Subject: RE: I plan to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat .
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 17:00:14 -0500
From: "Jens Fiederer"
Jens worked with me back in Rochester NY ~ `81 . I can`t
believe some of my misspellings in the original copy
Good luck. Wrong district for you to get my vote (although I do vote
Libertarian almost whenever I get a chance).
Your spelling is getting better.
-----Original Message-----
Liars. Liers would be more like couch potatoes. I looked 'lier'
up and found it .
I've kind of missed correcting your spelling, thanks for the opportunity!
Subject: Re: Recent events & commentary
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 11:33:01 +0000
From: "John Westergaard"
I encourage you to run but I don't vote: it just encourages the bastards.
> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 10:52:04 -0500
> Subject: Recent events & commentary
> John ,
> After getting the e-mail cited below out to BobBarr , et al ,
> yesterday morning I went for a walk to J&R`s giant Cigar emporium
> by Wall & Pearl , and wandered on down to the Battery and Holocaust
> Museum ( first time I`ve been over there since it was built ) .
> I stopped in at the Financial History Museum at 26 Broadway .
> Interesting to see your listing as trustee in their magazine .
> Re: NYSE expansion : the idea of the Government subsidizing the central
> market place of Capitalism in clearly stupid plans is a grotesque
> example of how corrupt and out of control the Governments have
> gotten .
> But , the Government reducing their Tax burden down here has
> contributed to the area`s resurgence .
> -- BobArmstrong --
John Westergaard
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I am surprised John , who is friend of and Y2K consultant to ,
Pat Moynahan has given up voting .
Subject: Re: Recent events & commentary
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 11:48:17 -0500
From: BobArmstrong
To: John Westergaard
John Westergaard wrote:
> I encourage you to run but I don't vote: it just encourages the
> bastards.
I guess you`re East Side anyway .
Jesse The Mind won largely on Never Had a Reason to Before voters .
-- BobArmstrong --
I used Airhitch to get to Europe for the APL conference in Roma Italy
at the height of the season last summer for $370 . Essentially they supply a
list of flights leaving regional airports which are running with extra
space . I ended up catching Icelandic to Luxembourg from where I took an
overnight train down to Roma . The staff impressed me as being real
WebHeads .
[ TUE.DEC,981201,16:41-4| I recieved clarification from Airhitch that the
correspondence below is from and ' in no way
reflects the opinions of the Airhitch(r) Online Staff as a whole. '
I have emended the e-mail addresses below to reflect this . ]
Subject: Re: I plan to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat .
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 08:53:52 -0800
From: [ ]
>At 04:52 PM 11/24/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> [ ] wrote:
>>> How do you figure Clinton as a "sexual predator"? If Clinton is a "sexual
>>> predator" then EVERY male is, at some time in his life, one.
>> When they are married and claim the moral authority to be Mommy and Daddy
>> to our Global Village ?
> That's a separate issue. Whether or not their value system agrees with
> yours does not influence whether one is a "sexual predator". "Hypocrite,"
> perhaps; "bullshitter," almost definitely.
In their hypocrisy They MADE the law that a man must reveal his sexual past
if a woman charges him with harrassment . If We have to live by laws They
create , so do They .
ChrisGarvey`s great Clinton Poem expresses this beautifully .
What hypocrisy for Clinton to sign the latest attempt to limit Web content
deemed "harmful to minors."
The only way to remove any of the stain he ( and she ) have have brought
upon our
WhiteHouse is to get them out of it ASAP .
> But "predation" is an exploitative thing and I have seen no evidence that
> any of the wimmin Clinton fooled around with were exploited in ANY way. Au
> contraire, it seems to me they have served their own interests very well.
Then how come a substantial number of them have been doing their damnedest
to take him down ? Surfing Sun pm , I saw some absolute trashing of him by
some ex-Miss America or something which unfortunately I didn`t note .
Bottom line , she considered him quite dangerous .
> As for Hillary, she certainly doesn't seem to have any complaints.
That`s a good question . Why doesn`t She ?
Look what she did to the Travel office workers
while trying to nationalize the medical industry under their management
They have a devils` pact of mendacity .
> and even if she did, that's between THEM and has nothing to do with
> "predation". She has not been questioned under oath about HER sexual and
> emotional life, so we don't know what her sexuality is like.
> For you to sit there on a high and mighty moral pedestal and call Clinton
> "predatory" is a real JOKE -- and, trust me, a joke 90% of the electorate
> will see through.
I thought a lot about your comments on my description ' serial sexual
predator ' I`m sure there must be some standard term of art in harrasment
case law , but when you do , over years , they things a number of women say
he has ... What word would you like .
>> Do you lie to your mates ?
> I don't have any "mates", but if I did, whether or not I lied to them would
> have nothing to do with "predation". People
lie all the time about all sorts
> of things, and high on that list of "things" is sex, but that doesn't make
> them "predators". Your metaphor stinks. And by the you know where
> it comes from? It's an animal-behavior term, first used by Darwin to
> describe feeding behavior of species. To "prey upon" literally means to
> "kill and devour." Applying it to sexuality, which is a much more
> controversial and complex area of behavior than feeding behavior, is WAY
> out of bounds linguistically. If you can show me one shred of evidence that
> any of the wimmin Clinton had liaisons with truly feel physically harmed
> or damaged in any way, so that they could qualify for the description of
> having been "killed and eaten" (well, eaten, maybe, but presumably they
> would have gotten as much pleasure out of that as he did!), then I will
> begin to consider that you might have a brain in your head.
His 'defense' is that he did NOTHING to pleasure ML .
> "Sexual predation" could only be equated with RAPE. There can be no
> "predation" between consenting adults. And no one, not even Kenneth Starr,
> alleges that there was anything non-consensual about any of this. Further,
> you demean wimmin when you argue (by your use of this metaphor) that they
> are just weak and defenseless creatures upon whom males "prey". So I would
> strongly suggest, if you want to get elected, that you adjust your metaphors
> to the temper of the times -- for you will not find much sympathy among the
> electorate in general, at least not among those voters who have a brain in
> their head, for this kind of hyperbolic misuse of language.
Frankly you lost me . Why this total hang up on the use of one descriptor ?
Bottom line , a woman filed suit claiming an "unwanted sexual advance" by
Bill C. under laws he supported , and in some cases signed , which have made
such things causes of action which have cost many men and corporations , in
particular , many millions of dollars of costs and damages . A boss is
required to answer questions about any other relationships with employees .
This man personifying the character of US , Lied .
Subject: Re: I plan to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat .
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 20:33:28 +0000
From: Bob Hoekstra
Organization: Hoekstra Systems Ltd
Bob Armstrong wrote:
> Pardon my spam , but I have reason to believe you may be interested in the
> letter below :
Hi - this is fascinating news. Good luck with this, keep us informed.
Armstrong in the White House?
Bob Hoekstra: APL & Unix Consultant
Tele: +44 (0)1483 771028
Home email: