MidSummer Mountain Mela 2013
2012 08
03 ( Saturday August 3 ) 14:00
til ...
Highway 67 / Woodland
Park , Colorado / 80863-9711
frontpage for Google StreetView
an afternoon by Pike Forest , just north of Woodland Park ,
celebrating the Summer
equivalent of
Groundhog Day
Going to be a laid back MMM . Just going to clean
up what I can and smoke a turkey , lay in some booze & munchies
, and open the gate . Come and enjoy an afternoon at altitude
This year I've been too
busy to get to get away from my screen and enjoy the summer sun or get
any much needed outside work done . ( So if you've got a jones
to do some chain sawing , please
come and indulge yourself . )
The main goals which have been consuming my time are
- creating a power point presentation for the
October Pikes Peak
Economics Club meeting on How to Calculate the Temperature
of a Radiantly Heated Colored ball -- like our earth .
- making progress on 4th.CoSy
so I'll have something for show-and-tell at this year's Minnowbrook
array programming language implementers conference in September in the
Adirondacks .
I'm planning to get to New York City the Tuesday before Minnowbrook to
"debut" my power point "out of town" at the Manhattan
Libertarian Party monthly meeting .
I drove out to my 50th reunion at Culver
Academy in Indiana in May . Impressive school , impressive
classmates . I much enjoyed sitting in on a calc class and
meeting Nick Counts , head of the math department Most interesting
observation : A screen is pulled down in front of the blackboards and a
tablet is passed around to students rather than having them go to the
board . Didn't manage to meet the science and physics faculty
, which I feel is unfortunate because they appear to be captured by the
catastrophic anthropogenic global warming nonscience .
Right before the reunion , the motherboard in my desktop popped .
It consumed a couple of weeks when I got back upgrading to a
new 22nm 4-core x86 chip and mobo and 8gB DDR3 memory . Turns
out Windows Vista won't run on the new hardware and it was a pita
moving to Windows 8 . Cost a LOT of time . But it is faster
now .
So , if you're in the State , drop on up , relax and chat ,
see the salamander I pulled out of our well , or wander our dozen acres
. If you've a suggestion , or want to RSVP just comment below
See ya !

in May , 2013 05 09

Cockatoo ,
Binny ( Laden ) in tree in June , 2013 06 02
the right to post all communications
I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .