As too often happens , the closest and most important invitations get sent last because working thru , cleaning , etc , accumulated mailing lists is important exercise and test for CoSy's ever increasing capabilities . Mail lists and accounting are 2 of the most important activities motivating its independent evolution upon an open foundation .

An example for the uber-nerds :
| In wanting to discard portions of names in my mailing lists commented out with s" | "
| I ran into a rather long standing bomb in ' toksplt  on strings not containing the token
| Finally realized I simply needed to change ' cut which discloses singletons to ' cut\
| which doesn't .
: VM : toksplt ( str tok -- CV )    | like ' tokcut but deletes the tokens from the cut pieces
   2p LR@ swap cL >aux+> dup R@ css cut\ aux-    | appends
   R@ rho ['] cut eachleft  2P> ;

Thus proceeding with cleaning this list . Thus :
CoSy MidSummer Mountain Mela 2017

2017 08 05 ( Saturday August 5 ) 15:00 til ...
28124 Highway 67 /  Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711
( klik pik for full invite & to RSVP )

My basic philosophy of party giving is to lay in mass quantities of everything and clean up the place as best I can .

Peace thru Freedom
Honesty enforced thru Transparency ,

 Bob A
-- -- Bob Armstrong Vita -- 719.337.2733 --
CoSy  A new paradigm in computing
I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection