Van ,
I'm the guy with 23 years more life stories than you who was
carrying the primary school science fact :
+ = LIFE
If I have occasion to use it again , I need to add a little 5800k
sun .
Certainly I and others out there were impressed by your direct
intercourse and display of a sense of respect which you further
impressed me with your consistency in your speech . You have a
future as an international lawyer .
Political Science prof who introduced you triggered
thoughts of the late
Nolan . I consider his unfolding of
space along the
libertarian-authoritarian dimension
and his founding of the Libertarian Party the first indication of
that there may actually be some real science in the field . David
was poliSci , MIT 1966 .
| 20110304.1146 | Just been
reading the Independent article on you to find out
what the row about you was all about . Guess you've learned
some of your diplomacy recently . |
It's this individual market choice versus state force
dimension on which we are philosophically opposed . Your argument
that you and your political cronies are so superior in wisdom and
charity to the markets of free individuals optimizing the welfare
of their families that you must invoke the guns and prisons of the
State to distort those markets would be more persuasive
if you were not dead wrong , and therefore anti-life , in
your attempt to criminalize the very building block of life . You
clearly have a LOT invested in this stupidity , which the
intelligence of the internet ( along with the refusal of the
planet to "bake" ) is tearing down as surely as it is tyrants
around the world . Below , I present some of the most basic
science . I got diverted into spending a painfully expensive
amount of time over the last few years on this issue because of
the pathetic understanding of the most basic physics on both sides
of the debate .
But the other flaw in your analysis , which you should care about
if the welfare of your progeny ( for which I envy you ) is your
true concern , is what I would label the FDR fallacy : Creating
jobs DOES NOT create wealth . Product per population does .
Your comparison of coal jobs versus "green" jobs itself
demonstrates this truth . The 80,000 or whatever coal jobs produce
, what , 25% of the country's total kilowatt hours . How many
kilowatt hours do those 80,000 "green" jobs produce ? 1% maybe .
Those "greens" would be freezing in the dark if they had to rely
on their own product .
Our living standards improve only as technology reduces the number
of human hours it takes to produce a particular desired product .
If this were not true , we might as well have stayed happy
breaking our backs with 40 acres and a mule .
However , increasing productivity , the only path to increased
welfare , does create dislocations with people surplus to the
product<>money flows . One solution would be that everybody
could relax a little more spreading the work around . But the
Government has been pretty effective at piling up regulations and
paper work sufficient to keep the average citizen trotting a
treadmill . The economy is recovering only now that the Government
seems to have been reined in at least a little .
Well , I hope this is falling on honest , not deaf ears . I have
my doubts .
( 719-337-2733 ; SKYPE : cosybob ; |
twitter : BobArmstrong ; Facebook |
I reserve the right to post
all communications
I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection
Some Science
If you are truly green , if you are honestly
facing that question of maximizing our and our children's and our
children's children's welfare , rather than a huckster seeking
control over personal slivers of the governments guns prisons
and taken money flows , then this living graph must moderate your
language with respect to the life gas a bit of which we
are restoring to the biosphere .
I've just added this display of spectra to my
Planetary Temperature
page :
| 20110304 | The best graph I've seen
showing most of the relevant spectra other than our
surface . That CO2
already has little more ability to effect our
temperature is shown by
the fact that its peaks are already absorbing 100% . |
BTW : I've been to New Haven for an APL conference some years
ago , and even in my short stay felt it was one of the most
socially segregated places I've ever visited .
If you happen to be out here in August , I'm having my MidSummer
Party Saturday the 6th .