============================: MON.NOV,981123 :============================
| JobHREF JOB |>| BobBarrLtr981123 |#|
cc: JeroldNadler , RonPaul , Broadcast .
Dear Rep. Barr ,
I plan to run as a Libertarian to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat
unless there is a Libertarian with more passion than me whom I will support
instead . I would like to run as a fusion candidate with the Republicans
also if possible .
I will visit every community in this district to explain to why
anyone who condones dishonor wears that stain themselves .
Nixon`s hubris was to lie to the people about second hand actions .
Clinton`s is , as a serial sexual predator , to lie about his own conduct to
a woman claiming behavior consistent with his history .
Without Honor , there is chaos . Consider the American mythology :
Washington ( The man ) - could not tell a lie .
Honest Abe Lincoln .
With Liberty and JUSTICE for all .
Perjury - lack of Honor - may not have been enumerated in the Constitution
because it is prerequisite for any of the others to have meaning - indeed
for anything to have meaning .
Clinton must be impeached and convicted to save the Stature of the
Presidency and Integrity of our Experiment in collective self rule .
Otherwise the State shows Itself to be criminal .
The greater number of Democrats since November 3 simply increases the burden
on them to be counted among the Liars or the TruthTellers .
I suggest we conduct a poll . At 11:58 AM the day before the vote , Every one
who understands that the Honor of Government itself and their own Personal
claim to Justice in Court is at stake , Get Off the phone for 4 minutes .
See how the country could get along without US .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
On the other hand , Representatve Barr , according to Liberator Online
I was appalled to see that you are responsible for an attempt to remove the
Franchise to Vote , itself , from Washington DC Residents in your Statist
prosecution of your War on (Some) Drugs .
Bob Barr (R-Ga.) sponsored an amendment to
the D.C. appropriations bill that prohibits the District from using
money on ballot initiatives that would "legalize or otherwise reduce
penalties" for users of marijuana.
This may be the first time in American history that the federal government
has concealed the results of an election.
How is a citizen to choose between a Despotism of Hypocrisy and a
Despotism of Criminalization of large segments of the Population for what
is essentially their diet .
Your Truly , | DDT |>| MON.NOV,981123,7:55-4
BobArmstrong -- BobA -- CoherentSystems
212-285-1864 http://cosy.com
42 PeckSlip 4B | NYC NY 10038 bob@cosy.com
Webster`s New World Dictionary , Simon&Schuster (`86) :
Psychopathic personality : a person whose behavior is largely amoral and
asocial and who is characterized by irresponsibility , lack of remorse or
shame , perverse or impulsive (often criminal) behavior , and other serious
personality defects , generally without psychotic attacks or symptoms .
asocial : 2. showing little concern for the welfare of others; selfish .
Original , unspell checked
Subject: RE: I plan to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat .
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 17:00:14 -0500
From: "Jens Fiederer"
Jens worked with me back in Rochester NY ~ `81 . I can`t
believe some of my misspellings in the original copy
Good luck. Wrong district for you to get my vote (although I do vote
Libertarian almost whenever I get a chance).
Your spelling is getting better.
-----Original Message-----
Liars. Liers would be more like couch potatoes. I looked 'lier'
up and found it .
I've kind of missed correcting your spelling, thanks for the opportunity!
Subject: Re: Recent events & commentary
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 11:33:01 +0000
From: "John Westergaard"
I encourage you to run but I don't vote: it just encourages the bastards.
> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 10:52:04 -0500
> Subject: Recent events & commentary
> John ,
> After getting the e-mail cited below out to BobBarr , et al ,
> yesterday morning I went for a walk to J&R`s giant Cigar emporium
> by Wall & Pearl , and wandered on down to the Battery and Holocaust
> Museum ( first time I`ve been over there since it was built ) .
> I stopped in at the Financial History Museum at 26 Broadway .
> Interesting to see your listing as trustee in their magazine .
> Re: NYSE expansion : the idea of the Government subsidizing the central
> market place of Capitalism in clearly stupid plans is a grotesque
> example of how corrupt and out of control the Governments have
> gotten .
> But , the Government reducing their Tax burden down here has
> contributed to the area`s resurgence .
> -- BobArmstrong -- http://CoSy.com
John Westergaard john@westergaard.com
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I am surprised John , who is friend of and Y2K consultant to ,
Pat Moynahan has given up voting .
Subject: Re: Recent events & commentary
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 11:48:17 -0500
From: BobArmstrong
To: John Westergaard
John Westergaard wrote:
> I encourage you to run but I don't vote: it just encourages the
> bastards.
I guess you`re East Side anyway .
Jesse The Mind won largely on Never Had a Reason to Before voters .
-- BobArmstrong -- http://CoSy.com
I used Airhitch to get to Europe for the APL conference in Roma Italy
at the height of the season last summer for $370 . Essentially they supply a
list of flights leaving regional airports which are running with extra
space . I ended up catching Icelandic to Luxembourg from where I took an
overnight train down to Roma . The staff impressed me as being real
WebHeads .
