What is the role of personal computing language in our AI future ?
Unlike other computer languages and interfaces , CoSy
is motivated , foremost , as a personal tool of thought for use as a
capable of not only recording upcoming actions and log the past
but succinctly , executably , expressing quantitative tasks and thoughts :
mathematics from necessary accounting -- to voxel modeling of planetary
physics -- to the algorithms of AI -- and thereby understanding -- in vocabulary evolved from APL , open to the core(s) in Forth .
Elon describing state of Grok describes the current state of CoSy as well :
Final Polish -- Necessary for a great user experience
While I use CoSy
continuously from hitting a timestamp when I first sit down at the computer in the morning to closing down at night ,
and it remains unique at SV-FIG and
other language conferences as being the environment
interactively used live in the presentation , rather than static PowerPoints or the like , the development interface needs to be
replaced with direct browser interface and cloud hosting . The other polish needed is to
genericize numeric input and verbs removing the visual noise of needing to specify integer , eg: +i
versus floating +f operations and just say + .
Gary Hoover in American Business History : The Simple Key to Breakthrough Innovation : " Yet history
that the vast majority of breakthroughs come from one very simple
idea: combining two things
that no one has previously connected. " CoSy
uniquely openly bridges from the language of the chip via Forth to
mathematically rooted array language evolved and greatly simplified
from APL via K .
First Adopters Special Charter Subscription includes a share of CoSy because you are buying into its future
and having a voice in its direction
From Tekidome CoSy . Let's see this in your favorite language :
Finding the Pythagorean Triples ( eg: 3 4 5 ) up to a long side of 5000 .
5000 _iota1 >t0> ' iota1 'm >t1 | Generate the triangle of numbers 1 - 5000 < or = first t0 .. *i t1 .. *i ' +i 'd >t2 | Square them . Add the first & rest | Convert to floats . select if the square root of their squares are ints | \/ | could be simplfied w ` fracf | \/ | t2 i>f sqrtf .. floorf -f f0. ' =f aaply ' & 'm t1 $ ' at 'd t0 $ ' cL 'd >t3 t3 .. #' i1 >i ,/ & at >t4 | grab the ones where more that just 0th item are int
@ Facebook.com/groups/climate.discussion/ Me: Climate changes mainly with orbital parameters . the
bottom of the atmosphere at sea level is ~ 288 Kelvin , about 10
centigrade warmer than the ~ 278.6 +- 2.3 of a gray , flat spectrum ,
body around our orbit . The difference is due to the adiabatic tradeoff
of gravitational , potential , and kinetic , thermal , energy demanded
by Conservation of Energy . CO2 , which absorbs and emits in the IR
, is optically saturated , ie: opaque w/i less than 100m at sea level ,
even at only our ~ 4 molecules % 10k of air , and only finally radiates
to space at high altitude where it is colder so radiates less causing a
notch in our ` color spectrum which determines the difference from that
radiative equilibrium 278 for a gray ball . A 5th or even 6th molecule
% 10k makes little additional difference to our spectrum -- which is
its Only effect on equilibrium temperature . However , since half
your ` mummy weight is C from CO2 because every bite of food you eat is
, as all LIFE has been for > 2,000,000,000 years since before
photosynthesis CO2 was ~ 3000 molecules % 10k of air , plants are
loving it , spectacularly GREENING the planet and increasing
agricultural yields . | 1038 |
I reserve the right to
post all communications I receive or generate to
CoSy website for further reflection . Contact
Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ;
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