============================: FRI.JAN,990101 :============================
* H A P P Y N E W Y E A R * US Pop : 271645000 .
3:0| Limelight Afterhours . 6th @ 20th . 212-807-7780 $40
Full Moon .
When people lie to you
They are taking from you
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.JAN,990103 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|10:26| Peck Slip Flood to between 1st & second stair out front
, Already going down . Peck Slip is an answer to the trivia question :
' What street in Manhattan floods a few times per decade ? ' . Since these
are tidal floods , they never last longer than a few hours . There have been
two bad floods - about a meter higher - in the 15 years I`ve been here ,
which killed electricity , heat , and phone for up to a week . Seem to have
gotten a pass this time .
|12:55| I am no longer wasting time listen to any Tube Apolgists ,
Everything now must be directed to educate individuals and at least 12
Democrat Senators as to necessity to Fire the President to save their own
claim to some moral authority .
At parties Thursday and Friday there was no one , even demographically core
liberals , whose defense of the Clintons I could not penetrate with facts .
In particular , many are unaware of the documented details of their gross
treatment of staff and abuse of power for the sake of nepotism in the
Travel Office .
DavidMaraniss : Biographer - The Clinton Enigma . also Gingrich .
Most invasive - anti 1st ammendment - but self-protective .
Mano a mano , Gingrich withered in front of him .
Internal war between good and evil . You reward the good and punish Evil .
|13:45| Hillary : DollyMadison save portrait of Washington rather than Accounts .
Washington wasn`t taking .40 of US money back then .
And He was personally known as an Icon of Honor .
The Govenment is too much with US .
Late or Soon ,
Getting and Spending
It lays waste Our Power . ( w appol to W.Blake )
Inspired by Chris Garvey`s Halloween Haiku he presented at the party Friday .
Halloween Haiku ( Copr.. 1998 CBG )
Time of Halloween;
Scary creatures abound. Some
Will be elected.
============================: MON.JAN,990104 :============================
Will Clinton be remembered for anything other than being the most Corrupt
President US have ever had ? Not really . Everything will be interpreted in
terms of that Fact . The entire period and its people ( US ) will be .
This is a battle of Honest Free Market versus Amoral Coercive State .
Would you chose a Bank run with such In Your Face Corruption ?
NEW : CampaignNY8-2K e-mail Transparency .
ChicTrib Review of my brain damaged Brother Jack`s Artwork
============================: TUE.JAN,990105 :============================
JuddGregg(sR-NH) : Excellent defense of necessity of Binary
choice on Right of a President to commit perjury in personal case .
|18:37| NBC : Great : RobertByrd(sD-WV) bluntly condems arrogant
DIM display at White House SAT.DEC,981219 after Impeachment .
Auto Show : DaimlerChrysler `30s style Wagon+SUV varient reifies correlation
I noticed some time ago . The SportUtility formfactor is a reversion to the
pre- mid`50s more upright , boxier passenger compartment .
============================: THU.JAN,990107 :============================
A thrust of CoSy is that I only have time to learn Exact Generalities .
|13:32| Each Senator gets to keep "gift" pen with which they log in to
Clinton Trial
DIMs do anything to avoid Reality .
-10| ConsumerElectronics LasVagas
18:30| Niederhoffer LibertarianJunto NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 .
============================: FRI.JAN,990108 :============================
|13:49| Li Zhaoxing Chinese Ambassador : See in US no-one , not
even top leader , not subject to law . Let US Prove it so |
W respect to Taiwan and free speach , Li shows self to be Statist tyrant .
CSPAN : MichaelGenovese : George Washington set precedent of honor .
Byrd : great motion to have initial agreement to schedule read in its
entirety . Vote on schedule : 100 0 .
19| WFC WinterGarden . Bang a Can : BrianEno : Music for Airports . ~ hapn .
============================: SAT.JAN,990109 :============================
15-18| Skylight Gal @ RestorationPlz 1368 Fulton BedStuy 718-636-6948 fotos
18-20| Feldman 31 Mercer
18-20| KimFoster . 529 W 20 . JohnKerchner : 6,000,000,000
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.JAN,990110 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DIMs : BarbaraBoxer : pervasive illogic and misstatement .
Right about putting off State of Union would show interferring w normal
business .
If what Rep Cannon said thu(?) : that Schumer was running around pushing Dem
Sens to be sure to make the first vote partisan , he lost big . As did the
Clintons ( distinct from the instituion of the White House . )
Feinsti en : Mentioned TravelGate passing it off as if w/o content .
|12:31| LikeItIs : MolefiKeteAsante ( Temple U Prof ) : Has only book of
AfroAmer History written by AA for Highschool . Not even listed in NYC
Schools . Makes excellent argument for Vouchers or some other way to Free
the Market in K-12 education .
