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CoSy2000 .
CoSy is ancient by common software standards , essentially written in 1984 . But , many of its concepts and features , like those of APL itself , remain unrecognized and unmatched in the mass market . For instance , CoSy has been an open-code , windowed , Hypertext Browser of its own objects ( Jobs ) since it was created , long before many of those terms were current . So far as I know , CoSy`s ability to mix interPeople text with scratch pad , or more structured computations remains unique . For instance : 1 + 2 3 4 |>| 3 4 5 | tapping sF5 on this line . Users new to APL will find more than a thousand functions in , generally pretty concise , APL . Unfortunately , in periods of limited memory , the documentation on many of the classics has been separated , remaining only on archive files . Even experienced APLers are likely to find some provocative linguistic concepts , such as the Text ( F2 & sF3 ) and S stacks and vocabulary : p , D , P , T . ( Put the cursor on these words and choose s SSHOW SHOW RW | on the cF10 menu to see definitions . ) Anyone who knows APL well , and digs into the structure of CoSy will see ways in which the functionality of CoSy could be drastically upgraded and extended with with a comparatively small amount of experimentation . The much greater speed of processors now would permit massive restructuring and generalization - even a whole keystroke table redefinition . The interface with Arthur Whitney`s K , ( see WRK:K ) provides access to another very powerful array language . ( put the cursor on -> WRK:K <- and tap cF6 to go to that material . ) The link with K is pretty reliable and quick enough for what I`ve tried so far not to annoy me . However , it seems CoSy can get into some sort of lock with a K process , and I haven`t caught what triggers the state . It may be inscrutable MS/Win98 . But the K`s interface is so primitive that CoSy represents a great improvement . The choice of interface seems to be between EMACS/Lisp and CoSy/APL . The Documentation , and some math , etc , libraries for the Flat APL provided here is available from APL2000 . Say Hi to Eric Baelen . Post all questions and comments to CoSy-NoteComputing . See Xfer991207 for Font setup and some tek examples . #download \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ I`ve uploaded a self extracting 625k file , CoSy2000.exe , to the eGroups vault http://www.egroups.com/docvault/cosy-notecomputing/ . It should expand to a directory named \CoSy containing the files below : APL EXE 178,463 01-11-93 9:36a APL.EXE APL8514 FON 14,336 05-21-92 9:15a APL8514.FON BK BAT 62 02-08-93 11:28p bk.bat CAL2000 ASF 32,768 12-09-99 6:56p CAL2000.ASF COSY BAT 267 12-07-99 11:46p cosy.bat COSY PIF 967 12-16-99 10:37a cosy.PIF FONTREAD ME 4,456 09-23-92 5:34p FONTREAD.ME HELP ASF 425,984 12-08-99 10:55a help.asf SAVEBK BAT 65 01-08-93 5:13p savebk.bat TOK K 3,408 11-24-99 4:09p TOK.K WAPLFONT FON 53,248 11-20-92 10:07a WAPLFONT.FON XFER ASF 200,704 12-09-99 6:56p XFER.ASF Clicking cosy.pif should load and start CoSy . Please post to the group any problems or comments .