============================: WED.SEP,990901 :============================
16-18| Chicago : LittleCity Benefit . Old Orchard Bloomingdale`s :
============================: THU.SEP,990902 :============================
18:30| Libertarian Junto : BETTINA BIEN GREAVES : von Mises : HUMAN
============================: TUE.SEP,990907 :============================
Finished Excellent book : MaxEastman : Reflections on the Failure
of Socialism , 1955 . Like Howard Fast`s "Naked God" , ( see
SAT.AUG,990828 ) it is the exposition by a True Believer who came to see the
inevitable nexis of Socialism and Tyranny . Eastman is the more powerful
book . Interestingly , like AlanGreenspan in Ayn Rand`s 1967 "Capitalism:
The Unknown Ideal" , he devotes a chapter to "The Religion of Immoralism" in
Eastman`s phrase , "The Assault on Integrity" in Greenspan`s .
Eastman quotes Lenin : We must be ready to employ trickery ,
deceit , law-breaking , withholding and concealing truth .
We see this now with the Clintons` total amorality .
Eastman`s presents HilaireBelloc`s 1912 "The Servile State" idea of the
Distributive State in which ' free citizens are normally found to
be possessors of land or capital, or both. ' This clearly is what
is coming to pass . ! 1912 !
|14:15| RonPaul (rL-TX) : Son asked if Gov knows his name and
address to remind him to register for draft , then what do they need him to
register for . Great speach against draft . Conscription is incompatible
with notion of Individual Liberty .
|15:17| C-Span : Eloise Anderson ; Claremont Inst : Mama`s Wisdom :
If you are going to have children , get a husband . Marriage is not a
recreation ; it is about raising children . |
Black Women have to be made to feel free to marry outside of race .
============================: THU.SEP,990909 :============================
What total Y2K bushwa is being predicted for this date :
9999 supposedly is a shut down code for some computers . Huh ? It`s obviously
990909 unless the encoding is terminally byzantine . And what is a computer
doing executing a data file of dates anyway .
! Art Gallery Season Opening - SoHo & Chelsea !
18-20| 470 Broome F2 .
18-20| Creighton Michael @ Kim Foster 529 W 20 | Cristinrose .
20-23| 119 Mercer . Skirt . RSVP
============================: FRI.SEP,990910 :============================
[ 9909141127| I paid $50 to ThomasWithers , one of the
essentially homeless gallery bums I know I ran into Thu evening , for floor
washing Fri PM . I didn`t ask his SS# , tho I think he has one .
I pulled up the irritatingly incomplete : 7: Publication 926, Household
Employer's Tax Guide; Do You Need To Pay Employment Taxes? to find out
what accounting might be needed . I guess None . :
You should withhold the employee's share of social security and Medicare
taxes if you expect to pay your household employee cash wages of $1,100 or
more in 1999 .
So , you have to predict . I`m lucky here . This late in the year , no way .
I especially like : This is one of the State`s stupidest but effective
ruses to hide the bite It takes out of all of our transactions .
All I care about is the gross amount Tom`s work costs me . All Tom cares
about is how much he walks out the door with . From both of our perspective
the chunk in between that the State Takes is Taken from Both of us , so
any spliting of the accounting is just meaningless pointless Busy Work .
============================: SAT.SEP,990911 :============================
10-12| Queens Cnty Libertarians NYC Charter - Unlimited . Bohemian Hall .
============================: MON.SEP,990913 :============================
Finished reading : Frederic Wakeman : " The Hucksters " , 1946 .
The Advertising Business in age of Soap Radio - War time .9 tax rates .
Interestingly Open End .
============================: TUE.SEP,990914 :============================
8:30-13| eCommerce Personalization . NY . ( other cities other dates )
-15| AllyCat NE Venture Conf
-16| Computer Telephony Javits .
18-20| Feldman . 31 Mercer .
19:30| Libertarian Book Club / Anarchist Forum : Lyn Gerry :Pacifica & WBAI ,
Lyn Gerry , freepacifica.com
122 W. 27th St. ( 6 << 7 Av ) Fl 10 , To right . Donations .
WBAI is well known in NYC as an alternative talk station . I
never have listened to it ( I don`t spend time in a car ) , but I hear lots
of references to it . One woman in audience in Non-profits herself said
there was no reason that WBAI should not be making good money . It was
interesting to see these radicals , who dispite there claimed Anarchism ,
tend to yearn for Socialist ' equality ' waking to the ascendence of a
tyranny in their own structure . CoSy Notes
============================: WED.SEP,990915 :============================
12-14| PRDI LUNCHEON on DRUG POLICY : Hon. Nicholas Katznebach,
former US att'y gen'l : "Drug Policy and the Rule of Law" . HARMONIE CLUB ,
4 E. 60th , $50 RSVP 212-362-1964
[ 990910,12:31| c< PRDI confirm 0915 . ] CoSy Notes in WarOn(Some)Drugs
Spend Spend Spend . Move that (Taken) Money .