GilNobel : Educational anemia . | Thank you for this very nutritious time .
|16:34| Capra`s Mr Smith Goes to WDC : JimmySteward`s Boy`s camp plan
presented as loan to be paid back by the boys .
============================: TUE.JAN,990112 :============================
|11:24| PhilGramm : Banking cmtte w do lots of oversite .
Great description of centrality of Impeachment and Removal in
Constitution . Statement of how each participant is embodying the essence of
their office .
Does Clinton think about this ? Has he 0 shame ?
|11:49| DanQuayle sounding very knowlegable about ABMs , China .
Attacks now on Renquist :
============================: WED.JAN,990113 :============================
|14:21| TedKoppel comes off Middle & gives great detailed
history of Paula Jones v Clinton . Then fails to affirm that the rights of
an individual in court is of the highest value of the State .
-14| Westergaard/Strain99 Small Cap Oil conf . WaldorfAstoria . recp 17:30 .
18:30| Roger Black . "Web Sites that Work" Great Hall, Cooper Union,
7 E 7 St , Tickets 212-255-4004
============================: THU.JAN,990114 :============================
Westergaard/Strain99 Small Cap Oil conf .
18-21| LennyRosenfeld @ LeonoraVega Gal 143 E 27
18-20| 470 Broome Lombard|Freid .
============================: FRI.JAN,990115 :============================
|12:26| NatHentoff : JohnGhotti approach to obstruction of justice
intimidating cast off objects of his lust .
Giulliani : State of City : 132000 arrested as drug dealers in `98 . 271 gun
homicides down form 1400 in `91 . Cops fired guns less than ever , 8x less
than WDC .
|13:22| The true heads of the senate should work for a
Unanimous conviction . That is the only cover for the Democrats . It is the
symetrical reaction to their almost totally Partisan vote in the House .
Promulgating CoSyGathering990204
============================: SAT.JAN,990116 :============================
|11:12| Perhaps Byrd & some other Sr Senators could introduce a
motion for Unanimous Summary Conviction after Clinton`s 24 hours .
18-20| 529 W 20 . Cristinerose . | SAI Gal 4E |
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.JAN,990117 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Promulgating CoSyGathering990204
|10:28| the Clintons ARE great ' CONfidence ARTIST 's .
McLaughlin painted a beautiful State of the Union speach for Tuesday .
Look at the glorious CORNYucopia BC promised last year .
Then They spent the year trying to tax Cigarette Smokers %2.B$ for their
own good .
DIM GeorgeMichael ; Harken ; Wellstone ( but - for openness ) ; Schumer ;
BarbaraBoxer ! & Bennet(sR-UT) .
(?) : CrisDodd(sD-CT) ; JohnKerry(sD-MA) - Proper Request to also have :
Tripp , Starr , etc . testify ;
GoodHeads : PatrickLeahy(sD-VT) : Legacy of Senate is his Stake . See
surprizes . ; KayBailyHutchinson - openness .
Renquist`s first ruling shows the depth of his study . the Senate is not a
Jury , it is the whole Court .
An elemental wisdom of the voting population is keeping the majority in
Congress the opposite party than the Prez . This may be an advantage over
parlementary systems . `94 showed the quick reaction to what the Clintons`
were doing to nationalize healthcare under their administration .
This also is the real trial for the entire class represented by PaulaJones .
Stephanopolis : ! MichaelJordan : Guilty ! got $20M for endorsing Nike ! !
SteveForbes : No Taxation w/o Resparation .
============================: MON.JAN,990118 :============================
MLKBD | Constructing Mailing List fns in K to do mailing labels for Invites
Missed Thursday : Rogan : Clinton prepared stmnt ends w mention
of ' intimidation of witnesses ' . Had any such thing been alleged within
the court proceedings ?
============================: TUE.JAN,990119 :============================
|13:12| CharlesRuff first misstatement : Motivation to embarrass Prez .
Already lost it . |13:25| used ' Rush to Judgement ' OJ phrase .
|13:37| Tho it would moot my MidWinter Invite , If he as any sense of
Honor , He should use his SoU Address tonite to Resign .
|15:29| Ruff wrap : Not judge Man here , but Office . Exactly Backward .
18| 1345 6th Av . Year 2000 Compliance Constantine Kaniklidis .
============================: WED.JAN,990120 :============================
|12:21| Greenspan strong words about the damage caused by the Minimum Wage ,
which , of course , Clinton wants to raise to | 1 + 5.15 |>| 6.15 | $
As yadda , Clinton`s message was ALL POWER TO THE BUREAUCRACY .
|13:31| GregCraig`s case for Clinton pathetically DIM
|14:40| Presenting Video pointing out that language essentially subset of
sec413 forced sex wording Signed by Clinton himself .
|14:58| A criminal is to be allowed to perjury if 'Surprized' by truth ?
