/ ======================== / sat.dec.20051231 / ======================== /
| Bob Armstrong
/(/ sun.jan.20060101.224445 /)/
Coherent Systems .com
Dear Friends and acquaintances ,
I trust all had a merry winter solstice season and happy western , now global ,
holidays which approximate it .
Shortcuts : #GoodByeNY , #Liberty , #4thCoSy , , #MidWinter19
The major event for me in 2005 has been leaving my 20 year view at 42 Peck Slip
, Manhattan 10038 , of Roebling's enduring bridge over the East River for a view
of the natural beauty of Pike's Peak from here at 28124 N Hwy 67 , Woodland Pk ,
CO 80863 . I have been meaning to get out a general newsletter since even before
the move in August but only succeeded in publishing specific portions on CoSy.com which I'll include by reference .
I apologize to some of you for whom this is the first time you will have heard
of my move . Many of my reasons for moving are given in my Blog at 20050810 .
Here's a slice of an interesting graph from MillerSamuel.com/ recently posted on the NYC Junto Discussion list . Stevan Apter
compared my leaving NYC to a canary in a coal mine .
Certainly it seems my deciding , around the end of Q1 , to leave
presages the bursting of a housing market bubble . It will be
interesting to see how the curve progresses .
Recently another APLer mentioned in an email that the what's new
link is his favorite feature of CoSy.com . It's
perhaps not a bad way to scan the various fronts I've touched during the year
tho I'm afraid the Sep 2 updates were due to a wrong click .
It's incredibly frustrating to be living in one of the world's most expressive
computing environments and find it pointless to make any new words because only
you will use them and you are doing your damnedest to get the time to birth its
replacement .
What brings this to mind is working , concurrently with writing this , on
cleaning a 14700 record NYS Libertarian Party data base and merging it with our
Manhattan LP list and eliminating all bad e-addrs .
Ok , I couldn't avoid making one new word . For any remaining K geeks :
whereachIdxs : { ,/ ( ! # x ) ,/:' x }
whereachIdxs..h : " for a matrix like &:' returns , returns all address pairs "
( I may have left NYC in body , but I continue to be the Manhattan Libertarian
Party's manhattanlp.org
webmaster in addition to my own Liberty page . ) Largely because of its computational notebook
aspect , I don't think there is a system anywhere better able to poke around
with this info than K.CoSy . While messaging the DB , I inevitably saw there are
a couple of words like "csv2dic" which would be better named "csv2DT" ( for
DictionaryTable or DatabaseTable ) . But it's not worth tapping a finger
improving anymore .
In addition to the web mastering , I wrote an article on The Logic of
Liberty for the upcoming issue of the MLP's Serf
City and
am also running an ad for in it . ( The advertising rates are a very good
deal . )
#4thCoSy ( most teky )
On the 4th.CoSy front , I've gotten
less done than I had hoped by now . See for one reason . tax computations , Liberty related work ,
an extended and enlightening quantitative discussion on the NYC Junto discussion list on the physics of mean global temperature ,
and a frozen spigot by the corral among others . )
But I expect to have bigger time blocks available the last half of winter .
The major piece of progress is really a change to a path even less traveled
than before , in fact , a path only just being broken . Even within the
minimalist FORTH world , I have moved from a commercial version , to a mature
web community based one , Win32Forth , and
now to a very small implementation Reva being created by an
individual , Ron Aaron , in Bellevue WA . There appear to be a handful of
similarly minded minimalists clustered around RetroForth each making their own
variations on a theme . Ron is simultaneously producing Windows an Linux
versions . Ron's Reva.exe has grown to 20KB creating a
vocabulary approaching 300 words . When I convert and flesh out my "dynamic
list" vocabulary from Win32Forth I expect to have a very powerful Array
Programming Language in about 50 or 60KB . The small size is not a goal in
itself , rather the terseness manifests the simplicity and generality of the
structures and words making up the system . It is possible for an individual to
get his head around the whole thing .
Unlike traditional FORTHs , Reva is built in an external ( free ) assembler ,
FASM . It's the first time
I've used an assembler in years , but it was surprisingly easy to gain a
sufficient understanding of Ron's well organized code to make some simple words
of my own . I think the result of this simplicity of modifying the source code
itself will be to lead me to ramify this language bush yet another limb .
apparently a RetroForth tradition to just have the conditionals ( 0if =if <>if <if >if )
which are , in fact , the atomic instructions at the assembly level . |
In particular , while apparently convincing Ron to add logical functions ( > < = ) in
addition to just the logical conditionals , I was figuring out how to make those
same words in assembly .
