============================: THU.APR,990401 :============================
18:30| Niederhoffer LibertarianJunto NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 . JamesBovard
author "Freedom In Chains" : The federal government issues new regulations
at the rate of 200 pages per day. CoSyNotes
============================: SAT.APR,990403 :============================
Hardware bandwidth falling behind Internet Growth Michel Desbard EET
16-20| 529 W 20 | Gang Gal : SukranAziz
|0:4| TNT Monstervision : JoeBobBriggs : Cogito Eggo sum =
I thing therefore I`m a frozen waffle .
============================: MON.APR,990405 :============================
|10:15| CSPAN : Rally against Police Brutality : Megan Ortiz
very powerful . Giuliani & Sapir still don`t get it . A core thing many of
the speakers fail to appreciate is that the Police State supresses everyone
, including fellow caucasians . Witness the Perjury in court of the little
dictator who seized my Motorboard . I mentioned to one of the black
women around the Gallery scene Saturday that I feel much safer when around a
groups of cops containing at least 1 non-white . I trust them to be more
human .
Pathetic to hear these people imploring Bill Clinton & Janet Reno for help .
But never forget , THERE ARE GOOD OFFICERS too . I have had conversations
with cops , one in particular , occasioned by my Motorboard , which were
very rational and Libertarian . Essentially the oficer`s view was that their
job is to enforce the laws that the population votes for . The population
needs to get its act together and vote more accurately .
The Connection between the growing Police State and the War on (Some) Drugs ,
now expanding to seizure of autos at roadblocks on the basis of a chemical
breath test .
MarkThompson UMOJA Party , Organizer | JoeMadison : We are equal | Strange
when Speakers blame ' Corporate America ' when so clearly this is purely the
State | Pretty small crowd | DamonWalters . National Action Network .
Teenager : Problem not lack of science . Powerful .
|12:15| GOT to get back to Tax Calcs
============================: TUE.APR,990406 :============================
16:15| NYSBC(ETW)9904 Harry`s @ Hanover Sq .
Elizabethtown Water Co . NYSE .
18-21| BobDombrowski @ ModernElectricGal 297 Grove JerseyCity 201-333-5443
============================: WED.APR,990407 :============================
18-20| 537 Bwy @ Spring Fl2 . WilliamStone @ EmilyHarvey Gal .
============================: THU.APR,990408 :============================
12| Genetronics (GEB) . Harvard Clb . 27 w 44 . 800-245-2379
18:30-21| Eric Iverson , J Language NYPC C++ and Java SIG, IBM ,
590 Mad @ 57 RSVP : Anne Faust
============================: SAT.APR,990410 :============================
15-18| 594 Bwy #404 . AmosEno . WaltSwales Sculpture
18-20| 31 Mercer . Feldman | 470 Broome . Lombard|Freid
18-20| 529 W 20 . Cristinerose
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.APR,990411 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
From Electronic Design 0405 : Micron scale Art doodles hiding
on computer chips . Also , from article on new hi voltage Philips chips : 1
micron equals about 2000 atoms .
============================: MON.APR,990412 :============================
-13| China High-Tech Industry and Business Opportunities . Sheraton at
Newark Airport , NJ .
Contact : pingtao yan ee stnt
|11:27| GezaJeszenszky : Hungarian Amb to US : New NATO memb
next door to problem . Worried about 300k Hungarians in Vojvodina :
First the Criminals must be removed .
|18:41| Great !! Clinton found guilty of Contempt of Court by Judge Susan
Weber Wright .
============================: THU.APR,990415 :============================
Hits eow Thu,0415 | RND 1888 x .80 .11 .09 |>| 1510 208 170 | US , Intnl , ?
MSNBC : Laura Ingram : Kosovo : 2B$ so far . There goes any surplus .
============================: SAT.APR,990417 :============================
4-6| 745 5th . McKee Gal . Daisy Youngblood new sculpture
Clintons : imagine the ability of the the greatest artist in your opinion --
to take your mind someplace unexpected .
This is the ability of the Greatest Con Artists of our century to convince
You that they know better how to spend Your money than You do .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.APR,990418 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|11:48| There`s an expansion gap in the FDR Drive that lets a line
of Sun cut its SouthSt covering Shadow .
============================: MON.APR,990419 :============================
|12:31| C-SPAN : DavidWalker GAO.gov . SS , etc Trusts required to invest
in US Treasurys . Debt to nonGov going down is . By definition Trust
Surpluses invested in Gov Treasuries . What are implcations as NonGov ratio
goes to 0 ?
============================: TUE.APR,990420 :============================
18| Strategic Web Apps & DigCommerce Merril Warkentin . Northeastern U
============================: WED.APR,990421 :============================
18-20| 594 Bwy #402 . AltMuseum Grp .
|16:3| CSPAN : TomCoburn(rR-OK) CO company sued by SS to prevent
listing Company .0765 portion of tax on Employees pay stubs . SS won !?
1st Ammendment ?
============================: THU.APR,990422 :============================
18| 1251 6th Fl.20 ( Philips ) . NYSigAPL : Phil Benkard . Fns & Obs .
============================: FRI.APR,990423 :============================
15:30-18| Cork Gal @ AveryFisher , LincolnCtr . MyronHeise & grp
============================: SAT.APR,990424 :============================
-25| NY Libertarian Convention -- CoSyNotes
16-22,&25,15-20| diaspora-now Gal . 80 St Nicholas Pl #18 . AndersonPilgrim
15-17| 594 Bwy #404 . AmosEno .
18-20| 426 Broome . MaryDelahoyd Gal : JohnTurturro
============================: TUE.APR,990427 :============================
-29| Internet&E-Commerce Javits
============================: WED.APR,990428 :============================
NY Acad Sci PeterGalison :
Post Kuhnian Tool based view of Scientific Progress .
============================: THU.APR,990429 :============================
Hits eow Thu,0429 | RND 2932 x .73 .14 .13 |>| 2140 410 381 | US , Intnl , ?