Tony & Gail Poland vs Robert Armstrong
Let no good deed go unpunished
- The Polands rented space for 1 camping trailer for $250 per month , 2019 Jan 11 . ( 2 & a half not 3 & a half years ago ) http://www.cosy.com/ResidentialServices/Private/y21/Agreement%20to%20past%20and%20going%20forward%20,%20interim%20report.html
- The end of May 2019 , I asked Gail Poland to take over general property management , and ceased charging rent .
- The Polands built an unauthorized structure appended to legacy stable structures
Tony's negligence , they burned down the structure , the area
around it , their trailer and all their possessions leaving them
destitute . I think a reasonable assessment of the damage to the
property would be $10,000 to $15,000 .
- Rather than evicting them then , I gave them use of my
CitiCard to buy tools to get back on their feet .They charged
I also gave them use of my
Isuzu Rodeo which I sold to them at their suggested price of $3500 2019/12/30 .
2019 | Paid | 1155.00 for RV space 5 months .
2021 | Paid 1317. toward Rodeo and CitiCard | net 3442.01 additional charges .
2021 | $100 while using 2 RV trailer & 1 cabin . Equivalent rent $900 per mo .
- Were well compensated for their agreed property management work .
- Continually did unauthorized work for their own benefit , some very destructive .
- Never paid for Isuzu Rodeo bought for $3500 .
- Numerous unauthorized unfinished projects which will require significant costs to repair .
- Criminally cut wires to tenant's cabin . Lied about it .
- Assaulted me when I tried to video Tony's rage at notion of
cleaning up garage giving me bleeding nose and lip , and possibly eye
damage .
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