I have decided I really want those basic logic functions to follow Iverson logic ( TRUE ~ 1 ) rather than the Moore logic ( TRUE ~ -1 ) returned by Ron's
words . In both cases ( FALSE ~ 0 ) . ( In actual fact Moore's
logic is ( TRUE ~ { not 0 } ) so
Iverson logic would seem a restriction . ) But , the thing is , you can do
arithmetic with Iverson logic . And , when you start wanting to speed up really
big logical problems , you can bit pack the logic values and get machine word
size parallelism with algorithms which were worked out in the APL world decades
ago .
But the arithmetic is the important thing . You must be able to add up how
many TRUEs you've got .
Something I have wanted to market since 1985
Glass Table
Burn the Xmas Tree
Last but most assuredly not least , as I write this on New Year's eve ,
MidWinter is
just 5 Saturdays away . This will be my 20th MidWinter Gathering , the
first couple of which were held in Rochester NY before moving down to Manhattan
in 1984 . To mark the first party back out in the natural world , we'll do
something that's a little difficult on the 13 mile island , particularly on your
own family property .
We'll light up this year's Christmas Tree one last time at MidNight in
a bonfire celebrating as the sun reaches the zenith in Bangalore .
So , let me invite you out a midwinter weekend in the mountains . Our neighbors
to the north are a small
Bed & Breakfast
and there are many other accommodations in the area . The major ski resorts start about an hour away ,
Creek's casinos are
about 40 minutes ( 25 miles ) down Highway 67 . Here at our miniRanch ,
depending on the weather , and your ability , you might take a horse into the
national forest , or we could do some target shooting or plinking .
In mid-winter , everything depends on the weather . The average temperature here
on Feb 4 ranges from a day time high of 40f dropping 36f to a nightime average low of 4f . Only .3 inches of percipitation
are expected in the month .
Be great if some of you all can join us !
Note : I reserve the right to post all
communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection
Coherent Systems / 28124 N Hwy 67 / Woodland Park , CO 80863
/ ======================== / sat.feb.20060204 / ======================== /
14:00 if you're from out of town and want to hang & do some riding or chain sawing or something ,
20:00 - ? MidWinter 19 . ( see above ) , 28124 N Hwy 67 , Woodland Park , CO
Public Shadow of my
Current calendar in my personal CoSy :
Comments , ?s , Event announcements , Email me
Colors : Event announcements , Quote Color ,
, CoSy Color ( opinions ) Shout
Put Cursor on
to see hidden comments .
( In MS IE , under "Tools > Internet Options > Advanced >
Accessibility" , be sure "Always expand ALT text for images" is checked
. )
See also ?Wha?
Note : Names & addresses w/o other explanation are generally NYC Art
Gallery Openings .
Abbreviations : (rD-NY) : Rep Dem - NewYork .
Other NYC Calendars : AlleyEvent ; Douglas Kelley Show NYC art openings
* : I reserve the right to post all communications I
receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
Most Recent
/ ======================== / thu.feb.20060209 / ======================== /
/ started sat.feb.20060204.1956 /
cc: General Assembly
Subject : Freedom
Dear Governor Owens ,
Freedom is not suppose to be something one must argue for in this country ;
it's almost supposed to be part of our name . But we know more and more
that the fight , which is by definition , of the individual , does not
end -- and in fact in many ways is more critical than any time in my 61 years .
Freedom offers great competitive advantage . Nevada's main product may be
said to be Freedom and that is surely a factor in it's US leading rate of
rate of attraction of people and wealth from other states .
I moved here to Woodland Park from Manhattan New York six months ago . Among the reasons I'll quote this from my parting letter to my City Councilman , Alan Gerson :
Perhaps the first of us to get out are those like me for whom the
discomfort of not being able to relax with a drink and a smoke as our
fathers did or as George Burns did to the age of 100 is secondary to
our gut level disgust and fear seeing some bullying pisher who was a
junior when we were freshman now have the force of police behind his
assertion of control over details of our peaceful voluntary choices . |
I'm referring of course to Michael Bloomberg who never
jepardized his election by hinting at his plan to extend substance
prohibition to nicotine .
I must confess , the drive to control other citizen's peaceful
behavior is something I just don't have . But I've seen the glee in the
smiles of tobacco prohibitionists in New York that they get by crushing
your freedom ; they can't hold it in . Of course they are doing it for our own good . They might as well quote Marx .
