism , muslims ,
jews , christians and even zoroastrians lived in peace thru out the mid
east and even today a community of around 25,000 jews live , with
representation , in Iran ( and in fact have rejected inducements to
move to Israel ) . It's clear his brand of the religious nuttiness ,
common to all the "warring" regimes , including Bush , is monotheism .
He emphasizes the commonalities between the 0 , 1 , and 2 messiah sects
rather than their differences .
proposes a referendum of all the population of palestine to decide
the future of the region . This , of course , is why he is so feared by
the zionists , both christian and jewish , both in Israel and here . A
vote of all the people of the region would end the zionist experiment .
considers nuclear weapons an outdated and useless way to manage
international relationships . But he absolutely demands that Iran have
equal rights to develop its science and technology , including nuclear
, as any other country .
What in all of this are the rants of a madman ? Surely it must be
admitted that he projects far more intelligence and is far more
articulate than our president . This is what is truly feared . That
he's not a nut . Rather the zionist side in its apoplectic hysteria to
silence him shows the desperation of its case . If you want to see real
saber rattling , go to the Jerusalem Post
With respect to his much
derided comment that there are no
homosexuals ( alternately translated no "homosexual culture" ) in Iran
, Mosaic
TV had some informative links :
My view is : a pox on all
religions - starting with the monotheists
whose first commandment is "Me , me , me , bow to me and none other" .
The first clause of our first amendment should have kept us out of all
this crap . See
It must be noted that
Ahmadinejad did NOT deny that Iranian
weapons were getting into Iraq , just that the US was deluding itself
to think this was the source of its problems .
It is not appreciated
sufficiently , that rather than control
of oil directly , the purpose of invading Iraq was to establish large
permanent military bases there to replace those in Saudi Arabia and
elsewhere . That ever less achievable goal is a core reason why
democrats like Hillary will not put an end to American occupation .
The most recent print issue
of SerfCity.US
featured my 4000
word pursuit
of the classic physics of planetary temperature as its centerfold
article . The basic premise of the global warming fear mongers -- that
uniform changes it the spectrum of layers of the atmosphere can change
the mean temperature of our radiantly heated sphere from the
temperature of the space around it -- continues to offend my
understanding of the most elementary thermodynamics . Heat does not go
up hill and stay there .
The real issue is whether
rationality will catch up with this subject before the global
governments do too much damage .
are increasing numbers of very strong videos skeptical of global
warming on YouTube . ( rather like the Ron Paul
phenomenon )
For this newsletter I've given up doing any fancy editing and splicing
of the video of the experiment I did with black , white and silver ping
pong balls in the Colorado sun last spring . I've just uploaded the
last clip I took because it was clouding up and I had completed all the
relavant permutations I could think of . The temperatures indicated are
pretty typical tho . ( note the thermometer on the left
tended to read 0.2c below the others . )
The GW alarmists claim that minute changes in the reflectivity of the
planet will make major changes in its mean temperature . I found no
difference between a flat black painted and a natural white ping-pong
ball and at most about 2c with a "chrome" painted ball . I also got a
feeling for what a small change the at most 0.8c increase in
temperature this century is . It's hard to get thermometer reading to
be stable within less than ~ 0.2c . I'd really like to see this
experiment done "professionally" in a vacuum , and I'd really
like to see the equations which predict exactly how much heating or
cooling different paint jobs will produce . Despite the lifestyles of
millions riding on this science , I have failed to find such basic
equations anywhere on the web .
My old grad
roommate Greg Stanley and his wife stopped by this summer . Greg's PhD
is in Chemical Engineering ( the process control side ) and he thinks
in PDEs
. We've since corresponded about the problem , but I won't have time to
dive into it again until after APL2007 . I do think we will be able to
come to some definitive equations . My last note to him was just a
brief comment that I wanted to understand marbles before taking on
fluids . Expressing these relationships in 4th.CoSy so I can have my
own little planetary models will be an early gauge of the succinctness
, clarity and power of its notation .
impressive video I happened on while uploading my clip is Noam
Mohr and the Internet Skeptic on Global Warming
The Skeptic's computation of CO2 residence time of about 20 years from
Mauna Loa measurements is straight forward , and how any GW
"scientists" could claim uncertainty of between 50 and 200 years is
criminal given the stakes involved . Last Winter we were snowed in
for weeks at a time
. A deaf dog disappeared . A mare out at a trainer on the plains died .
It's been a wet year til this month . We lost - thru a bad vet and
ignorance - a beautiful palomino to an ankle infected after being badly
cut on corral fencing . Have a new foal and a yearling by him tho .
They are learning bad habits from the gelding , Tie . After being down
to 3 ducks , the female hatched 10 of which 7 have survived . Their
father is their brother and it shows . Saw a beautiful fox coming up to
the house for the dog food . All 3 adult cats disappeared within a
couple of weeks . Left with 3 kittens of the litter born in my bedroom
around the same time as the ducks . The ducks are adults ; the kittens
still kittens . The conure , OneEyedJack , which
lost an eye in a cat fight stays my shoulder to the bank or
Blockbusters .
The other day I spent the entire afternoon
searching for our retarded
african gray parrot which I ended up finding after a 0c night in a
grove of pine saplings on our neighbor's side of the fence over 100m
away .
had a bunch of coverage of the sudden death at 31 of a supposed genius
african gray at MIT or somewhere . Our gray's only talent is meowing
like a cat and is otherwise dumber if possible than even our 10 ducks
which are so dumb you wouldn't feel that much of a pang offing and
eating them . In contrast , our cockatoo and conure pack an amazing
intelligence in their little walnuts .
Note :
I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to
for further reflection . Contact
: Bob Armstrong
; 719-337-2733
Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland
Park , Colorado / 80863-9711
: I reserve the right to post all communications
I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
Contact : Bob Armstrong
; About this page :
; 719-337-2733
Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland
Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 /\ /\ Top /\ /\