Why do you need to Prepare to Tell the Truth ?
|15:5| ' His goal was to be truthful ' but Missed ?? . That`s a defense ?
This is becoming the palpable HORROR which finally scared everyone about
their plans to Nationalize the Health Industry unter Hillary .
|16:13| Clinton is upholding the Rule of Lawyers against the Rule of Law .
|16:20| I am affraid we are in for a horrible spectical of abuseful use of
Betty Curry by her evil boss . An effort to say it was Monica & Betty
coluding , but Bill had nothing to do with it .
|22:29| The Polls are Unbelievable . How are they sampling ?
Anyone in NYC who thinks Clinton should get a pass , needs to consider that
Giuliani agrees . What if it were him who perjured and induced others to
perjure against them ? USA Today : .25 Clinton Honest , .76 approval .
.79 he lied .
============================: THU.JAN,990121 :============================
NY Software Summit FIT Midtown
|10:25| Nichols : .28 + .15 |>| 43 Marginal rate + state . @ 25000 income .
WilliamRoth(sR-DE) Fed Gov : .25 of GDP | spending 1.7T$
JackKemp v JesseJackson | Chrysler worker & wife income | 75000 |
|10:50| TomHarken(sD-IA) (wed) : Sunshine best Disinfectant .
Debate in public . I think it a propitious occurance .
Will offer preferential motion to open debate of summary judgement .
Republicans should choose this occasion to set a record of a second
Unanimous Agreement .
The Clintons are bringing the State to a Singularity with a Citizen .
The Senate is the Court in
The State v Clinton ,
Excise the Cancer .
|13:13| Kendall DIM DIM DIM DIM
Will the Senate allow itself to be treated as so Dumb .
DaleBumpers DIM Sluffs off Travel Office .
|20:54| Elderly woman broken in on by NYC Drug SWAT raid . 1st this yr .
============================: FRI.JAN,990122 :============================
|9:34| Is Clinton going to be feeling the pain He is causing
Betty Curry necessitating her testimony before the nation by lacking the
Honor to end his destruction of our country ?
Question : Who has (had) a greater sense of Honor , Nixon or Clinton ?
E-mail to : mailto:Senator@dpm.senate.gov Subject: Unanimous Convictions
Dear Senator Moynahan ,
I know a couple of your kids , TJ & Mike(?) thru Baird Jones and John
Westergaard . I mentioned to John in an email back in September :
Re: Moynihan Democrat
Moynihan`s about the best there is .
At least he can do arithmetic -- and believes it .
For sake of your legacy and to restore the Honor of your Party and the
State ,
Please work with the other Honorable Senators to complete a record of
unanamous decisions . For example , unless some of you can go to Bill
Clinton and find somewhere of Honor to Resign and end his Destruction
of our Experiment in Self Rule , it is clear witnesses will have to be
seen . Just go straight to that motion and pass it unanimously .
(sic) Fri, 22 Jan 1999 16:41:07-0500 .
|23:47| If the Democrats are so partisan as to destroy this country , what
will there be to pledge allegance to ?
Menendez Bros , RodneyKing Cops , O.J.Simson , BillClinton
The American Dream is on life support
What a Nightmare
It's time to take to the Streets
============================: SAT.JAN,990123 :============================
|12:57| Please Repubs , agree unanomously w Harken &
Wellstone , & Leahy & Feingold Sunshine rule .
The House Managers were wrong to move unilaterally to speak w Lewinsky .
[ 241036| this complaint appears vacuous ]
|21:52| If the Senate fails to Cleanse the Executive Quickly ,
I will be shopping for a handgun .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.JAN,990124 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
mailto:Senator@dpm.senate.gov Subject: Please pass this Senator
Dear Senator Moynahan ,
Please pass this on to Senator Schumer who apparently is not yet set up to
receive e-mail .
Dear Sen Schumer , |9:43|
Given Mayor Giuliani`s defense of the exemption of Perjurers in High Office
from loss of office , while supporting Commissioner Safir`s plan to seize
automobiles at roadblocks without due process , when one of his police
officers perjured himself again me in a case involving seizure of my
property ,
Given all this , if there are not 12 Democrats with the Honor to cleanse the
State of it`s Criminal Chief , I will be shopping for a gun .
Don`t you people realize you are being suckered into Destroying our Country
defending the indefensible ?
From www.self-gov.org/liberator/ 990123 : from the
Economic Government Group : "actual" Bill of Right :
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to
avoid prosecution by exhausting the legal process and its
practitioners. Failure to succeed shall result in speedy
plea-bargaining. Convicted persons shall be entitled to appeal until
sentence is completed. It shall be unlawful to bar or deter an
incompetent person, but encouraged to bar a fully informed person,
from service on a jury.
16-18| AnnHamilton Aldrich Museum
Ridgefield CT 258 Main Free Bus frm Soho . McArthur winner .
============================: MON.JAN,990125 :============================
If , as the Supreme Court ruled , being President does not
confer immunity against a civil case , I believe they would be quite
receptive to an immediate filing of a Criminal Case against Bill Clinton .
This should be done immediately if 34 or more in the Senate end up abetting
the Clintons` criminality .
I would think prudent Senate Dems , who must understand by now the depth of
the Clintons` criminal enterprise , would get rid of them simply in fear of
what will continue to come out .
Of course , the public acceptance of the Clintons is abetted by DIM lies
like ' nothing was found in TravelGate ' .
If anyone wants to get a foretaste of what Personal Testimony is like , Pull
up the C-SPAN tapes of the 6 libeled and fired and falsely imprisoned career
WH Travel Office workers who were in the way of Bill`s incompetent 25 yr old
, niece or cousin . Hillary , of course , wielded the ax .
|14:4| Perhaps it`s time to form a symetrically bipartisan group to visit the
Clintons and ask them to resign .
|15:21| NicoleSeligman DIM DIM
Again , I ask the Democrats - how dumb does the WH think You are ?
How will people judge You in 2100 when they read these notes ?
Nicole is inviting criminal proscecution . Go For It
!!! SUPER !!! DIM . Exile him ?
Byrd could reclaim his Stature by chosing to now withdraw his motion .
|16:12| Can`t get on CoSy.com to upload above .
JohnWestergaard has devastating perception of Clinton`s State of the
Union palaver .
Woman Caller : Only difference between PaulaJones and MonicaLowinsky is
that one said yes and one said no .
|16:50| CoSy.com not responding .
|22:19| I really have pretty completely stopped listening to DIM comentary ,
but just clicked by Jeff Greenfield being uncharacteristically stupid .
There is a simple way to end this quickly . The Senate can just tell the
Clintons to resign , or , like you do with a puppy , everyone`s face will be
rubbed into their excrement until they catch on where the stench is coming
from . Time and History are on the side of Honor , which , it happens , is
the Repubs .
============================: TUE.JAN,990126 :============================
|8:50| They`d be in Jail if not in Our White House Fire them .
Have the Clintons found the FATAL flaw in the US Constitution -
that Truth was such a prerequisite for Honor , that they didn`t think to
include its lack , Perjury , in the Impeachment clause .
' Convict & leave in Office ' ?! Talk about Emasculating the System !!
|13:38| Kerry DIM Don`t you feel the slime on you ?
Make no Mistake , it is the Democrats that are on trial with the Clintons .
|14:13| Rogan : first quoting of Hillary : Ministering to 100s out of
religious conviction .
If Democrats have any sense of self-preservation they better start looking
for lifeboats .
|14:43| Just how stupid does the Kendall et al think Senators and the rest
of us are ? Amazing to hear them reference Kafka & Darkness at Noon .
|14:55| While the Living Satan spouts about Justice for All at the skirts of
the Pope visiting St Louis .
============================: WED.JAN,990127 :============================
Excellent result that Witness list is just Lewinsky & Clinton
co-conspiritors - leaving it up to the MudHouse to call BettyCurrie if they
feel subjecting her to the experience will help them . |10:55|
|12:55| started all day ticket to Godzilla
attacks thE Fish Market . ( too dark ;
kinda stupid ; Impressive Dyno crowd animation , but dark ; looks like CD
game footage . )
*** Russ Feingold MN ***
*** Alone , Honorable among Democrats ***
Perhaps he feels JessieVentura`s implication more than most .
The DIM ocrats are Unbelievably Arrogant Criminals !!!
With this vote , they are even ignoring their vaunted polls , which I
understand were about .68 for witnesses as of yesterday .
' Belief in Honesty ' now being labeled ' Conservative '
============================: THU.JAN,990128 :============================
> CHICago . to tie up issues caused substantially by complexity
of IRS rules & their failure to keep good records . Also Illinois State
beauracracy on my brother JackArmstrong `s guardianship
=HP=========================: FRI.JAN,990129 :============================
Staying @ cousin Jean & Harvey`s . Brought a hanging Duck & # of CrispyPork
& 3 pigeons from NYC ChinaTown . Last night , much enjoyed watching Harvey
expertly & efficiently replace the R.F. wheel bearing on one of his old
Caddy Eldorados without a helping hand .
We who hate the Clintons , hate them because they are the Modern Face of Evil
18-20| 537 Bwy . Emily Harvey Gallery .