| ======================== | Sat.Nov,20211120 | ======================== | Forth Day | | 1256 | POTENTIAL OF 4th.CoSy FOR BigData http://cosy.com/y21/Sun.Nov,20211114.html#4th.CoSy https://www.meetup.com/SV-FIG/events/281109563/ 11:55 | Potential of 4th.CoSy for BigData --- Bob Armstrong CoSy is an APL/K level computational daytimer/notekeeping environment in open to to chip Forth. | max dP%dt APL and K find their markets in complex global financial Big Data. CoSy provides a path for Forth to address those markets . | 12:15 FB FORTH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 21st CENTURY https://www.facebook.com/groups/PROGRAMMINGFORTH/posts/2790866607880022/?comment_id=2791634804469869 Anders Koburg commented : More and more tasks like big data handling (eg archived signal analysis) appear even in the embedded world. Forth has no answer to this. Either some Forther(s) reinvent Forth, or it will shrink to about non-existance within its niche. MY PATH : PDP-8I Lab Computer -- like an Arduino | Visual Random Dot patterns http://cosy.com/y21/Blog60days.html#20211113 You can learn Arduino in 15 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL34zDTPkcs Learned multi-dimensional MATH w APL to play w it til GROKED HOW TO DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE PATTERNS OF ACTIVITY ON 250,000 OPTIC FIBERS % EYE ? My interest : ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY IPSA | XEROX https://www.dyalog.com/blog/2021/07/thank-you-ian-sharp/ FORTH | IF YOU CAN DO IT WELL FOR ONE YOU CAN DO IT WELL FOR MANY SIMPLEST SYNTAX . DEFINE VOCABULARIES , NOT ` PROGRAMS UNIQUE RECOGNITION THAT LANGUAGE IS A HIERARCHY , NOT HORIZON APL>K | PLURAL BY DEFAULT BY DESIGN https://kx.com/ 1010DATA TRILLION ROW SPREADSHEET® https://1010data.com/media/1955/1010data_datasheet_adhoc-analysis-with-trs_28apr17.pdf A ` secret source of APL/K's speed : ` COLUMNAR ( inverted ) STORAGE rShow ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/ />\ Dir lfVM >t0> t0 5 _cut -3 _cut ` <dir> ncon ' drb 'm >t1> t1 ' blVM 'm >t2> | #' nub t2 { 3 _take } 'm t2 { 3 _cut blMV } 'm { cL enc } 'd >t0> t0 s" | " ' MV 'L t0 flip | fmttbl| res> rUpdate CoSy | Personal Interest ? : BUSINESS COCKPIT Unified ` Browser email , messaging , etc interface & archive My OWN Data dP%dt ENVIRONMENT COMMANDED BY THE LANGUAGE IT IS BUILT IN IMPORTANT HOBBY : http://cosy.com/#PlanetaryPhysics Seeking an executable understanding of the differential in a voxel because mapping it over a sphere is rather trivial in an APL like CoSy HOW | SIMPLE STRUCTURE | ONLY ` OBJECT IS ` LIST http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/ 3 CELL HEADER : `( Type # Ref# )` ` Type | allows ` generic verbs choosing apropriate algo | Type 0 is list of lists , ie : 1 cell pointers ` # | ` COUNT . How many items in list . | Indexing is MODULO . Allows wrapping & negative indexing ` Ref# | Generally internal . Permits ` automatic allocation | & freeing of objects . | W/O Dynamic Objects simply not at ` User level . | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | IF YOU HAVE A PROJECT WHERE THIS ABILITY TO DO IN A LINE WHAT MAY TAKE A PAGE OR MORE IN RAW FORTH , IF YOU WANT TO ADD A VOCABULARY TO YOUR FORTH TO ALLOW IT TO COMPETE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL , LET'S MAKE BUSINESS . LET'S CREATE THE FORTH ALTERNATIVE TO C BASED HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE | -------------------------- | VISION : Everybody their own programmer . Like telephones and elevators . PATH FROM CONCEPTUAL ARRAYS TO SILICON ARRAYS OPENS THE ` MACHINE LEVEL LANGUAGE/STRUCTURE TO EVOLVE THE CODE IS THE THEORY Bob@CoSy.com -- 719.337.2733 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ting : We all need a Forth for modern Browsers | 1044 | Minimalism & Fresh Ideas is why I chose Reva instead of Win32Forth | 1046 | Be great & powerful to see CoSy in ESP32forth | 1048 | https://esp32forth.appspot.com/ESP32forth.html | 1051 | Brad Nelson Back in NYC Wall St bum days saw company doing 3D printed sand casts | 1055 | Rectangular to Triangular translation algol ? | 1057 | G-code interface to printer Over all grade : WOW | 1110 | flagxor. Don Golding : Forth is the RISC | 1218 | System Verilog | CORE I | Greg Bailey . RayBan Stories | 1419 | | ########################################################################## | --