============================: THU.SEP,990916 :============================
See comments on push for $135M for DoE Solar Energy support GlobalWarming
Includes an example of the sort of off the cuff computations at which the
CoSy/NoteComputer continues to have no peer that I know of .
|18:53| ABC News : 140K Deaths % yr from perscription drugs
Tropical Storm Floyd contributed to my not getting to :
17-20| Salena Gal , Bkln Campus , LI U . 1 U Plaza . JideOjo & others .
============================: FRI.SEP,990917 :============================
19-| 140 2Av ( 8<<9th ) . RobRob ;
farewell ( bring Pig pik ) took Kewanee Hog Fest plate image .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.SEP,990919 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
21| ABC TV : John Stossel : Is US still #1 ?
============================: MON.SEP,990920 :============================
c< WCBS - BobbyDavis . frm Utah - interesting conversation |11:49|
|13:14| BrianLamb with :
MattDrudge being sued by WhiteHouse ( SidBlumenthal ) for $30M .
Plans to depose Lockhart | Drudgereport.com was Hacked . Defaced front page
MichaelKinsley : what slime . Henry George is favorite economist .
Self described "Stoned" Caller
I believe in Hanging the DIM ocrats together
like they Hung with the Clintons .
CSPAN-2 : |16:32| What Statist Crap hearings ,
KitBond(sR-MO) & Kerry(sD-KS?) , on Retail Slotting fees . Is Bond being
paid ? Stupid .
============================: TUE.SEP,990921 :============================
8:30-10| Intellectual Property . Kenyon & Kenyon . 120 Bwy F33 . RSVP
18-20| LIFER . 55 5th @ 12th . Schachter / Rove
20:30| Danny Fast Fingers : Acoustic Guitar . Av A @ 6th . Sidwalk Cafe .
============================: WED.SEP,990922 :============================
7:30-10| LTBN William E. Kilmer : Getting Your Business Wired . $25
|9:26| CSPAN : 1st Min Wage : 1938 : .25 % hr | 44 hr limit .
People were hiring . Was FDR reason for Packing Supreme court which had
upheld right to contract | WA state law precedent .
MW is @ "poverty" level for 2 people . | 5.25 x 2000 |>| 10500 | $
MW : .6 women , .85 single heads of households .
Dem argue Repubs voted to increase own pay .
most min wage : .4 fast food | Small Busn Tax breaks .
Caller from Bangor ME : just cut gov Tax .
|10:54| CSPAN : HoRs : Milk Prices based on distance from EauClare WI & end
use . since `37 | TIME to DISMANTLE NEW DEAL
11-15| WTC Plaza : Dine Around Downtown Sample lots of Restaurants .
============================: THU.SEP,990923 :============================
|7:23| Atumnal Equinox |
12-14| Centre for Civil Innovation Michael Greve : Real Federalism :
Forcing states to bear consequences of taxes & regs , Federalism mimics in
the government sector . private market variety , choice & completion .
Harvard Club , 27 W 44 RSVP : 212-599-7000:410 .
16:15| NYSBC (OPI)9909 Opinion Research Corp . Harry`s @ Hanover Sq .
Evening| Heart of Devotion : Ram Dass & Krishna Das . Synod House , St.John
the Divine . Tiks : 212-358-3552 Eastwest Books 212-721-4000
============================: SAT.SEP,990925 :============================
16-18| Cork Gal. AveryFisher Hall , Lincoln Ctr | Street Painters , M.Heise
16-19| 594 Bwy . Eno .
21-2| 111 W 42 . Dirty Artists . Donation $5 .
Rave Soundlab Bkln Navy Yard .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.SEP,990926 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11:00| Culver : Afternoon w Yankees .
evening| Heart of Devotion : Ram Dass & Krishna Das . Synod House , St.John
the Devine . Tiks : 212-358-3552 Eastwest Books 212-721-4000
============================: MON.SEP,990927 :============================
7:30-17| Equities Mag Discovery Day 7 . Grand Hyatt . 42 & Lex .
============================: WED.SEP,990929 :============================
|14:4| Been incomunicato since 0923 moving CoSy to a new
Sony from the IBM Thinkpads I`ve used the last # of years .