It's personal behaviors rather than economic decisions , but the arrogance is the same .
The decision whether to allow tobacco smoking in a place of
business does not have to be made at the state level ; it can be made
at the county level and let counties compete with distinct
personalities . Or it can be decided on the town level where towns can
choose their rules . Or , abiding by the founding principles which made
us the envy of the world , these decisions can be made by the Owner of
a business depending on their tastes and goals .
In New York the false claim was made that there weren't any
non-smoking choices available . That is patently not true here . So
what charitable face can possibly be put on those who want to replace
this freedom of choice with police force ? I see only arrogance . I hope I won't have this motive to move once again .
Peace thru Freedom ,
Bob Armstrong
Note : I reserve the right to post all
communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection
Coherent Systems / 28124 N Hwy 67 / Woodland Park , CO 80863
See previous comments on the extension of the drug war to nicotine at NYC Smoking Ban and on the Manhattan LP Forum Prohibition topic .
/ ======================== / sun.apr.20060423 / ======================== /
Posted in response to Scientific Amerian's respone to FDA self serving dismissal of any medical value of Marijuana :
When you "follow the money" you don't need to look beyond
the Government itself . It is the State itself which has a drive to
criminalize even the peaceful behaviors of its citizens thus
rationalizing the taking more money for more , and more militarized ,
police and a gulag now number 1 in the world .
Since the substantial collapse of traditional Marxist economic
socialism , those with the drive to control others have been perfecting
Nanny Socialism based on the same scam that "it is for your own good" .
These NaSi's are more dangerous to our domestic tranquility than
anybody on the other side of the world .
April 23, 2006 @ 17:32
/ ======================== / fri.may.20060512 / ======================== /
My guest editorial in the Teller County CO May 2 Mountain Jackpot paper :
Criminalizing the Population
 "Colofornia" Tee Shirt $16 ( email me ) |
17 to 18 in the Senate (link to individual votes below) and signature
by outgoing Governor Owens, on March 27, Coloradans lost a chunk of
their liberty to a well funded in and out of state minority of zealots
so enamored by the drug prohibitions we already have that they have now
succeeded in criminalizing the peaceful relaxation of perhaps a million
of their fellow citizens.
These zealots are not
interested in health, science, or truth. They are not interested in
compromise. They want to engage the State police, both uniformed and
secret, in stopping any proprietor or any veterans' or other "private"
club from allowing the consumption of nicotine and alcohol together
within their doors. I put private in quotes because that word clearly means less than it used to.
To quote one of the most rabid, District 59 Representative Mark Larson:
would be what I would like to do which is make tobacco a Classification
One Controlled Substance, Until tobacco is banned altogether, I guess
we'll just have to make certain that you don't take us along with you
are {as} you slowly kill yourself."
"Representative" Larson, if you were just one of us ordinary citizens
instead of one of our "more equals", to use Orwell's "Animal Farm"
phrase, you would have the freedom of the market to turn around
and walk out the door of any individual's business or club which didn't
cater to your beliefs and tastes. That applies whether you are a
customer or an employee. While there are, in fact, a lot of no-smoking
restaurants, bars and clubs around, and non smoking sections in many
more, if you feel the desire for one more your style or closer to you,
get together with some friends and open one up yourselves; apparently
there's an under-served market and some money to be made.
These neo Carrie
Nations are latter day Marxists. They use the same scam that "it is for
your own good". When I was growing up, "Nazi" referred to Germany's
National Socialists. Now we face our own "NaSi"s, Nanny Socialists who
do not believe in the adulthood of their fellow citizenry, both
majority and minority, whose rights they were elected to defend. With
blacks and gays having very effectively won their civil rights, these
"more equals" have found in smokers a new minority attackable by their
own minority while a majority of bystanders just look on not
considering the implications for all our personal freedoms.
The United States was
founded on the recognition that Government is one of the most dangerous
entities in our lives. Jefferson's idea of the proper purpose of the
State was to provide a fair court to redress and deter harm of one
citizen by another. The notion of individually owned private property
was the bedrock upon which any decision of who was aggressing or who
defending, who the criminal and who the victim, could be based. And
indeed, the right to make your own decisions about the use of your own
property is the foundation of freedom.
The State has a
natural drive to expand just like any other monopoly. One method,
because the number of true criminals harming their fellow citizens by
force or fraud, while substantial, is finite, is to criminalize even
the voluntary peaceful behaviors and transactions of the citizenry,
thus rationalizing the taking of more money for more, and more
militarized, police and an expanding prison gulag. Just on the basis of
our existing nanny statist prohibitions, the US now has the number 1
gulag in the world.
It is no
overstatement to describe this new prohibition as creating a new
opportunity for snitches and secret police to enter private
establishments and selectively extort them over personal choices by
owners and patrons which have been legal since long before any of us
were born. "Smoke-easy"s are inevitable and exist everywhere
Governments have embraced these new revenue sources, oops,
prohibitions. (I moved out here from Manhattan, NY last year, in part
because my right to relax with a cigar and a beer among friends had
been criminalized. Still, I can steer you to a number of places on the
Lower East Side where, if you know the right door to go to, you can
light up if you want.)
Last Tuesday, I got
to a standing-room-only meeting of a newly revived group of bar and
restaurant owners, VFW and DAV representatives, ordinary concerned
citizens like myself, and a couple of courageous House candidates who
believe defense of liberty and property may in fact still be a winning
stance in their districts. The group is raising money to get an
injunction, based initially on the unequal exemption of casinos, which
shows that even for the zealots, "health" is for sale, against the July
1 imposition of the new prohibition.
I must admit being
moved by seeing the size of the gathering of, perhaps 80% smokers, but
20% not, gathering their small moneys together to battle the massively
funded (largely with their own taken money) government nanny health
While for many of the
bar owners, their potential bankruptcy motivates their donations, the
pervading theme and sense in the room is of a battle for freedom of
individual choice against tyranny no American should countenance. The
Colorado Springs members of their group, "The Coalition for Equal
Rights", are holding meetings every Tuesday afternoon at Walkabout Pub,
1919 E. Boulder. Details and contacts are on their just set up website stopthebans.com .
Peace thru Freedom,
Bob Armstrong
Votes of each Senator and Representative
Teller County Representative James Sullivan and Senator Tom Wiens voted
against Liberty and for the extension of the Nanny State.
I'm sure some of the 17 Senators and 24
of 65 representatives who voted to retain our liberty are personally
pissed that their own freedom to relax with a smoke and a brew has been
See also : CoSy.com/Liberty.htm#SmokingBan .
/ ======================== / wed.may.20060524 / ======================== /
I recently posted "Progress towards 4th.CoSy" on
http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.apl and also on
http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.forth . I must say I find both
groups , but more so the Forth group mired in minutia . Here's the post
anyway : Since moving to 2500 meters up in Colorado last August , I'm now finding time ( besides having to fight the nicotine nazis here who helped make NYC not worth the effort to remain there . See www.CoSy.com/home.htm#20060512 ) to make some significant progress towards a next generation CoSy built from the FORTH up .
I've been working in a very new and mimimalist FORTH by Ron Aaron named Reva ( hebrew for 1/4 ) running on both Windows and Linux . I've just posted the first code which provides some real utility from the perspective of someone used to working at the FORTH level . Namely , I have reference counted character , integer and float lists in useful form , tho still pretty naked , for someone with an APL headset . I've uploaded some examples at www.CoSy.com/CoSy/CoSy/UserManual.htm
which links to further information .
My interest is simplicity of expression so it is borrowing a lot from K
other than its syntax . It is purely lists of lists ( bushes ) with
modulo indexing so there are no notions of dimension per se , and
rather than scalar extension , shorter lists are just indexed ( modulo
) to the length of the longer . In a sense , the only multidimensional
function is "flip" which transposes 2 dimensions if they are
rectangular , ie , all items of second dimension are of the same length
At this point , I could use some help from people who really know how
to write an APL as to the best way to structure the overloading words
to bury all the type specific verbs and adverbs and implement
traditional APL infix . While I am aiming at a more word defined syntax
than traditional APL structure , I really need to see how it has been
done to see what I need to do .
I'm looking , for instance for a copy of Whitney's one page prototype
of J . And , of course to pick the brains of the brilliant like
Bernecky and Ryan . If Chapman's I-APL is available somewhere , that
might be useful to look at too . Since the whole system is going to be
open code up to a very high application level , I look forward to input
from others . Reva which really became pubic last summer has evolved
spectacularly because of contributions from a number of brilliant
FORTH/assembly programmers scattered around the globe . The system
provides and will provide an APL that is unique in being open and
easily customizable right to the assembly language level .
Anyway , I invite you to take a look at what I've done so far . I
apologize for the script being as messy and unsegmented as it is , but
this is the very earliest point at which it's useful and makes sense to
invite feedback .