Modified | DDT |>| TUE.MAY,000516,12:52-4 | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current         ?Wha? © Bob Armstrong .


MicroSoft Windows is what 10`s of Millions of $$ - and the 100s of programmers that money feeds - can produce to cocoon users into accepting not being able to program their own machines .

CoSy is what an intelligent individual can create for himself when his NoteComputer is his only support in business life in New York and Chicago .

CoSy continues to be viable , despite being hobbled by its foundation in a decade old APL hobbled by the 16 bit address space IBM needlessly hobbled the masses with for an extra decade by choosing Intel over Motorola .

CoSy continues to be uniquely viable for the support of every day life because it`s highest purpose is to remember the details of daily thoughts -
both the mundane : foen numbers - the most valuable numbers ,
and the most abstract .

The core idea is to have piles of general purpose electronic paper -- hyper-paper if you will . The environment is windows of text ( I called them Jobs - after Steve ) . You can take notes etc , - tap Enter , and they will be word-wraped and auto-indented . If you write down something in CoSy extended APL , - Tap F6 and it will be done .

CoSy the notebook is written in CoSy the language , which , once a foundation was laid , has been written in CoSy the notebook .
CoSy is based in STSC APL+ Version 7 , circa 1987 , which is so old , its greatgrandversion , 10 , has been released as freeware .

Note , read the material above to get an overview of CoSy . CoSy has some unique powers , but most find it has a steep learning curve . Please email me with the first place you get stumped . I`ll try to root it out and smooth it over .

DownLoading CoSy

New Upload . See : CoSy2000 .
( including a vocabulary to talk to a K Language process . )

Subscribe to CoSy NoteComputing Environment , and download CoSy/APL from the vault .
cosy-notecomputing archive Hosted by

Log of changes , etc :

  ==175_Days_til_Election=====: TUE.MAY,000516 :============================
|12:35| Added fn  BRAESEVAL to the definition of  DAYLN  to be able to have
 active counter of days til election . They are listed here with APL
 characters availible in CoSy changed to their ASCII equivalents .
| Prints line across screen with date RA formatted in the center.
| LA is a optional number of days to count ahead.
| Example to create 7 lines for this week, execute:
|   7 DAYLN (Todays date)
| Modified to accent SUNdays.
| Modified to insert DAYLNGLB in immediate daylines to mark location .
|  E.g. : see the functions ToHP and ToNY .
 goto (0 ne  input NC 'LA')/L0
NORM:T1 is '=+'[0=0 DOW‘CAL RA]  &
 goto (~(3 take RA) match 3 take input TS)/L1  &
L1:T1 CTITLN ': ',(,',' PRTBL DDTFMT RA),' :'  &   goto 0
SINK LA LP 'DAYLN , SECREP T0+A x 86400  & '
|1984 6 20 20 32, Bob A |1984 10 30 8 46, Bob A |1987 1 21 16 23, Rick Trice
|1987 1 26 3 0, Rick Trice |1987 2 6 1 27, Rick Trice |1987 2 6 3 43, BobA
|1988 4 3 15 27, Bob A |6 2 12 37 | 10 14 18 5 |1989 3 9 13 34, Bob A
|4 17 11 59, Bob A |1993 11 18 12 9, Bob A |( Changing ' outer ' to ':' )|
|( 9604302156,BobA )| |( 9703110522,BobA )| |( Adding BRAESEVAL )|
|( 0005161152,BobA )|

 { R  is  R ,  format  2000 11 7 DAYSDIFF 3  take  ts }_Days_til_Election

Instructions for previous versions :

 First , make a directory , \COSY , and download 

 into it . Extract the files . Then simply   RUN COSY   . CoSy should boot to
 showing PacManCLK ( the arc from the hr ( 24 base ) to the minute ) with an
 empty password so if you just tap RETURN a couple of times CoSy will open up
 and you should have about 140k free memory ( look on the upper left next to
 F1:Help ( This is original MS-DOS circa `88 APL ; It operates in the 1st
 640.KB ) ) .

CoSy is easy to set up under Windows95 , but the CoSy font including APL characters is not available . From the start menu , just run | cosy.bat | in the directory containing CoSy .

If you are using earlier windows , see : CoSy/Language/CoSyWin3 you will have the advantage of APL characters .

Problems and solutions fedback are logged in CoSy/Language/CoSyAPL/MailLog

 CoSy NoteComputing Environment & Language ;
CoSy The
 Current , WallSt , MotorBoard , Art
Feedback :
NB : I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .