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    1998 Libertarian Candidate for Governer of New York :


    See his GlobalWarming/Poem
      ============================: WED.JUN,980624 :============================
    ChrisGarvey  Libertarian Cand for Gov NY .
     Hunan Fifth, 323 5 @ 32 St . $35 . I gave $40 .
     Murray Sabrin speaking about his run for Governor of NJ.
    |19:21| Missed start :  Queens
    Aiming @ 50K votes in Nov .
    |20:38| Murray . been home writing TextBook . Qual for Eo Qct Debates :
     Jean Ltr frm WDC pulled in  1 - 2100$ donations . Filed NJ Elect Cmsn
      16:00 | discovered had raise but not have contracted out yet . admin judge
      ruled in their favor . Every Editorial in State in their favor .
      1st to get matching funds & be in debate . Feedback : came in 2nd .
      2 more debates . raised 350K$ matched 2’ . got .05 of vote . some districts
      .2 | came in 2nd in at least 1 dist .
     Further frm NYC , better he did . bought small mkts .
     Sane & Stable Ctr . Beat McGrivy in own cnty . Giant Killer .
     Repubs 1st dismissed as joek . Got concerned after debate , after 3rd in
     panik . Wanted to establish coelition . - Like
     Whitman won by 22k .47 .46 | met by Repub after election seeking suport in
     2k if ~ running himself . Checking if Kook . Want to Run or be part of
     . Repub Libertarian caucus . abt defeating Whitman . McWhittman candidacy
     Partial Birth would have won for | What maks dif from Repblican : I mean it
     . Is real Republican in race . Wasted vote syndrome kick in . MiltonFreedmon
     : `28 socialist platform long since adopted
     Clinton won on : Era of Big Gov over . War on drugs . Not purpose of govt to
     save us from ourselves .
     Not one editorial board asked abt War on Drugs .
     What if loved one killed by gun - what if killed by drunk in SUV on NJ
      Turnpike ? Who is guilty .
     Saw lots of state . Took money . needed to use wisely . Want to meet more
     person to person . Closest did before  `76 Libertarian conv .
     Learned what politics all about . Wanted to legalize everything . - How did
     he loose . NJ Govt buying empty space .
     Whitmann more liberal than McGrivey .
     5 Full time paid .
     Need 6 Mo lead time . Year better . Need to c> every contact you have .
     Tobacco Smokers Natnt Smokers Allowance . ' More people smoke that voted for
     BillClinton .
     Writing Book & teaching this year . |21:5|
     Campaigns like tires . dont run flat . Pledge cards .
    Intro ChrisGarvey :  Liberty w/o hypocrasy .
     1st step get on ballot . Petition boards . better . must personally wittness
     each signature . Put Witness info on original . make dups .
     Must personally wittness . or let husband witness wife then witness husband
     NY Election law thrown out . No need for assembly & election district .
     Must be from proper subdivision candidate is for .
     Senate Candidate - Can`t restrict canvasing on public space . Must get
     permission from owners of malls , parking lots , etc .
    ? Issues ? : Poem . LILCO . just ripped off . Coersive monopoly . built power
     plant then didn`t turn on .  48M$ golden parachute .
     Citizens for sound econ : 3’ tax free Muni Bonds . insured .
     Hulka in Suffok support ?  7B$ hurt .
     Libertarian principal . | O+ : what real issues : Regulation :
     80 illegal bond issues in state .
       Victmless Crimes filling jails
       Education -  School choice .  - get gov out of school busn .
       No Parole
     Petaki Not delivered on these
    |21:23| MurraySabin :  Witmon spending up .06  , 2’ rate of inflation .
     Pataki up .085  -- higher than Cuomo .
     Image of Pataki - increased spending funding w bonds .
    Checkbook :   NY Libertarian Campaign 98 .
      Debate status ? Pataki does not have to debate ?
           DougGreenen : Garvey is Marvey
     Still looking for strategy : First Goal
     Guliani BallPork issue . leaving Business tax on Ma&Pa for Steinbrenner .
     SheltonSilver runs house , Bruno controls Senate . Triumverate running .
     could drop
     1.3M$  .6M$ for each senate & house member .
     get rid of Dept Econ Dev .  Research authorities .
     get rid Welfare for rich  & might not have any poor left .
     2nd Amendment . Best deturant to crime : armed victim .
      FL devised to keep blacks from having guns . ( In NY italians )
     When FL allowed use of guns , immediate retuction in crime , particularly
      violent . Suffok safest county .
      End War on Drugs . In State - not intra state . Labeled . Right to sue for
      damage . Would use Gubinatorial Pardon to end for duration of time in
      office .
     Federal Mandates ? Fight in court or just ignore . Just circular file .
      If don`t win in court - senators fight .
       Antibiotic flooding ?
     109k NY S   NormaSegal .
    Ultimate Executive NoteComputer
    Note : I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .

    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 212.285.1864
    Coherent Systems / 42 Peck Slip 4b/ New York NY 10038.1725
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