[ TUE.DEC,981201,16:41-4| I recieved clarification from Airhitch that the
correspondence below is from chas.baxter@iname.com and ' in no way
reflects the opinions of the Airhitch(r) Online Staff as a whole. '
I have emended the e-mail addresses below to reflect this . ]
Subject: Re: I plan to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat .
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 08:53:52 -0800
From: [ chas.baxter@iname.com ]
>At 04:52 PM 11/24/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> [ chas.baxter@iname.com ] wrote:
>>> How do you figure Clinton as a "sexual predator"? If Clinton is a "sexual
>>> predator" then EVERY male is, at some time in his life, one.
>> When they are married and claim the moral authority to be Mommy and Daddy
>> to our Global Village ?
> That's a separate issue. Whether or not their value system agrees with
> yours does not influence whether one is a "sexual predator". "Hypocrite,"
> perhaps; "bullshitter," almost definitely.
In their hypocrisy They MADE the law that a man must reveal his sexual past
if a woman charges him with harrassment . If We have to live by laws They
create , so do They .
ChrisGarvey`s great Clinton Poem expresses this beautifully .
What hypocrisy for Clinton to sign the latest attempt to limit Web content
deemed "harmful to minors."
The only way to remove any of the stain he ( and she ) have have brought
upon our WhiteHouse is to get them out of it ASAP .
> But "predation" is an exploitative thing and I have seen no evidence that
> any of the wimmin Clinton fooled around with were exploited in ANY way. Au
> contraire, it seems to me they have served their own interests very well.
Then how come a substantial number of them have been doing their damnedest
to take him down ? Surfing Sun pm , I saw some absolute trashing of him by
some ex-Miss America or something which unfortunately I didn`t note .
Bottom line , she considered him quite dangerous .
> As for Hillary, she certainly doesn't seem to have any complaints.
That`s a good question . Why doesn`t She ?
Look what she did to the Travel office workers
while trying to nationalize the medical industry under their management .
They have a devils` pact of mendacity .
> and even if she did, that's between THEM and has nothing to do with
> "predation". She has not been questioned under oath about HER sexual and
> emotional life, so we don't know what her sexuality is like.
> For you to sit there on a high and mighty moral pedestal and call Clinton
> "predatory" is a real JOKE -- and, trust me, a joke 90% of the electorate
> will see through.
I thought a lot about your comments on my description ' serial sexual
predator ' I`m sure there must be some standard term of art in harrasment
case law , but when you do , over years , they things a number of women say
he has ... What word would you like .
>> Do you lie to your mates ?
> I don't have any "mates", but if I did, whether or not I lied to them would
> have nothing to do with "predation". People lie all the time about all sorts
> of things, and high on that list of "things" is sex, but that doesn't make
> them "predators". Your metaphor stinks. And by the way...do you know where
> it comes from? It's an animal-behavior term, first used by Darwin to
> describe feeding behavior of species. To "prey upon" literally means to
> "kill and devour." Applying it to sexuality, which is a much more
> controversial and complex area of behavior than feeding behavior, is WAY
> out of bounds linguistically. If you can show me one shred of evidence that
> any of the wimmin Clinton had liaisons with truly feel physically harmed
> or damaged in any way, so that they could qualify for the description of
> having been "killed and eaten" (well, eaten, maybe, but presumably they
> would have gotten as much pleasure out of that as he did!), then I will
> begin to consider that you might have a brain in your head.
His 'defense' is that he did NOTHING to pleasure ML .
> "Sexual predation" could only be equated with RAPE. There can be no
> "predation" between consenting adults. And no one, not even Kenneth Starr,
> alleges that there was anything non-consensual about any of this. Further,
> you demean wimmin when you argue (by your use of this metaphor) that they
> are just weak and defenseless creatures upon whom males "prey". So I would
> strongly suggest, if you want to get elected, that you adjust your metaphors
> to the temper of the times -- for you will not find much sympathy among the
> electorate in general, at least not among those voters who have a brain in
> their head, for this kind of hyperbolic misuse of language.
Frankly you lost me . Why this total hang up on the use of one descriptor ?
Bottom line , a woman filed suit claiming an "unwanted sexual advance" by
Bill C. under laws he supported , and in some cases signed , which have made
such things causes of action which have cost many men and corporations , in
particular , many millions of dollars of costs and damages . A boss is
required to answer questions about any other relationships with employees .
This man personifying the character of US , Lied .
Subject: Re: I plan to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat .
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 20:33:28 +0000
From: Bob Hoekstra
Organization: Hoekstra Systems Ltd
Bob Armstrong wrote:
> Pardon my spam , but I have reason to believe you may be interested in the
> letter below :
Hi - this is fascinating news. Good luck with this, keep us informed.
Armstrong in the White House?
Bob Hoekstra: APL & Unix Consultant
Tele: +44 (0)1483 771028
Home email: Bob.Hoekstra@khamsin.demon.co.uk