On 1/5/2018 10:42 AM, Bob Armstrong wrote:
| 20180104.1028 | | 20180105.0844 |
Ms Reed ,

As per the Judge http://cosy.com/y17/Insanity/Court.DocRqst.PDF , linked in the material at http://cosy.com/y17/MMM17disaster.html , the following is the list of my one and only witness for the jury trial set for Tuesday February 6 :
( ..... .....  <info@ccccc.com> ; ###.555.#### ; ************ . Colorado Springs, CO ##### )
His testimony is anticipated to elaborate upon
  • his comments and observations in his note I am a material witness in your defense specifically that Matt Walker , who it deserves note consumes on the order of hundreds of dollars of marijuana substances per month , went into an irrational rage when his belief in the absolute "goodness" of marijuana was questioned .
  • That we sought to get away from Mr Walker proceeding down to my house .
    That , apparently after emailing :
    Subject: Buffoons are anti-cannabis
    From: Matthew Paul Walker <matthewpaulwalker@gmail.com>
    Date: 2017-08-05 15:15
    To: Bob Armstrong <bob@cosy.com>

    Belief is a prison Bob, and your buffoon friend is peddling antique information with a closed mind.


    Sent from my iPhone
    Mr Walker followed us down to the house and aggressively and irrationally claimed that his car was being blocked by Mr Ccccccc despite the objective fact that it was 30 feet from any other vehicle .

  • That at this point Mr Ccccccc had had enough and left . Mr Ccccccc may also have some additional information bearing on Mr Walker mental stability and honesty .
Both I and Mr Ccccccc are elder citizens , myself now 73 , and Mr Walker half our age . I have had a fused left ankle since a climbing accident in 1972 . Thus I cannot limp forward particularly when wearing the moccasins I had on at the time rather than my regular boots in which I have a ~ 1.25 inch orthotic in my left boot . 

Thus I cannot reach much less aggress upon an able bodied individual more than an arm's length away . All I can do is to defend my "personal space" if that is to have any meaning .  Thus Mr Walker's agitation in his 911 call is irrational .

So this indictment for assault carrying a potential 2 to 6 year sentence is about a single grab and thrust ( the only altercation of any kind I've had in a quarter century ) , not as gentle as perhaps it might have been , defending my personal space from a raging irrational able bodied adult male .

I consider myself a no excuses libertarian ; I believe actions not substances should be judged . I do not believe in prohibitions . Whether Mr Walker's behavior was due to extreme amounts of marijuana -- or alcohol , he came over before the party carrying a beer and starts his written statement falsely claims I "had been drinking all day" , provably false and something I have never done in my life -- or more basic mental problems , it was Mr Walker's aggressions , destroying a great deal of work and preparation on my part , and his attack on my elderly guest , and his "in my face" invasion of any sense of personal space which induced my one and only reaction . It would not even have been possible if he had not been aggressively pushing up against me .

I trust this satisfies the Court's request for witness list and theory of defense .  Please let me know if I also need to submit it to some other office or in some other form so I can get that completed Monday .

Because I feel this prosecution of an elder for defending himself against an aggressive irrational male poses such a danger to our community , I will be requesting time to read this note ( eliding Mr Ccccccc's name ) at the Teller County Republican Central Committee Meeting this Tuesday the 9th .

Peace thru Freedom
Honesty enforced thru Transparency ,

 Bob A
-- | 20180105.1039 |
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