TuesdayZoom 3 _at
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over decades
Learn about the only language which spans from the chip in Forth to Array Mathematics ( eg: accounting , AI , voxel modeling )
 simplified from APL/K ,
in an Everyday Business oriented ` Daytimer interface

CoSy Tuesday Zoom 3
Tue.Sep,20240917.1000-6 ( 10 am , MDT )
LINK to Zoom

Planing to go thru the downloading & starting of CoSy
expect to update and source scripts

Comments & examples from recent online discussions
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Links to previous :
NL2024_09_06 § NL2024_08_23 § NL2024_08
Gary Hoover in American Business History :
The  Simple Key to Breakthrough Innovation :
" Yet history indicates that the vast majority of breakthroughs
 come from one very simple idea:
combining two things that no one has previously connected. "

The highest value use is logging one's path & managing one's business

This week's byte ` o code
Extreme Simplicity
Extreme Capability

your intelligent diary in
 if you can think it , it's done language
 | ====== | Mon.Sep,20240909 | ====== |
The product across Ken Iverson's birthday , i( 1920 12 17 )i ,
 in APL  | ×/ 1920 12 17 |>| 391680 |
is used as a pass code on some APL zooms , I've kept Chuck Moore's in my CoSy notes , and today's the day . 
In current CoSy :
    i( 1938 9 9 )i  ' *i ./ |>| 156978 |
in  ` future CoSy  :
  1938 9 9 ' * ./ |>| 156978 
could be written in raw Forth |   1938 9 9 * * 
So Sept 9  we celebrated Chuck's
 2024 1938 - _i i>f 365.25 _f *f f>i |>| 31411th day 🥳🥳🥳

αlpha First Adopters Special Deal
Purchase of αlpha_support is Prerequisite for any joint projects
Email me directly for more information and to arrange personal Zoom .
However , Tekys : Much needs to evolve in CoSy , particularly interfacing with the Web . Some of these are probably weekend tasks if you know what you are doing . But they are worth equity in CoSy for useful solutions . Drop me an em if you'd like to be included in teky only Zooms .
>>> Email me , Bob Armstrong <<<

  | Free & Open
Code |

20240916.0705 | BobA |

Whole CoSy
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Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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