
On the personal level here in Teller County CO this is the hell I must deal with

Still Seeking an Eviction Lawyer to End this Nightmare .

You don't start assaulting someone
by taking their picture
[ You also don't assault someone with your reading glasses on ]

I was assaulted . It is unambiguous . I had my phone in my hand trying to get it into video mode to record Tony Poland going into a rage , but he knocked the phone out of my hands and I , sedentary , 76 year old , my waking hours sitting at my computer , proved utterly defenseless against a 52 year old daily manual worker who trivially ripped the walking stick I have because of an immobile left ankle since a climbing accident half a century ago . I can't possible reach an agile man a quarter century younger who simply moves a few steps away .
2021-08-04 14:37
2021-08-04 15:02
2021-0804 16:43

Poland creed
I immediately called Teller Sheriff's . Tony lied and claimed it was mutual . No , It was assault  provoked by the attempt to record his rage . I simply went into the garage to get another tenant's weed whacker since I had fired the Polands from all responsibilities on the properties on Aug 1 . The Polands do not and never did have superior rights to other tenants to the use of any out buildings .

When you are living in fear of these people who have been given the run of your property , even the ` right to cut locks and destroy doors , who clearly invade your living space .

One tenant has left because of fear of the Polands and their destruction . He pointed out that the Polands apparently accessed his room and destroyed an outlet just in the past couple of days as he was moving out . He also believes and it may be true that they have stolen a lot of silverware .

There are many more pictures of their destruction at  CoSy.com/ResidentialServices/Private/y21/photos/ .

Discovered 2021-09-01 16:17
Tree Cut Down With No Authorization or Reason

How much more destruction will these Satanists be empowered to do before they are removed ?

I have an appointment in a few hours to get a diagnosis on the floater in my right eye and whether it is likely to be permanent , or if it is correctable thru some modern surgery .

See previous Wed.Aug,20210818

 I am repeating the straight forward evidence posted in Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special of the Polands' criminal sabotage of wiring to a tenant's cabin in order to create work . All of which was inexcusably dismissed .

Subject:  Tony Poland attacked ME , not the other way around
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2021 08:51:35 -0600
From: Bob Armstrong <bob@cosy.com>
To: C Paulsen <paulsenc@co.teller.co.us>
CC: Sabrina McCoy <romeo_69_2@hotmail.com>

Deputy Paulsen , 
The mail system parsed the address wrong when I wrote this last night , but I didn't get notice of it's failure .

I am going to have a Demand for Compliance or Right of Possession served formally by you guys to make the situation clear later .

Here is an image of the wires to my tenant Sabrina McCoy's cabin they went into my personal bathroom cutting her power about a week ago then sending her a rather insane message below claiming it was due to overloading .

It is hard to be more clear cut than cut wires .

These people , while they have over the years done useful work in return for 0 rent , have shown themselves to be the dangerous delusional criminals which caused them to be living in a trailer in the national forest before being offered space for their trailer here . | 0811 |

More at Wed.Aug,20210804_MMM_special .
 Two orders , particularly the second I was terribly naive to not read

An unbelievable inversion of justice .

CoSy  The Shortest Path from the Chip to the Math
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